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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Marching in March

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many years ago I was traveling down a five-lane interstate highway on a nice sunny summer day.  I was in the middle lane with a white subcompact car about 50 feet in front of me, and maybe 100 feet ahead of me, on either side, were two semi-trucks steaming along neck-and-neck. 

The driver of the white car suddenly accelerated and lost control for unknown reasons and went careening forward and to one side, racing in front of the semi in the right hand lane, causing the truck to swerve and brake violently and leaving the trailer end of the truck swinging into my lane.  

Suddenly, I was no longer watching this from ground level.  My viewpoint was up in the air about 300 feet seeing the developing accident unfolding in slow motion.  From that perspective, I could see that if I floored it, there was enough room for me to shoot through before the rear end of the semi blocked my lane and killed me.  

So, anti-intuitive as it was, I stomped on the gas pedal, shot through the momentary gap, and emerged unscathed on the other side of the wreck. 

That was my introduction to "perspective displacement" -- the ability to project your consciousness to other viewpoints and the fact that we have another set of eyes that are not connected to the physical body.  It was also the second time in my life that I experienced "slow motion" tracking of real-time events.  

As the adrenalin pumped through me, and I realized that I had escaped certain death by NOT braking and accelerating instead --- something I wouldn't have done except for being able to see the momentary clear space to squeeze through -- I had a lot to think about. 

How had my point of perception shifted outside my body and 300 feet into the air?  

How was I able to see from this new vantage point without my physical eyes?  

Why and how did everything appear to move in slow motion, like a movie that was deliberately slowed?  

This experience proved to me beyond any doubt that such things were factual and actual.  And it didn't take drugs to create this altered state of consciousness. All it took was a situation that forced me to exercise an unknown, and therefore, unused ability, that I already possessed. 

Unknown to me, I had the ability to launch my perceptual ability out of my body and view the world from different physical viewpoints. I also had the ability to slow down the input of visual data, to allow me to evaluate and respond to the situation. 

Who knew?  

Now, you might think that I am "special", but no, this is just one of dozens of unused abilities that are common to Mankind. 

It's because we are not taught anything about these abilities, that we don't develop them and use them; and, that is too bad, because it cripples us and leaves us in the dark about ourselves and about our world.

As we enter the month of March, we leave behind the last vestiges of the old yearly cycle, and hopefully, this year, we are leaving behind a lot of baggage from the past.  

We have gone through this housecleaning period to leave room for new and better experiences in the year to come. 

For now, try some baby steps.  Use your ability to visualize things as a stepping stone to develop your other abilities.  The more precisely you can envision things, the faster you can develop these other natural abilities.  

Bob Proctor recently enumerated some of these natural but relatively undeveloped abilities: 

(1) perception 
(2) will 
(3) memory
(4) intuition
(5) reason
(6) imagination
(7) attention (focus) 

There are more esoteric levels of these same abilities, but they are just as natural and built-in, and are a consequence of developing these basics. Just as a baby learns to run by crawling and toddling and walking and then eventually can run, developing each of these abilities leads to new levels of awareness and expression of these basic abilities.

Many, many people who have been in life-threatening situations, whether on the battlefield or just driving down the highway on a summer day, have experienced "slow motion" perception, and many of them have also experienced changes in perceptual viewpoint, too.  

Such perceptual shifts are also a common part of Near Death Experiences, where thousands upon thousands of people report suddenly "being outside of my body, looking down" at their body.  

Performance artists and public speakers also commonly experience perceptual viewpoint adjustments, as they learn to "observe themselves" to improve their performance.  Advanced martial artists commonly learn to see movements in slow motion and from multiple viewpoints. 

Finally, there are numerous documented cases where people who have lost their physical eyes -- literally, or have otherwise been permanently physically blinded, but are nonetheless able to see. 

What all these experiences have in common is that you are seeing things from a viewpoint that -- in terms of your body's actual physical position and what your eyes can see from that position --- are "impossible" to see.
They are literally outside your physical range of vision.  Or, vision in any normal sense is impossible, but you continue to see anyway. 

What does this imply?  It implies that your eyes exist apart from your physical body. 

It implies that you, your consciousness, exists apart from your physical body, too. 
My friend, Chief Fast Horse, was run over by a car as a young man. He was pronounced dead at the scene, taken to a hospital, pronounced dead at the hospital, toe-tagged, and taken to the morgue. His body was placed on one of those refrigerated pull-out drawer gurneys in the morgue and that was that.   

Perhaps an hour later, his Aunt, a woman that not even death would mess with, showed up, marched into the morgue, pulled open the drawer and said something like, "Charlie! What are you playing at!  I know you're not dead!  You can't be dead! Get up!" 

And he did, just like Lazarus.   

I have had the Near Death Experience, too.  

We are both here to tell you, you are not your body.  

You can safely and profitably experience this fact simply by changing your perceptual viewpoint, so this week, practice projecting your viewpoint to observe yourself or to view the world through different eyes.  

Exercise your ability to "zoom in" and closely observe detail and then, "zoom out" to envision the roof of your house, and zoom out further to see your whole neighborhood from above. 
Go to your Happy Place, but this time, instead of mentally walking down the path, project your viewpoint into the eyes of a bird and fly there, instead. Or observe the scene from the perspective of the family dog.  

Each time you engage in these harmless exercises, your perceptual abilities grow and expand and become stronger, just like exercising a muscle---- albeit one that is weak through disuse.  

Don't be discouraged if you find it a little difficult to do at first.  All your life your viewpoint has been fixed and limited and you have accepted this, because you were never encouraged to explore this natural ability.  

Imagine that you have wings, but never knew you could fly.  


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. I have had the same experience in 3 death defying events.

  2. I know this is real! Many times I have had premonitions and "saw" danger ahead in slow motion in time to avoid the trouble... one in particular was similar to Anna's. My husband and I were on a 6 lane highway near Washington DC heading south in lane 3 when a car in lane 4 came adjacent at the same speed (fast) then accelerating slightly faster very close to our front fender, he decided to exit right then! I said (screamed) "Larry, STOP!" he took his foot off the accelerator, we slowed and sure enough, that guy dove across in front of us and shot over to lane 1 to exit! Nobody was hit but several cars slammed on their brakes to avoid the idiot. It happened so fast Larry asked how I KNEW that would happen. I told him that I had no idea but I learned to pay attention to my ability to "see" things ahead of time.

    Moral of the story, trust your instincts! Maybe this ability is programmed into our DNA? This is only one of many other instances that's happened to me but the most close call so far. Listen to that little voice in your head😊

  3. Kids are asked to see cards another person is holding they all report a vortex tube they can look down and see blindfolded. Watching brainwaves they have good alpha but Gamma is 400 hz once that is hit the magic occurs.
    Their teacher suggest children can pretend reality very easy she suggests that’s why they are so good .

    1. Yes Bubbapatric! I believe children are pure and innocent, until calcification of the penal gland happening to most?

  4. This post was everything to me thanks

  5. You are right about performance artists, Anna. Some who are aware of this have the great opportunity during performance. There's the subtle aspect of observing and perceiving time so intently when you wish to self-examine or listen back to your playing, as an instrumentalist, for example, to insert the desired tone, emotionality, or intention that ultimately shapes the entirety of the piece. It can seem as if you are slowing time, while playing in real time. Noticeable only through conscious participation of sound or movement through time.

  6. Million miles logged commercially you don’t see in slow motion

    We deserve better.

  7. The work of Penny Kelly takes this to the next level

    1. matthew-austin:culverMarch 2, 2023 at 9:36 AM

      Penny Kelly seems to be on the right track. Thanks for the link!

  8. I have experienced these "phenomena" since I was a teenager. I still don't really control it, but its very real.

  9. The flaw is in pretending its not the All looking out for the ones who it knows and who, while in their iteration of form, came to realize and know it.

    Weird how she goes from Proclamations to esoteric commentary... I take it the proclamations fell on deaf ears and now she needs something else to talk about for a while...

    1. Comes across as unbalanced lately. All over the place. Like multiple personalities. Certainly a huge, over inflated ego.

    2. Prolly using ChatGPT to produce the blogs now... :P

    3. Anony mouse11:11AM
      Well, your own comment is ego driven. How would you know what is unbalanced or not. What do you consider balanced or unbalanced? Just because she said someone rose from the dead? Or is it that someone rose from the dead in our lifetime? Does that scare you?

    4. You sound unbalanced as well. Fragile and given to projection. If you can't see she has a massive ego, it is simply that you don't want to see. Stop being sycophants.

  10. You know in the final analysis this comprehension is ,the holy grail in all ancient Mayan,Celts,Chinese,Egyptian boat through the underworld
    Mayan book of the dead , Chinese terracotta worriers, Celtic Stone Henge .
    The common denominator is how to gain grace as to graduate kindergarten.
    They all knew and now science confirms to become a shaman or as the book the super Gods enlightened beings ,Jesus ,
    Krishna,Mayan Pascal.
    evil intentions
    Nature will not permit that to propagate.
    . They all knew it now science is catching up.
    You can’t lucid dream, be blissful or be physic ,all the cool stuff if your angry, hateful.

    1. Author of the holy grail,super gods,terracotta worriers.
      Was like an Angel as he said he’s on the fast track.
      Dan Winter his book on longitudinal waves and gravity backed up by thirty years of lectures is another angle he knows you must have pure thoughts.
      To begin a Gedi to manipulate nature.


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