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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

For All the Jural Assemblies - 50 Congresses

By Anna Von Reitz

We all think of "the" Congress, but in fact, "Congress" is a very broad word and basically means "meeting" and, to be honest, a "verbally raucous meeting" --as in a "Congress of Crows".  It has in its original meaning and context none of the dignity accorded to the word today, and a return to the earlier understanding would be healthier and far more realistic for our purposes.

The original Congress that we think of, known as "The First Continental Congress" was exactly such a meeting --- raucous and undisciplined and largely unofficial, as it was the equivalent of a Committee of the House of Burgesses meeting off-site in the City of Philadelphia, a jurisdiction foreign to the Colonies being represented. "The Second Continental Congress" was no different or better in terms of being a contentious and largely unofficial meeting of men recognized as deputies (fiscal officers) of their colonies.

A "colony" is itself a "farm family community"--- it has no land of its own, because a king or pope or other potentate has assumed ownership of the land, nonetheless, these two Congresses of fiscal deputies sent from thirteen colonies are styled as "Continental Congresses" for a reason. 

It is from their actions that The American Revolutionary War derived, was prosecuted, and brought to the successful conclusion in which the colonists gained control of the land and soil of this country and ultimately, this portion of the North American Continent.

The American Revolution was substantially about ownership of soil and land, about the right to expand westward (in contravention of Treaties that the King of England had with the Native Tribal Leaders) as much as it was about freedom and the rights and dignity of mankind.

The colonists, all considered members of their respective farm family communities, whether they lived in towns or not, naturally and immediately gave rise to separate nations-- groups of people identifying with a common cultural, historical, political and geographical history. 

That is, the people of the colonies gave rise to nations once they declared their interest in the land and soil: the Colonists of Georgia--- became in the words of the (eventual) Treaty of Paris (1783) a "free, sovereign and independent people"--- Georgians, the Colonists of New York became New Yorkers, and the Colonists of Virginia became Virginians... and so on.

Similarly, having obtained the right to the soil and land and having declared their ownership, the former colonists were suddenly in possession of land jurisdiction states that occupied the same boundaries as the former colonies, more or less, and the people who were now recognized as Georgians, New Yorkers, Virginians and so on, were left to define these new sovereign States, nail down their official borders, and in all other ways decide upon all the issues which would enable them to act as responsible members of the international community of states and nations.

And all of this devolved upon them while they were engaged in fighting the Revolutionary War and throughout the decades following.

Chaos reigned. And England meddled.

Each new State issued its own currency for the purposes of trade. Some of the new States did a better, more responsible job of this than others, and prospered, but some States suffered inflation and other ills of bad monetary policy---- aided by British counterfeiting of the American States' currencies---all of which served to undermine the stability and economic viability of the new States. 

Their first attempt to issue a mutual international currency, the Continental Dollar, was counterfeited and inflated into oblivion.

So another "Congress" was called, and this was a meeting -- a congress --- of The United States in Congress Assembled.

Please notice the exact words and styles of the words. 

Jointly and severally, The United States, meaning those "States" that derived from the original Colonies and their Union of States formed by The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, did what?  Ah, they "Assembled" for a meeting--- a Congress, but it was no longer a "Continental Congress", it was The United States Congress.


Because this body of delegates was meeting to discuss business that concerned a different jurisdiction.  They were next meeting to discuss political (for example, international trade) and financial (currency) issues. Every Congress since then has met to address these sorts of issues.

There has never again been a Continental Congress held to specifically address land and soil issues.

As you page through the history of this country you will find that there have been many different kinds of "Congresses" called to meet, both in Philadelphia, and later in Washington, DC.  The topics that these "Congresses" addressed and the nature and composition of the delegations attending these meetings have changed over time.  This is always indicated by the records kept of these meetings.

Thus we have the Continental Congresses, The United States in Congress Assembled, The United States of America in Congress Assembled, The Congress of the united States of America,  The Congress of the United States, The Congress of the United States of America, and so on and on. 

Any idea or impression that there is now or has ever been an entity known as "the" Congress representing this country is just that --- an impression, not a truth, not an actuality.  Instead, what has happened over time, is that a practice of electing "Congressional Delegations" has developed, and whatever kind of "Congress" meets, meets.

Washington, DC, itself, is like a hotel or a conference center, where delegations of various kinds and statures can hold "Congresses" --- that is, meetings--- on neutral turf.  The fact that "a" Congress meets in Washington, DC, grants it no special or pre-determined purpose or identity. Rather, Washington, DC, is like a bird's nest that can be occupied sequentially by robins, cuckoos, crows, and meadow larks.

For the sake of sanity, only one such Congress can meet in Washington, DC at a time, but there have been occasions in our history when multiple complete Congressional Delegations have met at the same time, one in Philadelphia and another in New York and another in Washington, DC. 

All the Delegates of all these Congresses are empowered to speak for their own body politic and to speak to their own particular issues.

Thus, a meeting of "The United States of America in Congress Assembled" is a meeting of Delegates who are elected by land jurisdiction States and by the People of those States who are American State Citizens, and such a Congress is empowered to exercise the full range of "powers" possessed by those States of the Union. 

A meeting of "The Congress of the United States of America" by comparison, is a meeting of Delegates elected by "United States Citizens" comprising the Territorial United States "citizenry" and such a Congress is empowered to exercise the limited range of powers and address such issues as "The Constitution of the United States of America" places in their grasp.

You are no doubt beginning to get the true flavor of the situation that our country faces: "the" Congress presently meeting in Washington, DC, is not our Congress of the American States and People.  It's "a" Congress representing Federal Citizens -- not American State Citizens.

It has been a very long time since the People of this country exerted themselves to act in their sovereign capacity and assembled their States of the Union and sent Fiduciary Deputies to a meeting of The United States of America in Congress Assembled, and it is long overdue.

That is why those of you who have the ability to claim your birthright political status as American State Citizens are being called to correct all the falsified Territorial United States Birth Registrations that have been issued in your names without your knowledge or consent, and also part of the reason that you are being called to Assemble your States of the Union. 

Your States will, once they are ready, elect their Delegates to attend a meeting of The United States of America in Congress Assembled, and they will then address and define those issues which only the actual States and People of this country can address.

Most likely, this meeting of our Congress will occur in Philadelphia, owing to the fact that the Municipal and Territorial Congresses are almost continually holding court in Washington, DC.


See this article and over 1700 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Thanks Anna for your making it clear that there is nothing holy or un-impeacheable about "a" Congress. Any observant reader of the Constitution of 1787 finds the document admits within it to "the" Congress, and also to another Congress, "a Congress". So the alert reader finds the beginning of mischief in that discovery. The Congress meeting in Philadelphia was not meeting in pursuance of the business of The united States of America, but for the beginnings of a political class who could be manipulated to support the initiatives of a Congress, to their own detriment as formerly free people.

    Another surprise in that Constitution is the Article II two "Presidents". One is elected by the electoral college and decided by the Senate, the other appointed. One President originates in the Articles of Confederation, the "President of the United States of America", the other President is "President of the United States", the oligarchies head poo bah who, as you pointed out, is supposed appoint persons to administer the Article I, clause 17 property such as the forts dockyards and possessions actually owned by the United States. His own named duty is actually limited by that Constitution to vetoing bills of "a" Congress. It is the POTUSA who is the chief commander of the military.

    I think Americans have been so wooed by propaganda as to be made to believe the Constitution (whichever one your choose) is so inspired, so inviolable, so near perfect, that we have not taken a very, very careful read and analysis of it for ourselves, using an objective frame of mind. The result of superficial reading causes us to miss or ignore what it is actually telling us, only to feel frustrated that the magic Constitution is not doing much to restrain anyone, especially "a" Congress. Indeed as you explained, another "a" Congress is just one of those unruly bodies of political aspirants you spoke about, looking to woo the United States citizens in to deeper and deeper spells of fraud, and in to deeper and deeper debt to lay on the US citizens shoulders whom they created by fiat, fraud and with malicious forethought in the Fourteenth Amendment.

  2. Much appreciation Joel, Anna (and Ed Rivera)!

    The third paragraph here represents a kind of "bulls eye" that I think is worth taking repeated "shots" at. For instance - Hollywood has contributed so much "propaganda" in a number of films that could now be reviewed in light of this knowledge being expressed here. "Americans have been so wooed" and a large part of the wooing spell came via Hollywood. I think these film reviews would draw interest from the "spell-bound" as it's their irresistible "candy." Only now these film reviews would part all the theatrical curtains and reveal the magician tricks. It could be both entertaining and enlightening at the same time!


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