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Thursday, February 25, 2021

'Papers, Please': Vaccine Passports Have Officially Arrived


  1. This "Vaccine Passport" refers to actions at UK. Consider this line of reasoning: The Pentagon has announced that 30% of GI's are declining the COVID-19 "Vaccine". They are allowed to do this because the COVID shot is experimental. The right to travel (both domestic and international) is judicially recognized as being Constitutionally protected. So: You have a right to decline the COVID shot and you a right to travel. You can not be denied one right by the exercise of another.

  2. This "Vaccine Passport" refers to actions at UK. Consider this line of reasoning: The Pentagon has announced that 30% of GI's are declining the COVID-19 "Vaccine". They are allowed to do this because the COVID shot is experimental. The right to travel (both domestic and international) is judicially recognized as being Constitutionally protected. So: You have a right to decline the COVID shot and you a right to travel. You can not be denied one right by the exercise of another.

  3. This "Vaccine Passport" refers to actions at UK. Consider this line of reasoning: The Pentagon has announced that 30% of GI's are declining the COVID-19 "Vaccine". They are allowed to do this because the COVID shot is experimental. The right to travel (both domestic and international) is judicially recognized as being Constitutionally protected. So: You have a right to decline the COVID shot and you a right to travel. You can not be denied one right by the exercise of another.

  4. Love,holy living and commitment to the Truth is the cure

  5. Great Great Show The HighWire this week maybe Paul
    will put it up for all to see.

  6. The corrupt PM here in Canada just announced that a vaccine passport is coming there.

    1. It has not been licensed. only approved for use, under emergency use:

    2. With that said, for this reason: "Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that vaccine recipients or their caregivers are provided with certain vaccine-specific EUA information to help make an informed decision about vaccination." NOTICE IS SAYS, "certain" NOT ALL.

  7. More German bashing because it’s fashionable,
    The world suffers under a Jewish controld that has used media,public education,and government , Justice system manipulate the poor population.

  8. Military threatened us with no pay if we did not get vaccines. However having an "inside" position the list was available in the office and appeared one day looking for something else. Quite clearly the best for that year was 40 percent and 60 percent chose not to take it. Pay was not effected. Vets called and asked if I got my cov vacc and told em thanks I have not used em for years and my family and real healthy and as well a religious deeply held beleif. Doc said she took the two dose Pfizer and just got a little sick. If anyone gets sick of dies its criminal because their are treatments and Corona the new one is hardly anything more than a new variety of an old virus around a long time. They use the "official reports" phonied up cases and false positives to make claims and drive "they sky is falling" narrative. Like the old lynch mobs many jump right in with no evidence whatsoever cause everyone the say is doing it. There is not law I know of approving of killing people due to trained to be ignorant of how dangerous foods, vaccines, and any and all products are or might be

  9. Just tell them you did your paperwork through Anna and the ?Living Law firm?

    Update on Living Law Firm Progress - New Human New Earth › update-o...
    Update on Living Law Firm Progress By Anna Von Reitz Foreclosures: We expect that by the end of this week we will have the actual structure and mechanism ...

  10. Why is President Trump allowing this to happen. Also let's see how long it takes him to change this. Back to the way it was 5 years ago.

    David icke calls this PROBLEM,REACTION, SOLUTION, and TOTALITARIAN TIP TOE. Same as the FREEMASONS. Create a problem.Wait for the reaction. Then come up with the solution you want. Make 3 to 5 changes. Then wait for resistance. Then take 1 or 2 steps backwards. Always advancing your agenda over time.

    I am waiting to see how long it takes to eliminate ALL of the changes.

    Semper Fidelis
    Donald J Brickham


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