YT has decided that my opening statement in the U.S. Senate, given under oath and based upon hard evidence, is too dangerous for you to see; they removed it. To this day, "our evidence has never been refuted, only ignored." Why is Google so afraid of the the truth? - Jesse R Binnall
Here is the story on The Epoch Times:
SHUT DOWN The Narcissists With THESE 20 KEY PHRASES (Disarm The Narcissists Today)| Lisa Romano
ReplyDeleteBreakthrough Life Coach Inc. 389K views
Republican used to be the bad guys, still are. BAD Republican party: Check out the post in this blog:
1) Sunday, January 3rd, 2010: the title is:
----- none dare call it conspiracy --- know your enemy! ---
Senator Prescott Bush (Skull and Bones, 1917) the Bush family patriarch made the above statement in a 1966 interview. He said that political dictum has been explained to him by Claire boothe Luce, congresswoman, Ambassador. and wife of a Time'Life media magnate Henry Luce (Skull and Bones 1920).
2) Friday, January 17, 2020. See Anna post at : 12th paragraph in this title --- American National alert and appeal.------- The Bush family was part of an " inter -h Generational Cult of closet satanisms." Traced from Prescott Bush.
DON'T be fooled, the Deep States DC are the coordinated POLITICIANS KNOWing how to avoid being detected. They swing to BLUE for a while, then to RED after you retired, Right and Left, back and forth, repeatedly. Meaning they work for their foreign EU MASTERS.