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Friday, February 2, 2024

International Public Notice: Concurrent General Jurisdiction

 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents

The States of the Union hold concurrent general jurisdiction over all matters, soil, land, air, and water within and immediately adjoining their sea coast borders. 

This means that there is no greater authority vested in any aspect or service provider within the Federal Government; in fact, at best, the Federal Service Providers under contract are operating on authorities delegated to them by the States directly, or via the instrumentality of our venerable Holding Company, The United States of America which is Unincorporated, and which holds and delegates the mutually-held powers delegated to it by the States. 

All States in this country are fully functional and have been enrolled as States of the Union since October the First of 2020, retroactive to the date they first entered Territorial Statehood. 

There is no lapse in government, no basis for a presumption of any abandonment, and no way to come in and change Article 8 and 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code after the fact, so as to assert the existence of a Secured Creditor position for the Federal Reserve System Receivers in Bankruptcy.  

Our claims and the claims of our States predate all that.  

These are fraudulent activities promoted by commercial corporations seeking a means to latch onto assets that never belonged to the fictional DEBTORS in the first place. 

There's not going to be any "Great Taking", or "Resettlement", or all the other words that have been used for such criminality in the past. 

Everyone on Earth who can read knows full well what the Federal Constitutions say and the limitations of the Federal "Powers".  And now everyone also knows that the American Parties to the Constitutions are still here and enforcing them, so any supposition or pretension otherwise is insupportable. 

Our State Courts hold concurrent General Jurisdiction and are the superior authorities with regard to all Americans and American assets, just as the District Courts maintain their authority over U.S. Citizens and matters pertaining to them and their assets. 

Thus, for example, Governor Greg Abbott as a U.S. Citizen may owe loyalty to the British Territorial United States of America, Incorporated, and their service contract obligations, and at the same time, as an American, have reason to enforce the same contract. 

Questions related to the service contract obligations from the standpoint of the Service Provider would go to the U.S. Supreme Court, whereas action to enforce the contract falls under the concurrent General Jurisdiction of our State Court, which holds the supreme authority within the borders of each State.  

Once we dispense with the idea that illegal occupation of our country by mercenary forces constitutes a "war" or can be dignified under The Law of War, we -- and Governor Abbott -- are left with two possible pathways to Justice. 

The first pathway is via the United States District Court, where as Governor Abbott is a U.S. Citizen, he can plead for support of his interpretation of his service contract which very plainly and specifically demands that he secures our borders. 

The second pathway is via the Texas State Court which holds concurrent general jurisdiction and which speaks to and for the Americans living in Texas; then, acting as a Texan, Greg Abbott can sue the Biden Administration in Texas State Court on a number of issues: enforcement of the service contract, physical damages, and economic damages.

If the U.S. Supreme Court attempts to evade the obvious language of The Constitution of the United States of America concerning border security, they will lose credibility. 

Because everyone can read and the language is not complicated or obscure, continuing to collude with the current Administration on the issue of their "Open Borders Policy" will permanently undermine the credibility of the U.S. Supreme Court; this is because the Principals are still bound by contract, and contracts overstand both treaties and corporate policies. 

The State Courts will yield justice for Texas and for Greg Abbott.  Our interpretation of the contract is as straight-forward as the Constitution itself. 

So, this is Notice to the Military that Law of War and Law of Peace equally do not apply to this situation, because The American Civil War and all other wars they have fought since then have been illegal Mercenary Conflicts. 

It is also Notice to the International Community, Governor Abbott, Joe Biden, and all other Parties addressed via email or in hard copy, that our State Courts continue to hold concurrent General Jurisdiction with respect to all Americans and American assets, including American Trust Assets. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 2nd 2024


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