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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Bombshell, Indeed

By Anna Von Reitz

Just today I was talking with a friend about her concerns about her employer-based credit union and I explained that all banks and credit unions are obligated to "denominate" the digits representing funds in our accounts as "lawful money" if and when we request this. 

In real terms this means that you digits have to be interpreted as United States Notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes.  It may seem like a small thing, but it's not.  Every penny that gets redefined as lawful money reduces the US National Debt by the same amount. 

The same thing happens when we endorse every check or other financial instrument with a "limited endorsement" that says, "Redeemed in lawful money -- 12 USC 411".  It makes no difference to you or your creditors or vendors, but it reduces the US National Debt by the full face value of the check or other instrument. 

If every American Senior did this same thing religiously and converted all their retirement accounts and checking and savings and insurance and mortgage accounts and started "redeeming" them all in lawful money, the US National Debt would plummet like a rock, and the Seniors would enjoy the added security of knowing that their funds were no longer subject to seizure by the banks. Lawful money is a material asset, not a credit.  The bank has to carry lawful money as a material liability. 

It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of crooked scumbags.

And for all you youngsters just starting out in the world and thinking two thoughts about retirement and Mutual Funds --- here's a bit of mathematics and insight from one of the Fathers of the Mutual Fund industry:


See this article and over 1700 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. What is a limited endorsement and hwho qualifies as a senior? How do people in general get banks to redefine accounts to lawful money?

    1. Response from Anna:
      There is no magic solution to any of that right now. We have one part of the government in liquidation and another just out of restructuring in bankruptcy --new Trustees took over. You are just now getting your horse in front of your cart, claiming back your Lawful Person status, and protecting yourself and your assets-- that's where we are. Ultimately these banks will have to pay up but the ways and means of that have yet to be released. For now get your BC, Witnesses, Recorded Paperwork, etc done and go to SignInAmerica so you get updates about the financial matters.

  2. I would also like some details on how to redefine accounts to lawful money. Need clarity for process paying mortgage, car payments, utility bills, etc. by check and proper endorsement of those checks.

  3. Redeem for lawful money
    All rights reserved

    1. Do you do this on the sinature line on the face of the check or just the back? I have been depositing all of my checks for the last year with the above be endorsement on the back but wondered about the front. I also take a photo of every check front and back because I have seen cases where the bank tore away the restricted endorsement.

  4. Lawful money is any form of currency issued by the United States Treasury, and not the Federal Reserve System. It includes gold and silver coins, Treasury notes, and Treasury bonds. ... Lawful money is also known as "specie", which means "in actual form."


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