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Monday, January 8, 2024

The Two King Problem

 By Anna Von Reitz

In Europe this problem arises because there are three jurisdictions, air, land, and sea—- and a man only has two legs. 

You have to have standing on the land and soil to be a king, but with the gross proliferation in the number of incorporated entities, including “lost” Protestants “lost at sea” as “human persons” and then all their “intestate ESTATES” benefitting British Crown Corporations, what’s a busy Monarch to do?  

The land and soil is populated  by living people who have been alienated from their names and estates —and cows, of course, a few horses…. Sheep… nice enough, but poor and dull.  

All the action and investment and gambling and reaping of rewards is going on in the Jurisdiction of the Sea and the Jurisdiction of the Air, so of course all the Monarchs want to be there instead.  

They can straddle the sea and the air quite comfortably, but that’s about it, and the bothersome thing is that you have to stand on the land to be King…. 

As you all now know, the Crowns all come from the Pope and during the Napoleonic Era the then-Pope tried to help with this dilemma by ginning up the office and title and crown of the Emperor. 

Emperors obviously are different than plain old workaday Kings.  And because Emperor is an office of the Holy Roman Empire  it doesn’t have the pesky burden of standing on the land.   But…. you need to be a King standing on the land and soil in order to be an Emperor in the air…. So, good try, but no banana. 

The next solution was tried by Wilhelm II.  He was an actual King, but he felt that to stay current  with the times he had to accept the office of the Emperor and find a way to maintain his Kingdom at the same time. So he gave the Kingdom office over to his son, Prince Fredrick , who maintained the duties of the Office, without really being the King, either.  

It seems that King Charles is trying a variation on this and trying to give the job of King of England to his eldest Son, Prince William, and the job of King of Great Britain to King Charles of Scotland, while he remains crowned as a Emperor of the UK…. 


He still needs three legs and only has two.  


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