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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Fraud Regarding "His Majesty" Paramonov, Hospitaliers, and Etc.

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

This member of the Order of the Hospitaliers, one Alexander Nikoleavich Paramonov, is claiming many grand titles and offices for himself and issuing all sorts of proclamations and orders and making statements to the effect that he has the "only" way out of the financial dilemmas of the world, but his answer is in fact what got this whole mess started in the first place ---- more theft of assets. 

Apparently, those responsible think that new thieves will fix everything. 

The so-called "cancellation" of "historical assets" translates as more theft from private individuals and living people for the promotion of more clandestined crimes against humanity by a select group of self-proclaimed and unelected "gods".  No, thank you. 

In his many statements and declarations while posing as "International Treasury Monetary One", Mr. Paramonov uses fear of Nazism as his primary tool to frighten and motivate his audience, however, he neglects to say that Communism was responsible for at least twice as many deaths in the Second World War and perhaps as many as four times as many deaths worldwide from 1913 to 1950. 

He also doesn't note that from the perspective of normal people, Communism and Nazism are virtually the same.  The Communists steal everything, control everything, pay for everything using other people's assets, and make everyone miserable while doing so.  The only difference between the Communists and the Nazis is that the Nazi's force everyone to pay for everything outright in addition to all the other misery and claptrap.  

The Hospitaliers replaced the Templars as the International  Bankers of the Holy See and if anything, have been uniquely responsible for the fraud, graft, constant meddling in politics, the  institutionalized crimes and other sins that have brought the world to this crisis in the first place. 

Do we imagine that more of the same poison will be the cure?  Do we fight thieves by becoming thieves ourselves?  

The actual owners of all these purloined assets are known, sane, respectable living people. 

They are not voluntarily vesting their assets and authority over their assets with the Hospitaliers and have stepped forward and presented themselves on a continuing basis that cannot be denied. 

Nobody in control of the actual land and soil jurisdiction governments on Earth granted the British Crown or the Hospitaliers any position of authority over them, nor did we create any body calling itself or himself Global Treasury Monetary One.  As we all know, and have cause to observe, all physical assets belong to the land and all intellectual assets belong to the air.  

And all of this, the Earth in its entirety, belongs to its Creator. 

This means that whoever these people are and whatever they are presently advocating, apart from self-governance, freewill, and responsible caretaking, the presumed Donors of all these assets don't agree with their presumptions and dispositions of our assets and call for the liquidation of all trusts and encumbrances that have been created in our names and merely thought to exist, together with an end to any presumption of control or authority being vested in 
any "M1" offices at all. 

Ferdinand Marcos was our Attorney-for-Hire, and was never granted any valid position as our Trustee.  The "Congresses" thought to represent us from 1856 onward were all tainted by fraud and impersonation, and all their actions including the creation of a Trusteeship for the Government of the Philippines and the existence of an MI Trustee, etc., is all just more fraud on the face of it. 

There are only three simple and sane actions necessary to save the world and all the High Courts are responsible for expediting our claims.  Liquidate or forefeit the offending corporations. Return the purloined assets that were "deemed" to be abandoned to the people and trustees that they actually belong to.  And then, stand aside --- let the living people of this planet enjoy the freedom and prosperity they have earned. 

Likewise there are only three simple and sane actions needed to preserve the Earth and everyone reading this is part of that solution --- expand the world economy, find ways, such as reforestation, to increase the amount of atmospheric oxygen, and discover better means of waste management. 

We have established beyond any possible doubt that the British Crown and similar organizations, together with their franchises and subsidiaries on a worldwide basis, including the UN CORP and numerous Municipal Corporations functioning as governments, and most members of the World Economic Forum, have engaged in unlawful activities ranging from simple fraud and impersonation to capital crimes of unlawful conversion, inland piracy, genocide, and more. 

It's time we all faced up to the world that we have created, and as the creators, take action to clean up this mess beginning with: (1) getting rid of the offending municipal and commercial corporations; (2) returning the stolen and leveraged and purloined "historical" and "legacy" assets to the actual owners and inheritors; and (3) setting the living people free from all and any conditions of enslavement, poverty, and ignorance. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                 The United States of America
                 In care of: Box 520994
                 Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 27th 2023


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