By Anna Von Reitz
When I was 41 years old, I was granted a great gift. I was enabled to recall my prior lives going back more than 60,000 years on this planet and to see all the many roles and experiences that I as a living soul have had --- my personal history and my enduring knowledge.
This is to say, that when you can recall all the many lifetimes that you, too, have experienced, you will know for sure that yes, you have lived in bodies of every sex, kind, and color, endured many, many physical deaths, and every time that you have been incarnate --- you learned things that are, to a greater or lesser extent, pertinent to your life today.
Think of a mushroom which appears on the surface of the forest floor, but which is supported by a vast thread-like network of mycelium that is unseen. You are similarly apparent and physical, but you are supported by a vast network of hidden, unconscious connections at an energetic level.
This vast biological computer network can be accessed via the 90-plus percent of your brain which you don't use --- which has largely lain dormant and been turned "off" deliberately by the enemies of mankind --- the same parasites we have discussed with respect to the corruption of the governments on Earth.
This planet has been a sanctuary and refuge for different waves of aliens who have come here to escape war, as well as visitors who have come here to trade and to establish communications, etc.
The two interplanetary wars that have affected us most are known as The War in the Heavens, which is very ancient, and The Great Plasma War, which occurred 32,000 years ago.
The refugees from The War in the Heavens amounted to a small group of escapees who were members of a caste-system society that resulted from an even earlier war, so to understand who and what these refugees are/were, it is important to know the following history:
The Seraphim are a race of what we have called "Angels" living in the Sirius Star System. It's here that the fight started, with renegade Seraphim conquering first the Orion Star System and next, the Pleiadian Star System.
These corrupted Seraphim set themselves up as priests in a caste system they established, forced the conquered Orions (Aryans) to serve them as soldiers, and enslaved the Pleiadian Merchants to carry on beneficial trade for them.
This history is recorded in part in the Bible and in other ancient manuscripts and scriptures, so it's not just my personal Soul Memory backing this.
The Seraphim priests were not as long-lived or as hearty as the Draco hybrids that they created from the Orion (Aryan) captives, and even though they, the Seraphim, mated with human ancestors, and intermarried to try to keep the "bloodline" going, it eventually petered out and only occasionally reasserts itself in individuals who are throwbacks to the parent race---- much as you might be the first person in your family to go bald in a hundred years. Or more.
So the Seraphim heritage is still here, but rarely expressed in the progeny they left behind.
This left the surviving Draco Overlords in charge, without a Master (Priest) to direct their activities, and left the succeeding generations of Pleiadian Merchants at loose ends, too.
When The War in the Heavens ended, they felt they couldn't go home, so they stayed here, and as all they knew was war, they created war in order to employ themselves. And they sought out "priests" to give them instructions, trying vainly to re-establish the caste system they were programmed to live within, but which no longer existed.
These individuals, for the most part, are more to be pitied than censured. They are what they are because they were deliberately genetically created to be soldiers. It's embedded in their neural network and they can no more change it (without intervention) than you could change your natural hair color.
They adopted human priests to serve, in hopes that the Seraphim would speak through their Nephilim children, but the humanoid offspring are increasingly short-lived as the Seraphim component of their heritage dilutes into the general population, and even if the Seraphim off-spring have the capacity to fulfill their role, their lifespan is too short to provide the stability and long-term direction the Dracos need.
At the beginning of this current saga, circa 2,500 BC, only twenty Dracos remained. They do die, but they are so long-lived in comparison to people that we are (almost) like mayflies to them. In the intervening centuries, seven more died, so that by the beginning of the 1300's, only 13 remained. Another, Marduk, died a few years ago, leaving 12 aged Dracos in charge.
These are the 12 who came to visit me and say good-bye as they depart back to the Orion Star System which is home to them.
What we are left with is an imposter, calling himself "Lucifer", claiming to be the son of the rebel Seraphim Archangel who started The War in the Heavens. This is a ridiculous claim on many levels.
This character calling himself "Lucifer" has kept a wide berth away from me, but others in my sphere have been contacted and he has attempted to coerce them into doing various ugly things. They describe him as a small Italianate person who speaks and acts like a mafiosi and who claims to own all three of the now-defunct Federal Subcontractors.
Well, let's see, the American Federal Republic has been inoperable since 1860, so that is owning a whole lot of nothing, unless you claim to own the United States Trust, which belongs instead --- not to any individual --- but to our Member States. That is, the Nevada State Trust belongs to Nevada, not Big Mo.
Then there is the latest failed iteration of "the" United States of America, Inc., which went bankrupt and failed its Performance Test as a recipient of our Delegated Powers; so, by Operation of Law, the Delegated Powers returned to the Federation of States, and we have declined to accept a Successor contract.
Read that--- the British affiliates are working without a contract, and everything that they own in ours by default, unavailable to serve as chattel for credit purposes, and unavailable to Secondary Creditors as payment in liquidation. So, nobody owns any of that, except for our States of the Union and our People.
Finally, the Municipal Corporation, which never had any granted right to operate in this country the way that it has, also went bankrupt a number of years ago, and recently emerged in the form of a would-be Successor led by Joe Biden. They similarly lost any contract and we similarly accepted back the Delegated Powers and refused to assume a Successor Contract with them, their heirs or their assigns. So they don't have a contract, either.
All three Federal Subcontractors are officially as dead as bugs with all six feet in the air, and nobody claiming to "own" them has anything of value: one long-dead and dis-assembled American Service Company, and two officially bankrupt corporations.
Talk about trying to shoot the world on a wooden nickel....!
The Trusts left behind all belong to the American States and People, who are still represented as they have been since September 1776, by our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America--- not to be confused with "the" United States, Inc, "the" UNITED STATES, "the" United States of America, Inc., or even "The" United States of America, Incorporated, US, INC., USA, Inc. ---- or any of the rest of the "derivatives" these fraudsters have passed off "in our names".
Mr. Lucifer has either been conned, or is trying to con, the world.
I am calling upon All Those Present, alive and dead, to put an end to this nonsense, arrest Mr. Lucifer, and put him aboard a transport ship back to his native planet for rehabilitation. He is not a Seraphim, whatever else he may be.
All the original Seraphim died within a couple thousand years of their arrival here, and their bloodlines have been dying out ever since.
While he is on this planet, he is subject to the Universal Law of our Creator, and he has broken it by voluntary compliance with and observance of, idolatry, by lying, by trespass upon others and their assets, by disrespecting our freewill, by promoting acts of genocide, and by harming the ecosphere of this planet via his agents and investments, by broadcasting harmful EMF frequencies, by weaponizing communications networks, and most recently, promoting the entire worldwide "health emergency" to profit himself.
This guy is a criminal and a Hoaxer and he needs to go. This planet, Earth, known as Terra, is not his natural home, and there is no excuse for lack of intervention in this case. He has offered his solutions and his leadership, and we've said no.
We are not deceived. We have passed the test.
Now, we would like to enjoy our Natural Estate in peace and for there to be abundance for everyone, and for an end of all war-like activities and profiteering from war; the Dracos are gone, and let war be gone with them.
We know the implements of peace and we have earned our place. Observe our flag --- the peacetime flag.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
PS--- Suggest everyone in receipt of this communication watch Gregg Braden's many presentations regarding the encoded information present in our DNA.
See this article and over 3400 others on Anna's website here:
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once again everyone:
ReplyDeletethe united States of America created from consent of the governed using our original and true Declaration of Independence actually signed july 2 (two), 1776: has always, still is, and will always *be*:
a Con-federation, not a Federation.
dont take my, or anybodys, word for such very important facts!
check out the facts for yourself in the final paragraph of the DofI... the States (sever-al States) *each* retain all powers that belong to sovereign nations!! yay!!! woohooo!!!!
:):):) im being goofy but seriously, thats HUGE!
still in the final para, DofI:
Deletenotice how each of the sever-al States is a Free and Independent State? :):) woohoo!!!
yay again!!!
the States created by the men and women who agree to be governed by what THEY THEMSELVES PUT INTO PLACE FOR *THEIR* OWN SOCIETY are:
not "re"-publics, demo-cracies, mon-archies, theo-cracies.
what are they then? commonwealths?
theyre Free and Independent States.
similar in concept to:
under mans creator,
are you a subject? no.
a citizen? no.
a civilian? no.
no, youre (a) man.
man is free and independent under his creator....
whats the law for free and independent men?: dont harm another man, and if you do harm him, make it right again between you and the man you harmed.
common. law. for common man. old. simple. actually breathtakingly genius.
Then of course, the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union *shows* the Union is Confederated, and is not Federal, not a Federation, or a Federated Union, and so forth.:)!
Deleteits a Confederation of Free and Independent States formed when the men and women agreed to live together by it and unanimously ratified it: 13 Free and Independent States: 13 "yes" votes: for very limited purposes.
it is utterly amazing.
i love those people.
check it out if it interests you:
Deleteshays rebellion = the reason that *THEIR* "The Constitution" was conjured up, imo.
massachusetts, worcester, 1787:
there was a shortage of currency 1783-forward:
american people couldnt get ahold of it.
wealthy men, wholesaling merchants, then began using their courts, british sheriffs, attorneys, others, to take land away from the american people because the merchants would ONLY accept the same currency that was not (being made?) sufficiently available to the american people!
starting around 1782, the American men began taking BACK their land!
shut down the courts.
that spread to other states!
the governors called out the militias against the people! the militias refused to go!
the people in rhode island took control of the legislature and forced the merchants to extend credit for the "DEVALUED CURRENCY"!
it sounds like *now* to me.
a PRIVATE ARMY of MERCENARIES was bought and paid for by the british merchants to go kell the americans. again.
they must have realized that using deadly force on people one has already unmercifully abused, stolen from, and tried to harm does not accomplish the consent required in common law lands, so it seems to have led them to a quieter method of attempting to take over control of the Free and Independent American people:
peddling their deceit that:
their shitbag US CONSTITUTIONS are OUR Law,... when they most certainly are NOT!
so, hello war of 1812.
hello mexican war for independence.
hello french "revolution".... people in many nations saying HELLL NO!! to the Tapeworm Class.
more deceit by the Tapeworm Class.
Deletethe Secret Treaty of Verona, 1822.
Tapeworm Fumigant from the American people:
DeleteOur Monroe Doctrine, 1823.
freedom and peace are beautiful things.
Deletesince comments arent allowed on The Use of Slaves article, dec 16, 2021:
"" publishes "*AGAIN** (paraphrased):
all that credit is ours
and so is all that debt.
do you see the "technique" being used here and elsewhere?:
similar perhaps to:
repeat a lie often enough and it becomes accepted *as* 'truth'?
whats true us that:
1. both the credit and the debt are man made and
2. what a man creates, that man is responsible for.
see how easy that is?
its common law. (the law common to all man.)
i believe "" knows/should/ could know this is true.
if they dont, i require the men women Acting As ""/ other record before man why they believe it is not true or it stands true.
watch this technique of repeatrepeatrepeatrepeat be Played out again by FictionalSenator Kennedy who supposedly "questions" FictionalProfes-Sir Anne Traum[-a?] (on YTOOB):
DeleteKennedy questions, Traum-a Answers;
same q, same a;
q, a:samewordsalad;
q, toss wordsalad= give same answer;
repeated over and over and over until FictionalInquisitor Actor Kennedy pretends to "just give up", allowing FictionalInquisee, ActorTraum-a to "Win", when ActorKennedy just wearily "PetersOut" upon being confronted with the incessant, Robotic-style,MindlessRepetition of Sputtered WordSalad written into Traum-ActorAnne's part of the Script.
Actors. Acting. Playing. Roles.
sending back: unaccepted.
also, can watch videos of CorpPrivateLaw/ PrivateEntityPolicy Enforcers ,/ others, TRAUMA-tize men and women by attacking/arresting them and refuse to say why they are attacking the man or woman and what they supposedly did "wrong".
Deletein more than one video, the Corpse/PrivateEntity Law/Policy Enforcers can be heard actually saying "i can do this all day" when the men or women continue to insist they be told what theyre supposed to have done wrong, where is the warrant; and the PrivateLawEnforcers refuse to tell them.
imo it looks like its a technique to use when they HAVE NO ACTUAL AUTHORITY... ???
Deleterepeatrepeat, block, accuse, repeatrepeatrepeat, refuse to stop blocking, refuse to stop accusing repeatrepeat do it all day repeat all night block refuse to leave block accuse guns, chemical sprays, clubs, 5 cars, 10 men outfitted warlike, accuse, question, block, repeat;
accuse, question, block, repeat:
accuse, question, block, repeat: "i can do this all day...
i have permission from a man who pays me to do this to you for money. all day. he will pay me the same to stand here and do this to you all day. if you shut the door, someone will take my place and will be here tomorrow.
you cant stop me.
the man who pays me told me to do it.
i dont know why.
i dont care.
i get paid, thats why.
what are they trying to do?
Deleteare they trying to Teach us?:
give up.
its no use.
you cant win.
youre weary.
we wont stop.
you have to just give up.
and so on, while LAUGHING at them.
seriously, what kind of LOSER do you have to be to think thats the best you can do with your life?
is this really THEM?: my best is to do what someone tells me to do that harms other people... this is the best i can do to feed myself?!?!?
Seriously, what good are you?
even to yourself?
just asking.
lucifer smooseifer.
its not "Lucifer", thats just a cover for evil men/women, ... like "corporations", bebbieNames, "Religions" -- when used as a cover for men harming other men and trying to get out of their responsibility owed to the man they harmed.
robert malech
type: GRANT
us patent #3951134
filed: august 5, 1974!
abstract: ...sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies
...interfere... modulated... is then re-transmitted *by the brain to a receiver*... then displayed for visual viewing.
• sounds like the so-called "remote viewers" to me.
• also sounds like these so-called "time-travelers". montauk project?
•people who "see" "aliens"?
im not saying those people DIDNT *see* *aliens*... oh no, not at all... quite the contrary... they probably DID *see* them. im just suggesting we might look at the possible CAUSES: that what they *saw* and *experienced* were plausibly caused by EMF signals being combined with their naturally-formed brainwaves in order to produce what they *saw*.
after all, the alleged Montauk Project was developed for creating psychological warfare techniques and weapons.
at the very least, lets begin the peaceful and lawful massive-movement out of this gaslighting crap theyve perhaps tried to cover us over with by *rampingup* the usage of our own God-given gift:
of using our OWN brain to think with, peacefully and lawfully.
Deletejose delgado, "dock-tore": financed by british "u.s." navy:
around 1964 it was made widely-known that:
he was taking the bones off of peoples skulls so he could attach electrodes to their brain and cause them to do certain tasks or feel certain emotions. he did that using EMF different frequencies.
i believe he also experimented this way in Spain on bulls used for bullfighting.
i remember the Psych 101/201 class i took early 1970s, they taught about this.
us good american people DID NOT accept it! said NO! were still saying NO!!
then 1975, ChurchCommittee: MK ULTRA was disclosed:
Deletedrugging and torture Programs used on American people without their knowledge or consent.
supposedly: for warfare purposes.
well, who is doing these experiments? british navy cloaked as the U.S.?
then, what about the British/Vatican TWEA-- Trading With the Enemies Act? who does British/Vatican Corporations Congress call their enemy in that Act in the Actors Play?
im pretty sure they call the American people their Enemies in their TWEAct... they just purposely failed to tell us that in language we can understand.
damn, that would make it easy to
*win*, wouldnt it?.... hmmm?... secretly make a group of people your *enemy*... pretend youre their friend and are "protecting" from all these bad people in the world... charge them their labor and land and their sons and daughter labors and rights for that pretended and non-delivered protection... then attack them from the position of the lie that:
"im your friend",
while at the very same time secretly and together knowingly Acting Out harm on your pretended "Enemies"?
its **not** "Lucifer".
Deleteits *men/women* who DECIDE to harm other men because they LIKE what they get for doing it.
Ref: their kjv: jude verse 11:
"Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Baalam for reward..."
....enough with the gaslighting already... even the book they *claim* is their holybook says its MAN who DECIDES to do evil because their GREEDY, not "Lucifer".
ref: romans 2:3:
And thinkest thou this, O *MAN*, which judgest them that do such things, and doest the same, that THOU shall escape the judgment of God?
its NOT Lucifer.