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Friday, November 30, 2018

Trustees, My Rump, and the Price of a Cup of Coffee

By Anna Von Reitz

There is a difference between a bank trustee and an actual private trustee chosen by the Donor of a trust. 
Banks turn accounts over to trustees for management of the assets in behalf of specific private trusts. This happens routinely for purposes within the bank, to make sure that Special Deposits don't go astray or suffer losses or misadministration that could be "embarrassing" or even "actionable in court".
It also happens when the original private trustees designated by the Trust Donors are incompetent physically or mentally or when Private Trustees die intestate without naming new trustees. 
So that's basically the function and realm of bank trustees, both from the perspective of internal bank functions (trustee covers the bank's rump) and from the perspective of some private trusts that have been "left in the care of" the bank.

And this is where the pedal hits the metal in the current circumstance. 
We've got Karen Hudes serving this Flak Jacket purpose at the so-called Global Debt Facility and now we've got Kim Goguen doing the same with all the "Off-Ledger" Special Deposit Accounts.

The banks are claiming that over 6,500 such private Special Deposits were left in their care ---"trustees unknown"--- and this is nothing but a bald-faced lie and excuse for the guilty banks to name a bank trustee to oversee and manage the accounts "as if" there were no private and actual trustees.

So the guilty banks identified all these actual asset accounts and gave the account information to goons who set up a separate ledger for all these formerly "off-ledger" accounts, brought them "on ledger"---albeit, a separate ledger---and the banks gratuitously turned all this over to Kim Goguen and Pals.

Understand this: actual people having actual assets --- gold, silver, gems, etc. -- people like Henry Ford, have placed these assets in "Special Deposits" in all these guilty banks. 
All those Special Deposits are now being commandeered and used without the permission of the donors, the actual trustees, or the beneficiaries, placed at risk, invested, and spent by a group of unidentified goons and hackers and bank insiders.

And they are trying to tell you this is a GOOD thing? 
Let me tell you why it is not a good thing. 
If it could happen to Henry Ford and his grandchildren, it could happen to you.

A lawless bank is even worse than a lawless government, and both are useless for all the purposes that men tolerate either one.

We now know for sure that putting gold in a bank is the same as handing it to a robber, so why have banks at all anymore?

And if the world governments will not take action against this and preserve the safety and sanctity of our persons and property, rich and poor alike, what good are they, either? 
All these people are doing, and being allowed to do, is running a giant sting operation--- resulting in yet another giant and reprehensible theft---one in which the banks and the colluding governments get off the hook for all their crimes by stealing the assets of their wealthiest customers.

I suppose it beats murdering all their Priority Creditors, but it is still nothing but crime and fraud and leaves nothing for us to build a solid future on. Just more lies, deceit, and sand.

They think they are brilliant because they have stolen control of all these assets. They think that because they control the money, all the (formerly) rich people are now helpless and won't be able to do anything about it but cry in their beer.

They sadly underestimate the inner resources of those they have robbed and the sharp and sturdy beauty of the Truth.


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. The in 2008 holding swiss account's was attacked by British banks both manage off shore accounts . Swiss said it's like the pot calling the kettle black.

  2. "They sadly underestimate the inner resources of those they have robbed and the sharp and sturdy beauty of the Truth."

    Yes They Do InDeed!!! Thank You Anna for keeping us updated In All Realms Now!! So Eternally Thankful and Grateful for your consistent and unwavering faithful Service to All Living Souls Now!!!

    Hoping you gift arrived safely and You & Family InJoy our Thanks today!

    Much Gratitude, Love, True Awareness and Eternal Peace Be For All Now

  3. Boy , if only we had names addresses recent photos and wearabouts to of the robbers....

  4. The banks did no such thing...what criminal banking cartel would trust someone, anyone, like Kim to be in charge of all those off-ledger accounts, let alone regular accounts....these banks wouldn't TRUST God himself with their money and accounts...!! Kim has even offered several countries hundreds of millions of dollars in relief funds to help them...and guess who blocked those accounts...the Banks..!! They refuse to monetize any accounts not belonging to them....!!

    Do you know how much their "collection agency ", the IRS collected for them last year...a trillion dollars....all going to Fund the very people we are trying to indict....!! You still want to Fund that agency...!!!


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