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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Plandemic. A Second Passover. And the Pied Piper.

By Anna Von Reitz

From Day One I have said that the Brits were at the bottom of the dog pile and pointed at the involvement of the Pirbright Institute and the Wellcome Trust in development of engineered corona viruses and their ownership of patents on "novel" corona viruses.
Bear in mind that this research is designed to enhance the Common Cold virus, to make the virus MORE infectious, MORE deadly, and then ask yourself what you think and feel about this pursuit and the people involved in supporting it?
These activities don't defend any nation. Such so-called weapons kill and maim indiscriminately, and only serve to harm all of humanity.
So why are these private corporations being allowed to do this--- and via producing vaccines to cure the problems they cause--- to profit from it?
I said and I repeat that the Brits are at the bottom of it, and I also warned everyone not to accept any cure they offer for their dirty work, because the cure will reliably be worse than the disease.
For those who need a reminder or who were not alive and listening when the Swine Flu Pandemic hit in 1976, here's a blast from the past detailing a very similar incident where a soldier at Fort Dix was the point source of that pandemic, just like a soldier at Fort Belvoir was the point source for this one---- and all that came after when the vaccines took their toll:
Listen to your Grandma. And, in this case, Mike Wallace.
If they pretend that they have any right to make vaccination "mandatory" --- tell them that you're not a government employee, not a ward of the state, and not taking their vaccine. Your body, your choice. And if you are a government employee, quit rather than take it.
I will observe that any American in the U.S. Military who signed up without the benefit of full disclosure, including the change in political status involved and its impact on your rights and property, is free to break their contract and retire. You do not have to accept any "mandatory" vaccination as a condition of employment and you do not have to finish any Tour of Duty that was entered into without full disclosure.
Tell any JAG Officer that wants to quibble to come quibble with me.
More details are coming into focus showing a connect between the British Crown and George Soros and this entire boondoggle.
From Russian sources (Sorcha Faal) that are more often right than wrong---- in March 2011 George Soros made a US Securities and Exchange Commission filing admitting his ownership interest in Wuxi Pharmatech in Wuhan, China. The prior year, 2010, Soros dumped a hundred million into a research and development center in Wuhan.
Was this facility the "adrenachrome factory" in Wuhan that was taken out by joint US and Chinese forces? Were all those people you saw dying in Wuhan addicts?
It will all come out, and when it does, you can be sure that Bill Gates, Soros, and the British Crown will all have their filthy fingers in it.
I said it was all a British Crock, and I pointed to the involvement of British corporations in this dirty business, but that is rather circumstantial proof and you want smoking gun proof.
Here it is: the brand new British 20 Pound Note.
The new British 20 Pound Note shows a hologram of a 5G cell tower, and right above it, the laboratory symbol for the corona virus.
There's your smoking gun proof that the Brits are at the bottom of it. They've brazenly admitted it in public.
They think they are so smart and everyone else is so dumb that they can afford to tell the world what they have proposed to do to all of us, and advertise their intent to kill and maim and control other people like a herd of cattle.
Between the Vatican paying for the Chem-Trails to damage the environment and disperse all the nano crud, and the British Crown, Gates, and Soros pulling this, there should be no doubt in anyone's mind who the real criminals are.
They cause all these problems to profit themselves by solving the problems they cause.
It's not hard to see or understand; if you are a total cretin without morals of any kind, it even makes a weird kind of sense.
I also told everyone that oxygen in the atmosphere has been depleted by five percent in just 60 years, and that 5G radiation harms the remaining oxygen by altering the "spin" of the electrons and denaturing oxygen, so that we are living in a profoundly oxygen depleted atmosphere.
So here comes the confirmation of that from a NYC ICU doctor:…/bombshell-plea-nyc-icu-doc…
And then, there's this --- the St. Louis Fed Chairman, James Bullard, admitting the whole thing is a planned event --- and I quote:
"This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the second quarter. The overall goal is to keep everyone, households and businesses, whole… It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope with it and keep it under control."
And then, to cap it all off, there is Mike Pompeo, calling it a "live exercise". All you vets and guys in the military know what that means.
Let me observe that the numbers 4-10-20 are appearing everywhere. Three days of darkness and then the flash of light. Be in your houses with your windows shuttered or curtains drawn during this time. "Withdraw my children into your home and wait while his wrath passes by."
The Second Passover is coming. Being in your homes and with your windows shuttered during the three days of darkness is the signal for the angels of death to pass you by, just like the blood of the lamb on the door post was the signal before.
Mr. Trump cannot say this openly, but I can. There are parts of this that are fake and planned by men, and parts of it that are in the realm of the True God. Pay attention now to your faith, and your intentions.
Remember that the vengeance for all this belongs to the Lord; he will pay back, and do it with justice and certainty. It will be seen that his judgment is righteous and his methods are sure.
All the liars, all those who have profited by cruelty and deceit, those who have hungered and thirsted for gold---they will have their mouths stuffed shut.
Close your eyes and turn away from the wrath of his spirit. Remember what happened to those Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark?
What the "Learned Elders of Zion" most feared has come to pass. The fury of the Primal Creator has been aroused and they will not survive it. Not one of them.
Those who love life and love the Earth and love the True God will be spared and vindicated. Those who hate and plan evil for others, and those who ruin the Earth, will be taken into the Abyss.
So, children of the Most High, let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid, for this was foretold to you long ago and should not be a cause for fear or dismay---rather, this should be the cause of solemn rejoicing, for while many who are stubborn in their will to do evil will pass away, the end result will be peace and joy and health and restoration.
Do as your Soul's Friend commanded you to do, and as the prophets advised you to do during this time. Hide yourselves away and close your drapes during the days of darkness and know that your Father has heard your cries and is separating the weeds from the wheat. The weeds will be gathered up and thrown into the fire.
The worldwide planned abuse of SARS virus technology will be brought to a halt with the destruction of all SARS-based viral nanobots, the broadcast range of the 5G towers will be locked down to 30MHz, and all records related to this technology will be destroyed.
All those who planned and executed and planned to profit from this plot against Universal Law will be removed or destroyed, so all the evil will be gone, root, stem, and leaf.
The Pied Piper technology will be deployed so that all existing SARS viruses worldwide, both naturally occurring and weaponized, will be disabled and destroyed.
Get down on your prayer bones, pack in your supplies, and hold on tight. It is about to go Biblical.


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  1. Say what? This is not the True God of Heaven and Earth's wrath..this is Satan's plan (wrath) for humanity..Satan is the fake and fraud and uses everything of technology to pull off the biggest deception ever..
    Satan is the cheap imitation of God and would use everything God created as a cheap imitation..(because satan can't create crappola)
    This is the time in prophecy when the False Christ appears(anti-christ) means instead of christ..and will do all kinds of fake and false miracles even fool the elect if it were possible.If technology is being used to do these things then it's not the work of the True Living God..This is the big deception..where satan will come and deceive the world into believing he is Jesus..666 6th trumpet..6th seal 6th vial..The true Jesus doesn't come until 777 7th trumpet..7th seal..7th vial and it's The Day Of The day of darkness..not 3 days of darkness..
    Jesus also tells us exactly what happens when he comes..our physical flesh body's will be changed into our spiritual body's in the twinkling of an eye..we shall ALL be changed..if this false thing happens I suggest everyone slap or pinch yourselves..if it hurts or you feel it then it's not your spiritual body..and no one knows the day of the Lord one only the father..
    It sounds like the flash of light is the 5g switch turned on worldwide..or the lighting strike when satan and his creepy angels get thrown to earth..or else the whole damn thing is fraudulent.
    We are told not to be deceived by all this fake fraud crap coming upon pray stay watchful..learn and study what Jesus told us about his appearing..and none of this sounds like JESUS and the day of our Lord..but it sure sounds like the deception that only satan can pull of..He and everything he does is a cheap imitation of God..Jesus!!God Bless everyone..please be careful what you believe..Do not be deceived by things coming in this earth..when Jesus comes the only ones that will hide are those who will beg the mountains to fall on them..and hide them from the face of Lord Amen

    1. Well Jeannie, I guess this means you have a pissing match going with the author of this post. Apparently we will find out this week so blessings to all and good luck with it!
