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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, April 6, 2020


Found Here:


  1. Paul posted a video by Thomas Cowan that he referenced a couple of weeks ago from a site called Larry Hanigan.

    Dr. Cowan said the same thing essentially.

    Somebody in the comments recently left a link to another audio file with another doctor who said the same thing again, but that video didn't mention Exosomes I believe.

    On that video, what was referred to as a virus (dispatched BY the body) was described as a solvent to clean cells that were too damaged to be repaired by bacterial action.

  2. Some doctors maybe paid to lie for the vermin. This is possible. But I know that "Corona virus" is another SARS, first week of the news.


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