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Saturday, August 12, 2023

Fast Eddie of the Fab Five

 By Anna Von Reitz

Eddie has told everyone that I don't know what I am doing with banking ----and I have to smile.  

Eddie doesn't know what I am doing, but that's all right. I never intended that he would.   

He said that Hunter isn't a banker, too, and that's correct.  Hunter isn't a banker.  

He's a Prosperitor. 

If people had been listening to me and really hearing what I said, they would know that my Bilateral Banks are not about depositing anything, and that these new institutions ---that are somewhat analogous to credit unions but not the same--- are prepaid credit facilities instead.  

What have I said over and over and over?  

That the funds in these new banks are prepaid.  The people don't pay into the banks, the banks pay out to the people.  

That's why I don't understand why anyone would make deposits in a conventional credit union and think that they were dealing with "my" banks or with "my" version of credit unions, either. 

What we are now doing with banking has never been done before in the history of the world, but there's no reason why not.  It's not illegal or unlawful.  It's beneficial to everyone concerned. 

Just as the Lincoln Conspirators turned the world upside down, we are turning it right side up again.  

Soon, war and slavery and pollution and other kinds of crime won't be profitable anymore, so these activities will naturally fade away.  People will have to do something good to make a profit.  Plant vineyards. Raise bees. Clean the streets. Repair the plumbing. Dig the wells....

The Perps pulled off an unlawful conversion, and we are doing a lawful conversion.  

Guess who has the law on their side? 

Eddie has all the classic ear-marks of an Unwilling Snitch. He was in Federal Prison and they let him out. He says it was because of research he and Michael Kearns did, but Michael Kearns is dead and I can't ask him to confirm Eddie's backstory.  

The Federales knew Michael Kearns. They basically killed him by repeatedly arresting him and not giving him his heart medication. They could have told Eddie all about Michael and his research without breaking a sweat.

My best guess is that the Agency Goons offered Eddie a deal -- IMHO he did what he had to do to get out of jail and into a position where he could protect himself and his family.  He was being threatened, his family was being threatened (the Stick) and on the other side, he was being paid (the Carrot). 

I don't blame Eddie for that. I talk to him from time to time. He teaches me things about the conventional banking system.  I teach him about the jurisdictions and forms of law. It's amiable enough. 

If a person isn't really motivated to do evil but winds up doing it because of circumstances they can't control, it's a different matter than those who are evil for the sake of evil.  

I also forgive people who are genuinely confused and deluded.  Like the Bible says, they confuse good for evil and evil for good, but it isn't their fault that they are confused.  They are just weak-minded. 

Eddie is right ---I don't know all the ins and outs of the conventional commercial banking system. I admit it. So what?

I'm not building a conventional commercial bank, so that's a moot point. 

Eddie did damage to us and what we are accomplishing, that's true, too.  He and the other Fab Five members spread panic and fear and gossip that they knew was untrue. They've done the classic Satanist thing. 

They pretended to represent me and my banks. They did evil in my name. Then they blamed their victims, as Satanists always do, and have left Hunter to clean up and clear away the giant mess they created. 

Our Creator knows people better than I do, knows their internal story, why they are afraid, why they believe evil things, why they do evil things---  and the best I can do is surmise.  So, the sensible thing to do is to let the True God do the battling for us. 


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