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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Acting Legend Jon Voight Issues DIRE Warning To Us All!


  1. Thieves in Courts, are the so-called "Banks" crooks and Vermin in black robes with their sidekicks (bar-baric attorneys, same teams, to collect fake debt) playing their shameless Mind-Games, coordinating their no-service utility bills, fake debts, etc..

    They never wanted to confess to anything, they always wanted to judge and demand people to pay them, to enrich themselves with their foreign Masters. By their blatant bogus jurisdiction. They are absolute narcissists Or parasites in human form.

  2. Thieves in Courts, are the so-called "Banks" crooks and Vermin in black robes with their sidekicks (bar-baric attorneys, same teams, to collect fake debt) playing their shameless Mind-Games, coordinating their no-service utility bills, fake debts, etc..

    They never wanted to confess to anything, they always wanted to judge and demand people to pay them, to enrich themselves with their foreign Masters. By their blatant bogus jurisdiction. They are absolute narcissists Or parasites in human form.

  3. Henry Makow@HenryMakow
    Lin Wood@LLinWood
    Information being received NOW that Communist China purchased Dominion Voting in October 8 for $400M. Efforts underway to verify. If true, this confirms other evidence that Communists intend to overthrow our government to get our precious land. NOT ON OUR WATCH.
    BREAKING - SEC filings: The parent company of Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million from an Investment Bank in Switzerland that is 75% owned by the Chinese government.

    Dominion connection map

    We have ALL sensed it over the past several months. We have tried to avoid the ugly TRUTH. Now we must face the TRUTH, embrace it & live it. We are on the brink of war for our freedom. Prepare. Pray. #FightBack
    Andy Huang, #Dominion's IT Manager, is connected to the North Korean Trojan on Beijing's #Dominion network & has been revealed as "Xuemei Zhang" the owner of ip in China, who has a lot of shell companies in #America & a CCP ChinaTelecom Agent

    Hard Drive Shredding Truck Shows up to #Georgia #Elections machines facility. It can shred machine parts, server drives, USBs etc. People are calling for the Arrest of #Kemp & the #FBI asleep on the job. Judges & Kemp seem Complicit w' Crime

    First #Raffensperger Shredded what seemed to be MILLIONS of ballots over HOURS of a lady videotaping them several times before police arrived. Now they are sending E-Waste trucks to do Shredding the Hard drives? WOW. MASSIVE CRIME going on here for all to see. VERY OBVIOUS

    #Microsoft is Implicated SEVERELY in the WorldWide CRIMINAL #Elections RIGGING Scandal as not only does Windows10 have an engineer remote backdoor AND 'GodMode' at MSFT central. "MicrosoftGold" is THE tabulation software which allows RIGGING of the votes. #Billgates KNEW

    Barr, DOJ, FBI in on the fraud to sell America to the Chinese...

    Catturd ™@catturd2
    I trust drinking out of a toilet in Tijuana more than I trust the FBI and DOJ

      Time to fire AG Bill Barr. Lies about Dominion. No action on Epstein, Durham, Hunter Biden laptop or Weiner laptop. A stolen election now being ignored.

      Barr says "I see no election fraud" Barr is a crypto Jew - so no surprise. We're gonna need a super size hole for Barr and

      The first Jesuits were crypto‑Jews.


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