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Monday, May 23, 2022

The Latest Big Lies

 By Anna Von Reitz

I sometimes think that all these people know is how to lie.  And then, lie about lying. 

Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, famously observed that if you tell a really Big Lie and tell it often enough, no matter how preposterous, people believe it.  

So here's today's offering and I quote: 

"Back in 2019 during phase one of Sign-In America, Anna had the State Coordinators sign over your birth certificate because they monetized and liquidated them for themselves." 

Aside from the fact that nobody can sign over your birth certificate bonds but you, let's compare this with reality. 

I never asked anyone associated with Sign-In America to view anyone's birth certificate, ever.  

Why would I?  

Sign-In America is about bringing claims forward -- mortgages, utility bills, and other expenses that Americans shouldn't be paying.  Why?  Because Americans are the landlords and owners of the public utilities.  Americans are also owed Offset Mutual Credit Exchange Exemptions for all federal and federal franchise taxes.  Sign-In America is about claiming and eventually getting reimbursed for all that. Nothing to do with birth certificates. 

Once you have declared and established your standing as an American and have published that political status choice on the public record, there is no reason for anyone to ever view or keep a copy of your birth certificate.  The only reason we ever look at birth certificates is to establish where you were born.  We have no use for them aside from that. 

Then there is the idea that birth certificate bonds have value for the victims, when instead, they have value for the British Monarch and the Pope.  Think, people.  What are bonds and what are bonds associated with?  Bondage.  Yours.  

The Pope puts down your birth weight in gold as a bond against the value of your lifetime labor.  You either have to pay him back that gold, plus interest, or you are considered permanently enslaved and obligated to serve as a Municipal CITIZEN.   

And how are you ever going to pay him off, if you don't know that this bond has been placed against YOUR NAME? 

Now do you get what birth certificate bonds really are and how they work?  

The Pope can monetize and liquidate those bonds for himself, but you aren't even supposed to know that they exist.  You are supposed to be a nice, meek, stupid, compliant slave to this system, born to live and die without a glimmer of what is going on behind your back. 

What actually happened is that the Municipal Government, dba, UNITED STATES, INC. was getting ready for one of its period bankruptcies, in which it relieves itself of debt at your expense.  All the Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts "representing" your earthly estate were up for grabs, being surrendered to the Creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC.  --- and you, who are actually their Priority Creditors, didn't even have a claim on the gameboard. 

How could you?  You had no idea that any of this was even going on, much less how you had been "salvaged" by the British Crown under False Pretenses and sold to the Pope. 

At the time, and because of the looming bankruptcy settlement, I suggested that if you really are a U.S. Citizen, you should return the Municipal Birth Certificate related to the  PERSON to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and appoint him or her as Fiduciary and direct him to deposit the PERSON in the U.S. Treasury Account.  This was done to force the U.S. Treasury to protect the assets of the actual Federal Employees among us.  Some of us who are not Federal Employees took this step, too, on our way back home to our State of the Union.  

Having put the U.S. Treasury on Notice and having made it responsible for the ESTATES bought everyone some precious time and a logical chain of possession allowing us to step-by-step remove our assets back to our home States, where they are protected from all and any corporate bankruptcies.  

So we claimed back all the property and assets belonging to Americans with "hands and feet" for those same Americans and we got your claim to your own earthly estate on the record for you and we stood behind the claims of both The United States and The United States of America, and we indemnified the whole she-bang with the UNITED STATES, INC., debt so that you could conduct lawful business again.   

We have spent the last twenty years trying to teach you knot heads how to reclaim your own assets out of the bankruptcy slush pile and get yourselves organized to operate your own government.  Those years have been unpaid years of public service.  

We have been doing our Public Duty as Americans.  We have been working for you, for free, for twenty-plus years.  And you do what?  Stand around and tell Big Fat Lies about us? 

As a result of the stink we've raised and the efforts of all the State Assemblies, the Perpetrators are being held responsible.  The gold underlying those birth certificate bonds has been returned to the Pope's henchmen operating "the" British Territorial United States of America --- not to us, the actual claimants.  

So, once again, this time against the Brits, we have to bring light to the issues, and rebut their claims that we are "lost" British Merchant Mariners or U.S. Citizens operating as Foreign Situs Trusts.  Left to themselves, they'd happily claim all that gold for the Queen and give it back to the Pope again.  

Here we are, fighting all these issues for you, in the determined effort to reclaim all American property assets and interests --- and all the Dimwits among us can do is stand around telling lies about us and what we have done and what we are doing. 

The true purpose of any Government is to protect the people they serve and also protect the people's assets.  This is what the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America has done for you.  For free. 

You had better believe it and support it with every ounce of courage you've got, because our lawful American Government is all that is standing between you and some very rapacious foreign creditors who are owed a lot of money by the Hired Help pretending to "represent" you. 

If I could, I would personally like to slap the people responsible for the quote at the beginning of this article.  I would like to haul off and wallop them flat in the chops, make their teeth rattle, make them stand there and look at me, the same way you slap someone who is hysterical.  

Wherever their small, dirty, criminally-inclined minds are, they aren't here on Terra Firma and centered in reality.  


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