By Anna Von Reitz
There isn't going to be any "King" Trump. The only king we recognize in this country is Nature's God.
Your actual Employers are telling you to stand down, cease and desist.
The plans to blow up all these landmarks and especially the plans to blow up dams which will cause cataclysmic flooding and cost millions of lives worldwide has to be abandoned.
You fellows think all this pointless fire and brimstone drama will create a smokescreen and better allow you to operate your shadow operations in the background, but it won't.
Just like WWII, we already see where you are coming from and who you are taking your directions from, and it isn't good.
The so-called "QFS" system is Dead on Arrival, and so is the whole "show" you have planned trying to make this into a "movie" ----a brain-washing effort full of gross lies designed to make yourselves look like heroes and to fool the people into accepting more of your blatant war-mongering, profit-seeking, and self-serving nonsense.
The U.S. Army has been in charge of this Shitshow since U.S. Grant and Lincoln. Every nasty thing that has happened in this country is your fault and the fault of the minions you hired to turn profits for you using phony courts and phony elections.
This isn't Hollywood and we are not sheep.
Accept amnesty. Come home. Leave the dams alone.
Your corporations and each and every one of you will be held 100% personally and commercially liable otherwise.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 23rd 2024
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