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Friday, January 19, 2024

Britain, "At It" Again

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have often had cause to discover Britain at the bottom of the dog pile, either acting under its own influences or at the behest of the Pope or the prodding of some other foreign interest.  

And here we are again.  Wearily so. 

Britain, in the company of "the US" Incorporated, has attacked Yemen, so we are, as the journalist in the attached new clip states, facing the spectacle of two of the richest countries on Earth attacking one of the smallest and poorest.  

It's sickening at best.  

The bullying, war-mongering nature of the British hegemony is thus made clear to everyone but its primary victims --- us, the  Americans being associated with this behavior because we are allowing our government to be run by the Brits. 

We need to, one way or another, kick them out ---again. 

Hopefully, this separation can be effected before the rest of the nations, which are much more fully aware of the pernicious and unrepentant and vicious nature of the British Empire, see fit to stomp it (and us, if we are still associated with them) into the dust. 

The British people overall seem just as clueless as we are, and are kept that way by controlled media in the same way. 

Never forget that the BBC motto is: "Listen and obey." 

We have been kept studiously ignorant of the nasty colonial-style wars that have been raging throughout Africa this past year, and also unaware of the fact that over twenty African nations have allied with Russia in utter disgust with everything represented by "the US" and Britain and the old colonial monarchy serial rapists.  

These African nations and most of the Mideast want nothing to do with Western Europe, and the reasons are not hard to find. Hypocrisy, dishonesty, violence, and crime are at the top of the list.  

Americans used to be loved and trusted throughout most of the world, but since we were commandeered by the British Bunko Artists, we've been dragged through the mud and used as cannon fodder instead of having our own minds and control of our own bodies. 

They illegally conscript us to their heart's delight, let their recruiters lie without shame, and when they get really hard up, they press-gang us, even though press-ganging has been outlawed worldwide for over 200 years. 

People shout, "Death to America!" but what they really mean is "Death to Britain!"  and "Death to the US, Incorporated!"  

Unfortunately, the difference is hard for them to discern, when they see our sons and daughters  acting as pitiless, mindless mercenaries, misdirected in every respect by British thugs. 

If you go online and start looking you will see exactly what I mean.  

And exactly what this man in the video clip below is talking about, too --- and it's not just in Yemen.  It has been like this to a greater or lesser degree for decades, with the British bullies wielding American muscle to immoral and unjust ends. 

Our true American Government must exercise itself to bring an end to British "mischief" -- if that's what you call mindless bullying and genocide in the name of pelf. 

And please note the Nature of the Beast --- which is bad at both ends, just as this commentator (probably based in Britain where he has experienced it first hand?) observes.  

While this tiny island nation brings war and destruction and death to others around the world, it also impoverishes and makes miserable its own people at home, leaving us all to wonder --- what possible good is it?  

What reason is there to keep this evil empire afloat?

And why would we, Americans, be interested in promoting the interests of a British non-king and a Pope who isn't a Pope?   

It's not doing anything worthwhile for anyone. It's just a violent, criminal parasite represented by thugs in nice suits, but then, that's why mercenary wars have been outlawed for almost two centuries and the reason that every other sentient nation on the planet wants to see Britain eat dust.  

I have nothing against the British people.  I have seen their suffering, like ours, under the boots of these criminals.  I am not deceived.  Nobody else should be. 

We aren't really talking about nations and wars.  We are talking about commercial corporations that need to be dismantled and liquidated.  

We are talking about mercenary "wars" where the innocent are robbed and more innocents are deluded into doing the job of robbing in the name of freedom that they don't possess themselves. 

If we must go to war to end war, at least let's get it straight who the real enemies are. 

It's not the American people and it's not the British people at fault, except for not waking up and cleaning house, when this is clearly called for. 

The real enemies are the banks and the politicians that have allowed this to go on and on in the name of profiteering from war.  

The real enemies are the media sources pretending to be journalists, while censoring the actual news and using propaganda narratives to drive public opinion to unjust and even crazy ends. 

The actual enemies sit ensconced in fancy clubs in London and Bern and Berlin, and the sources of all this evil are not so deeply hidden.  It's the same evil that has beset mankind for the past thousand years and more: Rome. 

Rome made its money and "glory" off of slavery. 

It still does. 

It's up to all of us to come squarely face to face with this reality and have done with it, and Rome, once and for all. 

Rome cannot hide behind the skirts of the Roman Catholic Church anymore, just as the phony "British kings" can't hide behind the vacant Throne of England, and the "US Corp" cannot hide its dead carcass from anyone. 

Stand up.  Wake up.  You are all part of this, whether or not you want to be.  You must use your voices and move your feet, or you'll simply be worked to death and killed by these maniacs without a country or a soul or a heart or a brain. 

Just look what they've done in Yemen: 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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