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Thursday, January 24, 2019

It's This Simple

From Anna Von Reitz

There is no "Public Law" without a "Public". 

If everyone is choosing to enfranchise (enslave) themselves to a corporation and acting in the capacity of a "Person", there are no "People" left who are competent to invoke and enforce the Public Law.


  1. To enfranchise is to register ones "person", the faked ALL CAPITAL TRADE NAME", to vote, drive an automobile, reside in a political District overseen by a United States franchised District Court. Of course the enfanchisee must declare under penalty of perjury he resides in the STATE OF STATE, and swear he is a "Citizen of the United States" to have the privilege to populate a jury serving one of those fake courts where the law itself is not admitted, nor is it seseptable to jury nullification, and where only a snippet which claims the alleged violated of section and code is found on the fake courts' complaint, jealously guarded by the fake "judge" of the court.

    If everyone took back the time and energy to apply Anna's revelations about the enfranchised service providers acting as fake "governments" for their own profit and instead re-invested the time wasted in that swamp of political lies by re-establishing our lawful unincorporated soil and land States, Land Counties, land Sheriffs, and land Jural Assemblies, then the vortex of natural gravitational pull of hundreds, thousands, then millions of people back in to our lawful self governing assemblies would very rapidly collapse the fake districts,the fake and toxic societies, corporations, United States Districts, District Courts, the banks operating as instruments of the IMF the Federal Reserve and the IRS.

    We would then have free reign by applying the rules of a self governing people to re-construct our organic States and American Common Law to bring justice, peace and prosperity back home to sovereign American people where it has always belonged, but where we as its custodians and heirs, have allowed it to become overrun by fake actors intent on politically raping and economically pillaging, our people and land.

    I would like to ask Paul or Anna to lay out a template in the form of a check sheet of tasks accomplished to have all of us who comprehend the nature of this disease afflicting Americans to follow and to check off as we get from step one to step two, and on to jural assemblies and enrolling qualified jurors thereof.

    This is also to say thank you Paul for recently compiling the several articles under one set of url connections to Anna's explanations of the steps required as a collective effort. What I am proposing is the same steps in a check sheet form leading to personal emancipation and entry in to a jural assembly.

    1. yes joel A SIMPLIFICATION process/procedure !!most of us need SIMPLIFICATION to get this accomplished on OUR levels !

    2. and wouldn't it be simpler if the county recorders office had this knowledge now or beforehand !! they certainly have to be 'educated' as to what is taking place !

    3. Luther...I can tell you from experience in dealing so much with the county recorders office that they are only there to file things, and not think or ask why...!! And they also claim that they are completely immune from prosecution because they put all the "liability" on the filer, who can vertually file anything they want , if it comes to a bank, their attorneys, and even the DA's Dept...who is covering everyone's asses for the Corp State...They sent me a letter back to me after I pointed out to them the fraudulent nature of all filings done by a banks attorneys, and all incillary parties to the crime of "foreclosures" they are a part of, like MERS...!! The DA's special dept they started after 2008 because of all the complains they were receiving, couldn't even tell me "WHAT two pieces of documentation do you need to have a legal mortgage...!!
      He told me that was above his pay grade...WHAT..!! This is a special dept of "real estate fraud", working for the DA and this agent didn't know what we needed to have title to our homes...!!

      Just for those who don't know, the two things you have to have is

      1) The original promissory NOTE, signed in wet ink, not a copy (which because the banks screwed up royally, the courts now are telling people a "COPY" will suffice now)

      2) The mortgage agreement, or as some states refer to it "the deed of trust or trust deed", like in Calif....

      Does that give you a clue as to the ignorance of the county recorders office...!! The banks and their attorneys have weaponized the CRO because the lay public has no clue about its functions or its importance..But the banks, attorneys, and insurance companies sure know how to use it....!!

    4. yeh james doesn't suprise me one bit !! your description of what's going on is a good example of the severity we're in !! as always, drastic measures starting from the top most difficult and what's needed, for change ! corp state 'stranglehold' got to be eliminated ! what's the answer ? ; jural assemblies locally to help out with anna's recommended procedures for our 'unincorporation' ? the whole scenerio with fraudulent money/banks/loans (fractional reserve banking), attorneys/DA'S, courts/judges (administrators) is TREASON !!!! the ignorance of the CRO is lack of proper knowledge/training of what is 'supposed' to be; as anna is trying to get across !!!! if this 'system'/'people involved' with this, as we have mentioned, were told they are TRAITORS things would change quickly;; traitors perpetrating fraud for the CORP STATE !!!

  2. I changed my corrected my status , when to court they denied my plea to vacate the UD case against me and the denied my case , and evicted me from my house six days ago?
    What should I do? I was now told not to go back into there courts. Any Jural assemblies in SF Bay Area in CA?
    What should I do?

    1. are up against the toughest battle of your life when it comes to foreclosures..It would be easier to fight a murder case..!!

      The banks have shelled out billions to just about every agency of govt including all the attorney Generals of every state and the UNITED STATES, and even the "comptroller of the U.S., and finally got tired of being sued by our govt that they were finally told that if the courts file anymore cases against them for foreclosures, they will just close bank doors and you can deal with the ensuring chaos...!!

      Just walk away..But if you do find a "jural assembly" to help you will you let us know, and if you had success...!!

    2. From Anna:

      First, I have been at great pains to explain this --- doing the paperwork does not stop any case that is ongoing. It creates evidence of your political status and will and intent going forward, but any action that is already in progress remains under their false presumptions.

      If I were you I would take a copy of "MY" birth certificate and my paperwork to the DA and I would look him or her in the eye and say, "I am not presenting this (the BC, etc.) as any form of identification. I know that you are functioning under the 1934 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act and I know you can't talk about it, thanks to 18 USS 472, but I wish this situation with my house to be corrected with prejudice, and the Prosecutor to be fined for addressing me under false presumptions. I want to be notified when this mess is straightened out and my house is available for me to move back in. You may call this number: (attach to the pile of paper via paperclip)." Then I would leave copies of all the documents, including the eviction/sale, etc. order on their desk and walk out.

      Don't stay and discuss anything, because they would probe you to try to find out how much you know and you don't know much. If they call after you, "Mister...." or whatever other title ---- IGNORE THEM. "Mister" and "Missus" are British Territorial "titles" identifying you as a member of the British Merchant Marine Service. If any of them "address" you this way, you must ignore them.

    3. Much appreciate all of the shared understanding regarding the "simple" and am inspired to keep it all the more simple.

      Joel, when I read your "If" at the start of your 2nd paragraph it seems impossibly large to me when it's followed by "everyone." What works best for me is to shrink all of this down to the size of "my own space" knowing that whatever land and soil I may be standing on is just where I belong and where I can respond as need be to whatever life actually brings to me.

      It's essentially easy for me to say this because I now no longer have "time wasted in that swamp of political lies." I agree that engagements "in that swamp" appear to be "time wasted" (unless one can extract some lessons well learned to the point where they are no longer being repeated." An updated word from "The Revelation" now might be: "Come out of it my people." Revelation 18:4.

    4. A common law lien can be filed at the recorder's office, against a property, by the man/woman in lawful possession of it. If it is properly worded, it will be very effective in thwarting seizure by any governmental agency. The title will be clouded so badly that I doubt that a bank attempting foreclosure would try to evict the owner and sell it.

    5. want to bet me...!! You people with foreclosures are in for a ride awakening...!! I'm not telling you not to fight them, because people should or they would really be getting away with murder...!! They are damn close now...!!
      Once I received a letter from the servicing comp. , I knew it was going to be a race to see who could get or prevent title to the house from the other...!!
      So when you have little time to do something , you can shorten the "administrative " process (the same way they use it against us), to just 3 letters and then file a "Notice of Default" on the foreclosing party, and file an "Intent to Preserve Interest" in the property and the LAND (described in "meters and bounds), that should have cloaded the title but good..!!
      But the CRO didn't file those filings in the right place.
      Instead of filing that paperwork under the "property filings", where it should be filed, they filed it under "notices", which would take a clever attorney to find it..!!
      And believe it or not, and I have no idea how, but someone, either the "real estate" company selling the property or the bank, got the CR to completely change the boundary lines and property description of our whole area, so that it looks like a new property with a new address...!! This is what is going on at the county recorders office....everyones just doing what they are only doing my job, it's not personal...!!

    6. It is always necessary to serve copies of pertinent documents to the party attempting to seize property or at least provide the place and document number where they can examine the official record. A common law lien is outside the jurisdiction of the corporation "courts" and they can not remove it. If a "judge" tries to mess with a common law matter, you may want to consider filing a lien claim for damages against him.

    7. earthdweller...people have done that and have wound up in jail...!! But that doesn't mean the lien was released...!! But the CRO is so controlled now that someone with authority (no matter how misplaced), will come to their rescue...!!

  3. I did all my paper work. Even resigned from Agent of process. I corrected my political status. I was told by submitting my political status into the courts
    I re-contracted and that could be reason they snow balled me?

    1. LIERS...!! Get a copy of your "title", called an "abstract of title" from your title company or real estate agent, and it should come back "paid in full" by a red stamp...!! You home was paid for the day Escrow closed..!!
      In fact, the first thing you should have done is go to the CRO and get a copy of your entire filings on your property which only cost a few bucks...!! You need to go in person because only their computers have everything they filed and you can access those filings for free when your there which isn't possible online unless you pay up front first...its to complicated online anyway..!! But you can see for yourself that when the bank first listed your property they rightly filed you as the grantee (creditor/owner), and them as the "grantors"(debtors/borrowers)...!! But because those contracts are 30 pages long, we all signed waivers of "power of attorney" and "power of Sale", which means we all granted the banks the right to file anything now in our properties (Not land)..!!
      Go and see how many times your home was unlawfully traded, sold, and assigned to some other party..!! It's a nightmare of conspiracy involving so many parties that it becomes to frustrating to deal with...
      The last I heard is if you don't have an attorney (that you can trust), the courts won't even deal with you...not in foreclosure matters...!! Sorry, I know you wanted better news...!!

  4. You are in a foreign court if you are arguing your issues in ANY existing court of the United States or of one of the STATES OF STATES.

    The modus operandi of theses courts is to judicially NOT "see" any of your defenses because to do so would automatically cause their positions and so called "due process " to be totally useless and un-enforceable against you, a natural man. Your being "seen" in such courts as a artificial "person" corporate created entity is key to their ability to stand against you, the man. To them, you are a thing which they created, a corporate person, dependent on their artificial constructs of codes.

    Do everything possible to survive the shock of losing your home, connect with all natural resources possible, protect your health and portable wealth by enlisting TRUSTED people for their temporary support for the coming months and longer.

    Then continue to create and file your corrections of status and demands for return of your owned property by following similar letters and affidavits such as Anna has filed into the various records systems of the United States of America, international jurisdictions, the British Recorders and the Vatican Recorders, to establish your claims. It may require years for any redress to occur, if ever. Appealing to a court of appeals will only get a rubber stamp of the appeal court approval of what the other court committed against you. These courts cover for one another.

    Rebuild your life by learning free private enterprise and living in that mode from now on. Teach your friends to do the same and bring them to your local Jural Assembly to reconstruct our organic States under American Common Law.

    1. You guys should listen to this advice and save the "STRESS" of trying to get even with these banks because they are just to powerful to deal with...!! Besides, it just may be that the LORD has something else in mind for you that will actually make your life better if you have patients to wait out a couple of hard couple of years before he rewards you for being strong and always asking him for help..!!

    2. Yes, the TRUE LORD ALWAYS has a better plan James....ALWAYS ♭♯💥

  5. Humbly petition God the Eternal Father in prayer for personal revelation about what personal steps you can take to work through the next days, weeks and years. Stay in prayer as you feel any need for greater guidance and wisdom than your own. By believing, you will receive impressions ("a still small voice" will speak peace to your spirit) and clarifications will come in your mind and heart that can give you comfort, guidance, and healing from this injustice and injury to your life. Your experience will build your spiritual stature and add to the eternal better you.

    You are here in mortality preparing to meet God, and suffering injustices causes us to awake to the reality of an eternal conflict ("there must be opposition in all things") for the hearts and souls of men and women everywhere on earth. Stay on God's side by living His commandments and your afflictions will refine and strengthen your eternal soul, which you take in to the eternities as your gift from your Creator to experience the eternities when your complete your mission on earth. You become a stronger, tested spirit tried and refined in the refiners fire.

    This experiences of yours evidences that Satan is fully in control of this world and its worldly institutions and the operatives thereof, all based on lies, so learn to walk by God's light unchanging truth and rely on His Word to find your way forward. Ponder and internalize His words in your heart everyday, forever. He will hear and answer the prayer of the humble who petition Him in fervent prayer.

    Add faith in an omniscient God to lead you to higher ground and you will find your burdens lightened and your heart given strength and cheer, even in the midst of afflictions like this. God promises blessing and strength to those who give credence to His Words. He wants you to test the veracity of His word. Do it and live more abundantly, even in your affliction.

    1. Joel, why have you left out repentance? Repentance addresses mans sinfulness which cannot be sidestepped. As stated in 2 Cor. 7:10 for Godly sorrow (over ones sinfulness) worketh repentance TO salvation.
      John 9:31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners, but (1) if a man be a worshipper of God, and (2) Doeth His Will, him He heareth.

  6. Replies
    1. James you can't say that, your saying "Amen Ra" LOL. On another note, is that true re "We will shut down our banks if you don't back off"? OMG if you or I did that the corporate govt wouldn't give a toss.

    2. Kiwi...thats why we can't do it...But , yes it is true and you can see it first hand if you are ever found in a foreclosure case..!! That but of info came straight from a lawyer online that has been one for 30 years, but currently retired, and now giving good advice to people about the state of affairs on these foreclosures...!! I forgot his name off hand , but it's something like Greenwood or something...!! He sees it from the inside, which we aren't privy too...!!

  7. Well that's the shortest blog Anna has done for a while. However it's true. And like my framed quotes from Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, it's going straight to the pool room. Australians will get that....

  8. Adversity's upside is passing the integrity, perseverance and forgiveness tests in order that we may pass the hardest test of all the success test, which I have failed a few times resulting in loss of spouse, family, time and home for tax crimes never committed. We can not battle principalities in high places without embracing the authority given to us at the Cross. Stay the course and we will be victorious. Eph 6:12-13. We must unite mentally and spiritually to overcome the beast. I first bonded my BC in 2007 learned from Winston's teacher the Bishop he was called . Please don't give up the truth is always God's purpose. Have a blessed day.

    1. ''without embracing the authority given to us AT the Cross.''
      Therein is most people's problem; they have NEVER been to the Cross, and thats why they never got any such Authority.

      (explanation: The Cross is where one goes to surrender all that old sinful nature, and all that sinning ya love to do, which is to be coupled with 'going and sinning NO more''. God is a Rewarder of them that DILIGENTLY (seriously) seek him; NOT those folks with their half-hearted 'oh please feel sorry for me, and bail me out, I'm in a jam, and then go right back to your same old world loving ways'. The result of such an attitude will net you Zero.)

      Repent, or perish. Otherwise, God owes you nothing; he is not anybody's butler.

  9. When the shooting starts, have a list. Tgese criminal bastards that have stolen , lied , raped , pillaged and plundered us will finally meet their maker and be sent back to Hell. You might not get your stuff back , but a little satisfaction goes a long way.

    1. A little satisfaction goes a long way. Does it? How far does it go when your friends and your family are also being shot? The other side also has a list.
      What you and many of your "Patriotic" buddies all suggest is behave just like the enemy. How has this ever worked?

    2. a follower, I agree that our right to defend ourselves should be in a strictly defensive posture. We can't start the violence, but we have a duty to defend the lives of our loved ones and that includes using deadly force when the other side is the initiator of the violence.
      Are you going to stand idly by and watch your family be murdered by these mindless gangs of thugs? Not me.

    3. Paul, i think you know exactly what i mean. And i think you should know i will not stand idly by and i have never insinuated that.
      Patriot 58 has a problem as do many like him, they think they can't wait,(till the shooting starts) they think it will be glorious, they think it will be just like tv.

    4. When are we ever in any other posture but defensive...!! There is only so much we can personally defend..!! The Revolutionary war proved that...they resorted to gorilla warfare to beat the Brits...!!

  10. Until people recognize,receive and accept the True gospel of Yahusha Mashiak first, i do not see a point or a gain in all these worldly plans.
    All this talk of returning to the 'Law,' common Law, Public Law, etc. Seems off, seems like you are forgetting something?
    Anna, used a phrase or a statement a few articles back:
    "But our ancestors set it up so that no man can serve two masters."
    i went back and searched for context, and guess i see 'her' meaning. And yet there is a problem with this.
    Our Master has already set things up so that man does not need to serve two masters, yet we should at the least serve One.
    Was Daniel in the old testament serving two Masters? What of the Three that were placed in the furnace for not bowing down to the image, the idols? Where did they live? Was it not in a time of Babylon?
    Do you Pray for each other as well as for enemies as is suggested and recommended in Mathew 5:43-48? It seems these are the Prayers we should be recommending instead of hocus pocus 7th seal prayers of islands and curses of and by men etc.
    Forgive each day as is recommended.

    1. aFollower, in the bible David prayed for his enemies, praying for God to stick their tongues to the roof of their mouths, and to not allow them to have children.
      I kinda like David's ideas; and God even told him he was a man after God's own heart.
      Book of Psalms is full of good stuff like that.

  11. To whom it applies , we fought foreclosure for almost 10 years both birth certificates were authenticated, as well as an authenticated deed in 2015 all paperwork presented, arguments was denied everything was ignored . I have two confessions of current corporate license realtors that no sheriff sales exist they are all theater , we even went to military in person for help to stop the foreclosure, that too was denied . we were evicted on April 19th 2017 with a cancer patient. we have found when Justice fails there's always Force . I don't promote any kind of violence, but sadly you can't come to a gun battle and fight it with paper.

    1. your getting it...!! The only assets left to the Banks are our homes, and they will pull every trick in the book to get it...!! I lost mine in 2013, and trying to stop a TRAIN WREAK with just paper doesn t work...Especially without an attorney..!! The sad fact is that even if you offer the bank a reasonable offer other than the one you originally signed, they still won't take it, because they are desperate to get the home back so they can get back an original NOTE with a wet ink signature to try and correct 400 years of real estate law which they have ruined by "securitation", bundled up in complicated "derivitives" called CDO (Collapsed Debt Obligations)..!!
      I was in a home cleaning the carpet of a "prosecuting attorney" who worked for the Corp State, and the Bank rejected his offer to settle his debt with the bank by offering $400,000 for a home he had been paying on for probably 5 years, but supposedly worth $800,000 back then..!!
      So the bank evicted him and resold the house for only $300,000..!! The banks are more interested in getting the home back at any cost, just to get a new NOTE that they can then attach to the mortgage and regain legal title, instead of actually being seen as the fraudsters they are..!! And selling property that even isn't there's anymore without the original NOTE..!!
      Do not underestimate the banks resolve to foreclose on you, because th get have almost took people's houses that have been paid for "in full" for several years...and the banksBanks still took them to court..!! They did finally get to keep the house, but not until they spent approximately $80,000 for a lawyer to stop the foreclosure...Is that really a decide..!! My point is once the bank targets you for foreclosure, you have no choice but to shell out a lot of money to an attorny, or try fruitlessly yourself to get it back, or just agree to take the "money for keys" deal to move out offered by the Banks...!!
      Who are you going to sue you guys even know...the party foreclosing on you isn't even "the Real Party of Interest", it's only a "SERVICER ". There is no "Real Party of Interest" anymore since 2008 (FRCP 17a)....!!
      And banks are using other banks , like B of A, to buy the foreclosure, then transfer or assign it back to the foreclosing Bank, even if it doesn't sell for the price the other bank paid for it...!! Our home was foreclosed on owing almost $200,000.
      B of A supposedly bought it for $120,000, but HSBC only wound up selling it for $80,000...!!
      Do you really think that B of A would intentionally loose $40,000 just to be nice to HSBC...This is just a small part of the entire fraud of takes an Army of traitorist Parties to get away with this.. And believe me, they are all willing participants...!!!

    2. CDO...actually stands for "Collalaterized Debt Obligations"...!! Damn phone...!!

  12. This post might be one of Anna's most compelling arguments to date supporting the notion of reclaiming status. What isn't so obvious at this point is what happens then? Does anyone really expect the Vatican to lay down their swords and abandon their claims? Will the corporate interlopers posing as government step aside and let the dejure and proper government that is owed to the population do its work? Corporations have no right to declare war or do any of the things that they have been doing. Will they respect the process and yield to the individual states as Anna has written that they should do? I think the answer is not without a fight. If the entire population knew the truth about how the republic should function it would be much easier but the criminals will use that lack of knowledge to continue to operate. Will the District of Columbia retreat back into its supposed 10 square mile footprint and never be heard from again? Where does their charter to even exist come from? What function is served by a city-state in these more modern times. What role would a "well formed militia" serve in this issue, or is a modern, organized military that is responsive to the emergence of a renewed republic required. Let's face it, the founding fathers didn't have nuclear and other WMD devices to insert into the calculus, they were much simpler times back then in many ways, and time has marched relentlessly forward. Just some food for thought and disussion...

    1. Will Smith...I lost track of how many times I have told Anna and everyone else that the constitution is an outdated contract that needs to go into the dustpile of things that don't work and never will...If they stopped at only the first 10 amendments, we might have caught all this fraud a long time ago...!!
      My suggestion to Anna is not only a status change, but to finally start advocating the uselessness of "Constitutions" or any contract for that matter...!! A simple "shaking of hands" is enough to form a legal contract...!! And it won't be hard to expose who perpetrated the "broken promise"..!! It's always the one without money...!!

  13. Facts are facts, all of this only works if those sides are honest and respect the other side I haven't seen anything yet in my 12 years of research that would even indicate respect from the other side as far as the people are concerned

  14. I cleaned a bank once helping a friend. On top of the manages trash was a receipt tossed in showing an 8000 dollar "loan" the manager issued to himself it appeared. People themselves are largely responsible yet confounded and made ignorant on purpose as well as processed in the system to be obedient and suspicious of anything that suggests daddy government might be lying that especially includes the truth about actions taken by them. Satans or anyone thinking they are going to gain by being bad or serving regular lying as a practice are in for a hard let down. Satan or the dark energy will attempt to suck you in slowly then often suddenly the illusion falls away too late or only a partial revealing is experienced with one wall opening to reveal yet another wall to make it to the truth. Fortunately the underlying truth weeds out the bad apple actions, where the rot is and the solution is simple, just the opposite of all the 80 miles of legislative books all together in a row that serve only to benefit the few and hopefully hide and bury it under more BS so called laws that only apply to corporate employees, like a corporate policy such as Walmart that employees agree to follow. Case after case state any government that incorporates is not longer any different than any other corporation and if incorporated there is a top, a high echelon owner of all the franchises, like the Vatican that claims King John gave em most of the domain of the planet etc, more BS. Vatican bank is listed as caretaker of huge dynasty fortunes, curies families of Europe Hapsburgs, Lorraines, Luxemborgs, Stuart etc, the alleged "top" owners who use violence and force but whose main tool is keeping people from finding out the truth knowing that will take em down if people truly find out and cannot be taken of task, sent on a wild goose chase.
