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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Michael Hayden: Post-Truth Society?

By Anna Von Reitz

There I was, innocently writing Christmas cards and listening with half an ear to some vacuous PBS programming, when what (and who) to my wondering eyes did appear, but Michael Hayden, former Chief Goon of both the NSA and CIA spreading good cheer, and the news that the Truth no longer matters to anyone here.  

We live in a "Post-Truth Society" and he quoted a dictionary as proof, that some slum-dweller swaddling in the deep urban blight has labeled our condition and says Hayden, has shown a great light. 

According to Mr. Hayden we are all clueless and brain-dead and immoral prigs with the instincts of starved dogs and a dearth of common sense.  According to him, we have gone over the edge, and no longer bother with truth, only bald avarice. 

We care nothing for truth every day of the year and wallow instead in self-pity and beer. 

Oh, no, says the Durge King as he sounds the Death-Knell of our world and our nation and our dear ones as well.  Give up your grey cells and your logic and your happy sleigh bells.  Forget what Mom taught you and your Dad, just as well. Forget your code of honor --if you had one to start.  Admit you are a pathetic sleazy bastard, with an ice pick for a heart. 

I"m the expert, he purred, though that's not what he said. His words were ingratiating as they poured forth from his head. We must forgive people, he implied, for their delusional spells.  They've been misled and poisoned and gone through sheer Hell.  No wonder they are sick and reduced to blind rage, political correctness, and swear words for prayers. 

They don't know what they are, either as men or as beasts, have forgotten what they are here for and can't even think.  They are sick and they're silly and stupid as well.  A-foot or a-horseback seems just the same, and I, Michael Hayden, am here to expound.  It's my business, you see, and I tell you with glee, that you don't know what the truth is, though you stand on the brink. 

All your ideas are shadows and your dreams are all blanks.  Only lies are the truths that you live with each day.  In the real world, you're all victims and losers and slaves.  All you've got left are feelings unfettered from brains, the dull sounding echoes of your own lonely pain, with no knowledge of the past, no vision for the future, and nothing in between. And I, Michael Hayden, am here to feed on your ignorant delusions and your anger and pride in things that destroy you, like big banks and flags.  

Bull crap and business is my stock-in-trade.  There's nothing honest about me, not even my name.  I am corpulent and unhealthy and ugly, it's true, but I still consider myself far better than you.  And if you don't know what the truth is, then neither do I.  Plausible deniability is my claim to fame. 

With a shift in his chair and a flutter of his eyes deep-set and ironic, Michael Hayden gave a sly smile that I found quite iconic.  The Jester and John Dee and the shiftless camel traders of El Alamein, J.Edgar Hoover, and the Horse With No Name all came to mind, and I despised the Gloating Toad and I thought to myself --- you got what you asked for PBS, as I turned off the knob, and I heard my husband laughing as I turned out the light. 

"Mike Hayden couldn't find the truth with both hands and a grenade."

See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Micheal not spying Haden.CIA started by CFR.
    cabal now however the NSA and the generals and patriot movement supposed Q is the white hats .
    there is tell tale clues were Donald is Q+. check out the video of trump chiefs make an elevator decorated in gingerbread . With clue 's of trump and Q. all hidden to be found lime easter egg hunt.
    I give up who's on first ?

    1. Is Haden really that arrogant to be fluffing his feathers on live TV, mocking all people of the delusional world HE and THEY created for us...!!
      And this is what we can expect from all our civil servants..!!
      But he makes one good point.....that all govt created by man are nothing but illusions , here only to serve the needs of a few...!!
      We need a shift to a new paradigm...people do not need governments, unless someone is going to watch them every second of everyday...!!

    2. Total nonsense, but HEY...God 💓 u, me & ALL SOULS....even the the devil whom IT created to run the matter, energy, space & time worlds of delusions🎶💥

  2. alanedward says;

    watch it to the end... the why...

    something else that may enlighten you;

    1. "Please use a handle that is not "unknown" or "anonymous" see our policy at the top of the page in blue. The least you could do is to put your name on the first line of your comment so I can see your unique handle. There are too many people using unknown or anonymous and it makes this moderation job a nightmare.

      "You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove unwarranted personal attacks. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Do not attempt to comment using the handle "Unknown" or "anonymous". Your comment will be summarily deleted. Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products." Paul Stramer "may enlighten u"😂

  3. You want to know who's behind the door
    And low and behold $30+ Billion more dollars going threr from the US - hmm
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I needed this Laugh desperately! You nailed it! Operation " Lights ON" bring all the vermin liars out of their dark denial and into the Light of Truth--HAURAH!!!!!

    1. Thank you
      Not sure if you have seen this one but very informative I think
      All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  5. Ozzy Osborne: HAYDEN AND THE “ WAR PIGS”!
    All as SATAN SPREADS HIS WINGS because his closest are THE MOST DECIEVED!!!

  6. Wow Anna you are quite the poet.

    Beautiful brvo

  7. "We care nothing for truth every day of the year "

    sorry anna, that's 99% of people. unintentionally if you prefer.

    "satan" "god of this world"

    "ideals" just means you are begging for donations because all the money is on the other side. that is the price you pay for your "ideals"

    that's why you are still begging for donations anna, there still are no courts, the "martial law schmartial law" is all there is for 99% of people 99% of the time, still no actual militias (no states to well regulate them, no state court martials), still no treasury, still cant decide which "our father" is which, still havent figured out the pope has no office

    sure, "good" will eventually win. not in my lifetime. this world is still 99% "satan" and 99% of people are on that side by default.

    where's the mortgage moratorium? never happened. the massive arrests? never happened. the bar attorneys resigning? hasn't happened. the "churches" and "mothers" getting furious about human trafficking? i guess their "ideals" just takes time to actually appear.

    you are an expert at "pre truth" anna, talking about things that never occur.

    1. the pope was going to fix everything anna. i have your "final judgemetn and civil orders"

      hasn't lifted a finger. just more "pre truth"

      trump was supposed to take actual office, you bonded it and everything...but just another "pre truth"

      i dont discount you have actual "ideals" but in practice, you are always met with a brick wall.

      "satan" was supposed to be bound. then a few weeks later, we have a possessed "ghoul". just another empty "pre truth"

      somehow your "ideals" always disappear into thin air when met with the real world.

    2. i heard the "resist the urge to vote" and then a few weeks later, it magically turned into "vote republican"

      just another one of anna's "pre truths" that abandoned all morality and ideals when confronted with reality.

      when met with reality, anna's "ideals" always seem to vanish.

    3. "you're a good dancing man julius caesar, but you sure can't fight" -- robert redford, the scalphunters

    4. i recall anna's praise of the "mormon miracle workers"

      then i looked in my newpaper, saw all the "elections" are still "federal citizens only"

      i recalled the marriner eccles statue praising his "ideals" "the father of the federal reserve"

      (when will we return to actual treasury) "not in your lifetime or mine"
      i thought of brigham young "we would rather flee to the mountains than join the union, and then you will all starve" (because feds dont know how to grow food)

      and i saw annas "pre truth" phony "ideals" has been going on a long time.

      looks like your "miracle workers" are all on the "satan" side anna.

    5. i recalled the "mormon miracle workes" begged the NSA to build their data center here.

      i envision a statue of Michael Hayden next to Marriner Eccles, a shining tribute to "truth"

      maybe you guys could refrain from any more supposed "miracles" for awhile?

    6. i remember the wise words of "miracle worker" mitt romney: we have to spy on you, to see when other people are.

      my heart glows with admiration for how much "truth" matters.

    7. americans usually do the right thing, after they have tried everything else -- FDR

    8. "president" trump -- "Get a job"
      "what goes around comes around" --"judge" cavanaugh

      that is how "morals" work in reality. $$$$$$$

    9. I wish people would stop saying that Satan is in control of this world...!!
      Satan isn't "shit" here or anywhere else...because their can only be one "conductor" to a symphony, and only HE instructs the orchestra...!! If someone is evil , than the conductor planned it that way, or nothing in the bible would line up so perfectly, even after 2000 years...!!

    10. Total nonsense, but HEY...God 💓 u, me & ALL SOULS....even the the devil whom IT created to run the matter, energy, space & time worlds of delusions🎶💥🛐

    11. James, I think the majority of people misunderstand the bible. The truth is God did not orchestrate anything that we see going on. What the bible consists of is 'God fastforwarded,' and foresaw in advance what Man would do, and then it was Recorded in the bible.
      You see, God made everything and then gave Man dominion over it. So all of this is Man's doing. God gave Man free will, and this is all man's doing.
      He even threw lucifer out of heaven for trying to overthrow God there. And so he too is given a freedom to roam the earth ''seeking whom he may devour''. It is up to Man to thwart the wiles of satan, but most prefer to participate in his mischief, thinking it is fun, enjoyable and gives them the 'freedom' to do as the please......failing to heed the advice that doing evil and following the ways of satan/evil comes with consequences.

      In 2 Corinthians 4:4 it clearly tells us that satan is the god of this world, because he has the freedom to entice whoever allows themselves to be enticed, which is most people, one way or another, some to a greater extent than others, but nevertheless, even small mischief is of satans influence.

      The only lives of people that God is directly involved with, are those that are saved; the true christians. Because they have repented and agreed to let God be the Leader of their lives.
      God does not go where he is not wanted, so the majority of mankind is under the influence of satan 'or up for grabs' if satan so chooses to interfere in their lives and cause havoc.

      Most people have chosen to be boss of their own lives, therefore, they are left to take care of their own problems, being in charge of themSelves.

      The only other people God will intercede for, are those he already foresaw as 'going to be saved'. There may also be times when He will do something for an unsaved person, to cause them to Believe that He exists, and to whet their appetite or to get their attention. But from what Ive ever seen, they generally just go right on ignoring God anyhow.

      It was when Man sinned in the Garden of Eden that satan won his right to be the god of this world. That is what caused God to have to come up with a new Plan by which Man could get back to God and out from under the clutches of satan. That Plan is the Plan of Salvation which is outlined in the New Testament and preached by the Apostles.

      Bottom line, everything that is wrong in this world, most of which is expounded on right in this Forum, is ALL the work of satan and his influence on all the ungodly folks who are doing them in the physical sense; from all the most gruesome acts, on down to that little twerp going around stealing your packages off your porch, and everything in between, including all that stuff down there in that deep dark rabbit hole, lol.

      At times there are things God will stop from happening, but today what we see happening, we know God is doing nothing to stop it. But no,he does not plan for a person to be evil. That is their own doing. He simply knows beforehand that some people will want to be evil and he doesnt stop them. They do wicked things, and he doesnt stop them. But there could be times when He is the one doing them, or causing them. Either way, He allows them, we can see that.

    12. Abby, the way you often talk one would think you and satan are best of friends, but at the very least certainly not the class of being God would consider one of His own. But then feigning religion is common place for you isn't it Abby.

      So you are saying your god could be the one doing the evil, wicked things you bring up? It is a good thing your god is not real because the lies you speak of about him would surely piss him off.

  8. Look up Hayden on wiki and see what he is in charge of now, OUR POWER GRID - hmm nothing important
    Former CIA and NSA - yippee
    And then you find that there is a link to him from wiki to the Independant Movie Database (IMDb) now why would he be listed in that database?
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

    1. Are you asking or do you know why..??

    2. Opinions appreciated
      Nothing but a bunch of actors creating our reality but with real life or death consequences
      Tell me how to do you claim a birth certificate and name if someone/something else has already copyrighted them
      What if the agency authenticating that paperwork is also a fraud, does it make the authentification valid
      Do you know if the pope is a fraud or the queen
      Whos says there is a pope or a queen - we know history is one huge lie so why can't that too be an act of the overall lie (show)
      Just some other observations
      All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

    3. I give you an exihibit
      Want more
      All working for the same to defraud the masses
      I refer you to this blog, pretty much everything going on is documented in here as well as names of people playing the roles of 'leaders'
      All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  9. So its time to re-establish our properly aligned "Standing" via Lawful "pedigree" and Living status per our "degrees" that our Private "Property" Names Firmly and Solidly Stand On for All Remedy and Enforcement Now In ALL Jurisdictions.
    Interesting topic pertaining to "Degrees"

    Also We must consider the importance of our "Pedigree" both In Lineage with Mother's family Name-Father's family name As this IS our Living e-states properly aligned and No abandonment to ANY degree. So Important. No More Seperations/divisions or Agencies "Filling the gaps" as "Middle-Men" "NAMED" "GUARDIANS/CUSTODIANS" Any Longer. No Vacancy! Private E-State Office full-filled By the Lawful-Soul-Spirit-Body in the Living Flesh. Its All Good!! We Got This!!

    Much Gratitude, True Awareness, Pure Love, unconditional Forgiveness and Eternal Peace-Joy Be For All Now

  10. Yes, it's time to come out of "Intern" Status IN ALL Jurisdictions Now and Start Being Paid Lawful Money As Original Lawful Soulful-Will-Spirit-filled Wholly Living unlimited Beings in the Flesh:

    Anna's "Claim of Life-Lineage Treaty" Is what I am choosing to use and base My "Living Testament and Lineage Treaty In Affidavit Form" Certified by 2 Living witnesses and To Be the Cover over the Authenticated COLB that I plan on Using the Nearest "POST OFFICE" to "Post/Record" This Living Deed and "Ship" to the Properly "ADDRESSED PARTIES" To the New "Contract" By and between the proper Parties/Subjects As Intentionally Ordered and Directed Now.
    It's Time Now!!

    Much Gratitude, True-Awareness, Pure-Love, unconditional- forgiveness and Eternal Living Peace-Joy Be For All Now


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