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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Public and International Notice: Generals 8,0 -- Jimmy Carter's Limits

 By Anna Von Reitz

There is a pernicious assumption that Jimmy Carter ended American sovereignty in 1976, cheeky Undeclared British Agent that he was, but Jimmy Carter couldn't sell or give away what was never his to give.  As President of the United States of America, Incorporated, he didn't have the authority, nor did he have the ownership interest in our nation-states; he was simply acting as a pirate trying to off-load hot goods onto the United Nations in the same way that Pawn Shop owners dump stolen goods.  

The International Laws of Piracy apply --- possession by pirates does not change ownership. 

The International and Roman Civil Laws also apply in their respective jurisdictions --- agreements tainted by fraud are null and void, and all the agreements that both the US, INC. and the USA, Inc. --- in all their various guises --- have made "in our names" are tainted by fraud.  

This is just another part of the Great Fraud by which Undeclared British Agents seized upon unwitting Americans, deliberately mischaracterized and impersonated them as British Foreign Situs Trusts, and then rented those British Foreign SitusTrusts to the Pope, who converted them further into Municipal citizens of the United States --- in complete contravention of International Law, the Hague Conventions, the Geneva Conventions, the Constitutions and numerous criminal statutes and treaties they are all obligated to obey.  

The Pope's conversion scheme involved taking the names of the British Foreign Situs Trusts (which were all named after Americans)  and using them as the names of Municipal CORPORATIONS of various kinds.  These were the Municipal CITIZENS that Carter sold to the IMF.  The only problem is that these legal fiction PERSONS have no right or reason to exist, other than to promote crimes of personage against their American Employers. 

So, whatever it was that Jimmy Carter sold to the IMF, it had nothing to do with us, our country, our assets, or anything else.  It was all fiction, concocted by institutionalized identity theft and compounded by deliberate self-interested fraud and secrecy.  

All that secrecy was required because the perpetrators were literally committing crimes against their benefactors and employers.  

Carter was a US Navy Officer who never resigned his Commission, so his acts undermining our national sovereignty, both by Executive Order and by signing Acts of the US Congress purporting to donate our state laws and our state assets to the United Nations -- are acts of piracy and treason --- crimes --- that took place under Admiralty Law. 

Continuing to act under any False Presumptions afforded by Carter's actions and the actions of the then-US Congress approving the International Organizations Immunity Act, merely makes you an accomplice to a crime against our country and our nations. 

We are not British Foreign Situs Trusts.  We are not Municipal CITIZENS.  We are the living, breathing people of this country, and when we bring our State Governments into Session, we act as the People of The United States of America --- those to whom you owe your ultimate allegiance, and to whom you are bound by both honor and contract. 

By: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State

The United States of America


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