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Well one thing presented was a witness working for 23 years as a state election systems said its common just like your phone breaking or needing help to call Dominion and give permission to enter the machines, give state ordered security of the machines to Dominion in another city who is by internet connected when legislators thought it could not be hooked to internet and so much evidence that the GA legislature is thinking it a good idea to actually find out for themselves how the machines and system actually works despite being told by "officials" like Sec State that nothing appears to be wrong. Worth a watch but long long long but at least watching it media spin will appear even more obvious and even legislators said media needs to get on it and help with investigating. Entire large suitcases of votes not securely locked, Dominion warehouse with untrained clerks and witnesses reporting large bags of votes coming in left in a corner protocol not followed and much more so not looking good for the perpetrators whoever they turn out to be and the entire thing presented is said to be just the tip of the iceberg in total evidence not yet even yet presented.
DeleteTheir Fraudulently misnamed CORPORATIONS, mischartered as Banks, totally FAKE lenders. They were and still are World Top Thieves.
Their top bosses Murdered FDR, etc.. Stole 1933 gold then next massive gold, starting their GREATER SIN from 1937, till these days.
Today, they misnamed their stolen gold as world assets, to deceive all for free votes.
WHO claims: vaccine will not end COVID-19 pandemic
ReplyDeleteSky News Australia. 891 views 3 hours ago.
1) The criminals intentionally trying to murder us people.
2) They have enriched themselves, and wanted Total controls on humanity.