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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Urgent Explanation of Money and Executive Order #14067 Part 2

 By Anna Von Reitz

Finally, people are beginning to understand Swindles that happened over a hundred years ago, and we have a lot of catching up to do.  In the first article appearing under this title, we showed everyone how Lincoln and his Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, figured out a way to snooker everyone into exchanging gold for paper "Greenbacks".  

We also explained how a consortium of private banks operating as the "Federal Reserve" got involved to front Lincoln's government an initial loan to back the issuance of Greenbacks, and how once the Greenbacks were issued, Investment Bonds were used as a lure to attract outside investors who had to buy the Greenbacks with more gold before they could invest in the 10/40 Bonds.  

So, it was a Round Robin and all based on gold to gold transactions initially.  Gold was used to issue and subsequently to buy Greenbacks, given them value.  Greenbacks backed by gold and bought with gold were used to buy the infamous 10/40 Bonds.  Naturally, the expectation of the investors was that they would be paid back in gold, plus interest, when the bonds matured. 

That didn't happen.  

Instead, investors were told that they had to accept Greenbacks as payment for their investment and interest due, because that's how they paid for the investment bonds in the first place.  Then as now, there was no way to convert the Greenbacks back into gold, other than using them to buy gold at street value.  

Most investors grumbled, but accepted the Greenbacks because it beat the alternative of losing their investment value outright. 

The printing presses were in business and the Belle Epoch Era was the result.  

This was a period of wild investment spending.  The sky was the limit.  The American Robber Barons built railroads and AC power grids and invested in internal combustion engine technology, they built vast factories to produce things on assembly lines, they invested in banks and revolutionized the stock and commodity exchange markets.  The Government invested in infrastructure, too, improving old and building new bridges and roads throughout the country, postal service vastly improved, public hospitals were built, and thanks to Robber Baron Andrew Carnegie, the idea of public libraries were born.  Every little nook and cranny in America seemed destined for greatness. 

And it was all built on the Greenback Swindle, trading paper for gold ---- and corporations. Lots of corporations.  The Civil War had taught Robber Barons like Remington and Westinghouse the advantages of using corporations to shield private fortunes from business investment risks, so they proliferated like the flowers in May in the period immediately following the Civil War and most of the Greenbacks, one way or another, through the public sector or the private sector, got funneled into the growing economy by corporations.  

The summit of this time period was epitomized by the Chicago World Fair at the turn of the century.  Even today when we contemplate photos from this phantasm it is hard to imagine how an entire "city of the future" was built and electrified and equipped with a moving sidewalk in less than two years and left to wonder, why, having spent all the time and money to build it -- was it torn down just as fast? 

Probably more graft and collusion between the State of Illinois, City of Chicago, and the labor unions who got the work both coming and going, but suffice it to say that the Belle Epoch was a Boom Time for everyone, even though very few people understood how all this was suddenly happening.  And even fewer people would understand the odd collapse that followed in 1906 as a result of overspending and time delays in reaping real profits from many of the investments that were made.  

Next, we will show you how the banks began their "run up" to pull the same trick of exchanging paper for silver.  

By 1906, the Scottish Commercial Corporation that Lincoln's Generals set up in 1868 and called "The United States of America, Incorporated", was belly up.  The world was properly astonished and many thought that this meant our country was bankrupt.  The so-called "common people" didn't realize that only a corporation could go bankrupt and a panic ensued, because this particular corporation had infringed on the doing-business-as name of our Federation of States: The United States of America. 

By 1910, the Federal Reserve Bankers had hatched another precious metals for paper scheme, only this time, it would target silver and take a little longer to accomplish.  The infamous meeting on Jekyll Island occurred and by Christmas Eve of 1913, everything was in place for the Federal Reserve Banks to make another loan to another new "governmental services corporation" and provide backing for another new paper currency, the Federal Reserve Note. 

This time, as a condition of their participation, the Federal Reserve Banks demanded that they reap the face value of the new currency as credit as it came off the printing presses, additional asset backing, and insisted that they be given control of the new paper bearing their name so that they could control it as a private bank scrip.  That is, that the Federal Reserve would become the Central Bank and be able to regulate their own private bank currency as they saw fit--- in essence, giving them a license to commodity rig the Federal Reserve Note supply.  

The 1906-07 "Public Bankruptcy" of what appeared to be our country, but which was in reality a British Territorial Commercial Corporation with a deceptively similar name, caused havoc here and abroad.  It contributed greatly to the end result: World War I.  

World War I was a bonanza for the Federal Reserve and all the colluding banks and corporations that fed off the war ---- first as investors and vendors, and later, as creditors, they lost nothing and gained a great deal.  

We lost sons and daughters and were left paying the other costs of the war, and, even though, once again, this was not anything to do with the actual American States and the American General Public, we were stuck with the bill. 

There was a Boom Time after the First World War --- the so-called "Roaring Twenties".  For a while, it looked like a repeat of the Belle Epoch, but other factors were in play -- especially the Central Bank, that is, the Federal Reserve Bank(s).  

As the decade drew to a close, the colluding banks prompted a panic and a bank run that destabilized the public confidence.  Next, on pre-agreed signal, the colluding banks and their cronies pulled out of the Stock Market that they in fact controlled -- the Black Friday collapse ensued. Overnight, the value of stock investments evaporated; the banks sat back amid the panic and then swooped in and bought back all the devalued stocks at pennies on the dollar.   

It was the single largest and most devastating market manipulation by any bank group in the history of the world.  It resulted in the member Federal Reserve Banks and their crony investors gaining virtually complete control of the Fortune 500 Companies and control of vast amounts of Natural Resources via their company shares interests.  

The Fix was in.  With the Central Banks in control of the commodities market, the bulk of the Fortune 500, and holding a large portion of the gold garnered from the Greenback Bonds Scam, the Federal Reserve only needed a partner to issue bonds for them to set up a reprise of the 1040 scheme.  

That problem had been overcome in 1924, when the colluding government corporation once again doing business as "the United States of America, Incorporated"  engrossed the United States Treasury as a Department within the International Monetary Fund. 

Obviously, there has been no actual "United States Treasury" or "United States Treasury Department" or "United States Department of the Treasury" since that time, there was simply another nest of colluding international banks organized and sponsored primarily by J.D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil investors, standing by to issue "United States Treasury Bonds" in the name of our country.

They would issue the bonds in the name of our country and they would collect the money to pay for the bonds from Americans under the pretext that these Americans were voluntary "Taxpayers" submitting money collected from unknown investors buying successive issues of "1040" Bonds.  They would collect the phony non-consensual debt in silver, and pay it back with paper.  

And of course, they would never pay back anything on the bonds at all; after all, the victims didn't know that they were buying bonds and investing in foreign "service corporations" and in private bank scrip used as currency, so there was no need to repay the investment to unknown foreign investors -- the American Public --  and no need to contact those investors through the volunteer Taxpayers who were  merely collecting the "tax" to back all this bull crap.   

This is why they always have to pretend that paying "Federal Income Taxes" is voluntary. You see, it's not any kind of legitimate public tax at all.  It is a "tax" levied by private "government service corporations" on their employees as a condition of employment.  

The American General Public, millions of innocent people who were never told a word about any of this, were presumed to acquiesce to all this by their silence, and by their coerced "voluntary" participation ---- and so, millions of Americans were entrapped and fraudulently registered as collateral -- literally -- belonging to the "United States of America, Incorporated" beginning in 1921, under the guise of the Maternity Act and later, the Shepherd Townsend Act.  

In 1925, the fraudulent and private "United States Department of the Treasury" unleashed the "Internal Revenue Service", a European-based private collection agency imported as a Delaware Corporation, on the clueless masses of Americans. 

No country in the history of the world has suffered such disservice at the hands of its own public employees and foreign subcontractors, and no collection of banks have ever been more self-serving and crooked.


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Thank you anna, grace to you

  2. When I see "urgent," I think I'd better do something specific RIGHT NOW.


    1. How long are Thou on this forum?

    2. Apparently you did read it.

    3. Anony mouse 1:23 AM.
      Have you actually read this article and accompanied articles about the same? She's been telling us about these bankrupt corporations and their quick replacements right after they folded the doors to the previous ones all along. She hasn't DISREGARDED anything. They go bankrupt and open another one and keep on skating like nothing changed using similar names deceit. Would you have been so ever vigilant to catch it if you lived in the day? What about now? Were you the one that started blowing the whistle to wake everybody up to tell us that our country was being stolen? lf not ? Why not? And if you did know it and have not warned us then you're the fraud.

    4. anony123a,
      it looks like the false claims (may)go back even farther than that.
      to the COUPE DE'TAT at the ConCon around 1786?? -- being against the peoples' will and without the peoples' authority.
      1. without man's *intent* to agree, no agreement exists;
      2. unless man causes harm to man, no claim exists.
      *cause no harm to man* is the laws of nature and nature's create-r/"God".
      its as simple as that.
      it cant be changed.

  4. Dear Paul, please post it. Thx.
    Today at
    14:00 PM CET /
    05:00 AM PST

    Fraud Vitiates All Contracts Public and Private (US vs Throckmorton, 1878)

    Dear TrueLivingGod, present in our (unpfizered) DNA, Make America Free of BabilonianDogma andHealthy, andProsperous and the rest of theWorld will follow. m

    1. yes, and so is use of threats, force, harm also "Fraud-ulent"; that is:
      using same creates claims:
      that (the) man harmed can law-fully make,
      for law-full restoration from (the) mans who causes (him) harm.


    2. and let us not forget that anything man does by "Coersion" also "Vitiates"/ makes non-existent all claim/s of "Obligation".

    3. and also,"Inducement"... that would be like, for an example: "baiting" man to do something he wouldnt do without the Inducers urging or coaxing... "inducing" him.
      not only is no agreement formed, but if it causes harm to man being induced, the man induced has right to make claim for restoration from the man who induced him!

      see how that works?...
      its a beautiful thing.

    4. dont forget "lack of full disclosure".... that causes no agreement to be formed too.
      *man cannot agree to something man does not know*.

      see how logical and fair the laws of nature and nature's create-r/"God" is?

    5. also, you might like to add to that list: "Coersion".

      dictionary datte cam defines coerce as: [paraphrased]
      to compel
      by force,
      or authority,
      "especially without regard for individual desire or volition.
      They coerced him into signing the document." ....

      and, if coersion is used to obtain a Signature, the Signature may actually be able to be used by the man being coerced to prove to a jury of his EQUALS that a false claim has been made by the Coercer, and then, he has right to restoration from the Coercer. --American common law... under authority of the laws of nature and nature's create-r/"God" for man/land.


    6. correction!! :
      i meant:
      you might want to add the DEFINITION of "Coersion" to that list;
      since all the other things mentioned could be considered "Coersion" imo i believe that none of those words apply to man anyway, but instead, to THEIR FICTIONAL CHARACTERS THEY MAKE UP.

    7. EASY 1-2-3 SUMMARY:
      1. except for the laws of nature and nature's create-r/"God":
      there is no authority that exists over man who causes no harm to man;
      2. unless he agrees from his intent:
      for the purpose of causing good for self:man;
      3. and all claims otherwise are false claims:
      that man has right to require restoration for, from man who makes false claim/s.
      -- common law for man according to the laws of nature and nature's create-r/"God".
      its so simple and right-eous!... just absolutely love it!! :):):)


  5. Clown Show Alert:
    JUST IN - U.S. military has shot down an unidentified "high-altitude object" the size of a "small car" over Alaska in the past hour.

  6. If Lincoln was such a 'bad guy', as Anna likes to paint him, why did they assassinate him like they did JFK?

    1. There is no denying he was a Bar Attorney in service to the Crown. You had two gangs of thugs going at it. Do you really need help connecting dots? Could also be he was starting to grow a conscience and was silenced before he ratted anybody out. There are a bunch of scenarios that could have served as the reason. Could have been just plain old revenge.

  7. Anyone else noticed that STATE PRISONS
    are actually named in form differently .
    Two different jurisdictions ?
    Any comments will be appreciated.

    1. Bankrupt corporations reorganized under slightly different stylized names.

  8. The Jewish Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton as Vice President to Adams started the first standing Army and appointed himself commander .
    Scared Adams and he remarked who are you Napoleon?
    All the obfuscation Foreign banks this that no it’s a Jewish run England and now America period!
    The head of the snake!
    Jefferson vetoed the central bank and Amstel Rothschild declared war on America thus 1812 .
    We were now out side of the influence of Jefferson.
    Unfortunately the Zionist didn’t count on the man who ratted like sack of marbles as he walk From all the dueling he stoped the Jewish attack .
    So they waited till another Jew was installed Abraham Springsteen (AKA) Lincoln. Joke was who knew his criminality honest Abe not monuments In Mordor n the Potomac .
    And as the use ottoman’s to attack Christendom Spain ,Vienna the hun aka
    We know collectively in (patriot Christians) nice details mere but don’t Change a thing the name is missing to protect the guilty.

  9.  24 years ago my wonderful adopted country - Hercegovina - had their Hercegovachka Banka stolen by a US Army Colonel and platoon of Spanish Army SFOR "peace keepers"!

    I arrived several days later and asked what had happened, but all were cowed into fearful silence by threats of war crime charges from The Hague. Indeed!

    Today the Hercegovinan GNP is still less than 70% the pre-war economy, resulting in the EXPORT of +50% of the Millennial and X Generations, with the attendant hollowing-out of family - neighborhood - village & city culture & life.

    I'd like to help my neighbors start Our Lady National Land Bank - Gospa Banka, Nacionalna Zemlja - using funds/gold/silver from the "Divine Mother Trust" - to enable the people to restart this economy and exploit their strategic location at the Central European terminus of the middle route of the Great Silk Road - the potential being liiterally unlimited.

    Last May you sent me an Email noting the trillion+ dollars of gold owed to the Prussian People. Yes, I'm sure there is, as Kaiser Willhelm was too wealthy and had to be deposed by the victorious Allies, so the Bank of England could keep his gold with nobody the wiser except him.

    Finally, I'm very amused to read George Peabody's name in public lo these many decades after Great Uncle George taught the Fleet Streeters  "fractional banking" in the 1830s -1870s. I saw his statue sitting in his easy chair in a small park in The City of London on the third Saturday evening of January, 1979, yet have never had opportunity to return and re-educate the "bankster" great-grand children of his students. Perhaps, soon?

    So, please have someone from the Blue Dot System contact me and give me the speed-reading version of how the system works before my Herceg partners start asking me questions I can't understand, much less answer.

    Carry-on til you are carrion . . .

    Paul Ford, O'Neil
    Bijakovici - Medjugorje
    Hercegovina, Europa

  10. ALL of the "World Fairs" were remnants of Tartaria. They HAD to tear them down because they couldn't duplicate the technology. The fair was the cover, a "McGuffin" in movie parlance.


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