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Sunday, October 7, 2018

Changing Jurisdiction

By Anna Von Reitz

Many people are having a hard time understanding jurisdiction, but it is simple enough once you wrap your head around it.

When you enter a new jurisdiction it is like crossing a border into a different country. Different laws and standards and even different languages apply. Unfortunately, there is no well-marked border crossing and you can slip back and forth across the jurisdictional border without being aware of it.
Therein lies the proverbial rub.

You were all born in what is called "Original Jurisdiction" --- the land and soil jurisdiction of the States and People.

However, thanks to Breach of Trust and legal chicanery on the part of the British Monarch and the Government of Westminster and the British Crown, you are purposefully mis-identifed within a few days after your birth and registered as a British Territorial Citizen.

This falsification of the Public Record results in you being "presumed" to be a subject of the Queen, strips you of all your Constitutional guarantees, and holds your Good Name and Estate as chattel backing the Queen's debts. It also places you in a foreign jurisdiction.

You are supposed to be a man living on the land and soil of Illinois -- for example, but instead, soon after your birth, your Name and Estate are "unlawfully converted" and suddenly, instead of living in Illinois, you are residing in the British Territorial "State of Illinois".

You have crossed the imaginary border between the land and sea and in effect, entered a nightmarish Land of Oz. You have left your Original Jurisdiction on the land and soil of the American States, been disguised as a foreign British "vessel" and unknowingly cast adrift in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea. All without leaving your crib.

Instead of speaking plain English, you are are now supposed to know and speak "Federalese" -- a foreign derivative language full of "terms of art" and deceit, where the word "person" suddenly means "corporation" and the word "human" refers to a "monster" and the words "state, State and United States" all mean "the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation".

Obviously, a British Territorial Citizen is very much like a slave. They are "presumed" to have voluntarily donated everything they are and own -- their bodies, their assets, their names --- to the Queen and the British Crown Corp, in exchange for "privileges and benefits", which the slaves pay for themselves.

And you are told nothing whatsoever about all these cozy arrangements and presumptions. Neither you nor your parents are ever informed by your worthless, dishonorable Trustees. Yet this unconscionable contract is enforced upon you just as rigorously as if you had actually, consciously, willfully signed up to act as a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service.

It's enforced upon you by members of the Bar Association, who are all Undeclared Foreign Agents working for the Government of Westminster and/or the Queen, and all holding "Titles of Nobility" as "knights" or "esquires" of these foreign governments.

That's why they have in fact been prohibited from holding any Public Office or position of trust in our actual land jurisdiction government since 1819.

Some of these men and women are in on the joke and know full well that you have been mis-identified and kidnapped without your knowledge or consent into their foreign jurisdiction, the better to prey upon you and seize your assets.

Most of them are simply trained like dumb animals to do a job without thinking too deeply about it, and are victims of this "System" just like the rest of us.

Anyway, this is how you came to be in their "Land of Oz" reality: you were shanghaied into their jurisdiction.

And how, Dorothy, do you get home again? How do you cross back over that imaginary border and get back to your Original Jurisdiction, where there are no Flying Monkeys and you can tell the Wicked Witch to stuff it up her Royal Bum?

It's not quite as simple as clicking the heels of your Ruby Slippers, though it should be.

Our Living Law Firm Team has been painstakingly, step by step, researching the question and developing the ways and means of correcting the Public Records and as we go, sharing the information with all of you, to help you reclaim your Good Names and Estates and get back to Original Jurisdiction one-by-one.

But obviously, this is a major educational effort, frought with various obstacles, and such one-by-one return to the land and soil is not going to happen quickly enough to save the vast majority of Americans from the Creditors of these British Bunko Artists.

Remember -- as a British Territorial Citizen you are presumed to be "standing" as chattel and collateral for the Queen's debts and also the debts of the British Crown. And they all claimed bankruptcy protection. So where are you now?

Right in the cross-hairs of the international banks, coming to collect on all this British debt that we supposedly underwrote.

In response to this, we have placed international liens on the British Territorial States of States and the Municipal STATES OF STATES and together with the Federal State Trusts, have rolled all the assets back to Original Jurisdiction.

You are living in Illinois again, not the State of Illinois, and that means -- although it takes time for the word to get out-- that the "legal presumptions" have to change, too. The Bar Association Members and their Courts can no longer just assume control of you or seize your assets or distribute your property as they see fit.

They have to assume that you are an American, not a British Territorial Citizen.
You can grab Toto in your arms, and say, "I'm an American National born in Kansas on the 4th of February 1952 and I act in no other capacity."

You still have to correct your own Public Records. Still have to claim ownership of your own Good Name and Estate. (, Article 928) And soon you will need to come forward and enter Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Claims, too, just for good measure.

You will have to learn about jurisdiction and all the choices you have open to you as ways and means to conduct your own affairs, but the worst of it is over.

Dorothy is back in Kansas, and she brought her little dog and her farm and Auntie Em back with her.


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. And so what happens when one lands upon the land? What happens when you no longer live in birth state? Or need soc. Sec after paying into for decades and getting ripped by taxes? How does one live on land and hold cdl or work in the queens jurisdiction...
    For those on ssdi.. Do they stay enslaved? What about veterans relying on the queens VA?..and disabilities.

    There is supposed to be this big pot of money... How do people of the labd tap into thier wealth?

    And before the usual snippy response of wake the F up... Or go research it.. Remember, few have legal minds that find it fun reading legal ease... Just as most you leagle eagles would be lost fixing an engine or wiring your the value, the vision, and compensation will be easiee to come by

    The objective is to gain people, not alienate...

    Why do people want to be involved when you have things that go on, like the colorado 9...or the marshalls that fly the corporate flag on thier badges.. Or tattoo it on thier body.. As if they own the marshals office..

    Please explain that, and exactly what they do, what you do... Is there a place where people can see the letter that went out, and the responses?

    People are making life decisions that will effect thier families.
    Many wind up in jail..

    Does anybody else agree that transparency and vision is a must?

    1. Calm down ! The best advise is to actually look into these things .Thimk about more than the lie of " money " and for Gods sake don't give creefence to those knuckleheads that went off the rails involved with the Continental Marshals . I did my bext to keep them on track , but cool heads would not prevail and some wanted to do it their way . You know what the outcome was.
      As far as wearing the Military Flag , its incorrect , period ! We wesr the American Civil Flag, go look for an example on the web. Tattoo a badge on your body ???? That level of dumb is almost indescribable...I am still horrified .
      SSI was and is a fraud. It was never meant for you if you were not a " Federal government employee or a dependent of", period. You still retain all the benefits , it was a contract.
      At some point we all must pull up the big boy and girl pants and reclaim our status...and that time is right now.
      I suppose if being a slave , giving 100%+ of your lifeforce to Lucifer is more appealing , then have at it. Me and mine will be on the other side called reality .

    2. Once again, alot of words. Reread your message. Was there anythingvof importance? Yes marshal is nutz. Then go reread annas statement S , ABOUT how good she is.
      Ssi no one is entitled.. Ok
      So what is the other option? Anna talks about all this money owed us, but if we cant get to it... What good is it? An idea by itself doesnt feed people... Ssdi recipients... Cant usually work..
      You mentiin slave of lucifer, you wont be a slave... A coolaid drinker stops here...

      So here is the most important question... What is the vision? HOW do people survive the transition...
      You cant do what bruce doucette did.. And bring people to jail with you... They were all legal minded people... Most people read a line of fine print and comatose...
      And... I see haywood is still active on facebook... And what is this that she is some international intelligence officer... I have referenced her to others... And the usual response is that she resembles a hood rat... Not a professional.... Now many in the inner circle seem to agree as well..

      Im not trying to start anything.
      But i would like as i am sure otherswould as well.
      Full clear answers...not go get your birth certificates done..... Ok.. Then what? What happens when all the paperwork is done?
      Travel, with no license... Is there a chapter that covers erything.. Including monetary responsibilty...
      You gonna pull up your big boys pants... What happens when travelling and you kill 4 people in a 500k car? Then what?
      My impression is that commonlaw has been stunted in growth since 1860.. It has to go through much to adapt to current society...

      But all that is stated.. I want to be free of the big bad boogyman the govt.. But have no idea if your home is still there, if crops will grow again etc.
      Lots of questions...
      Lots of arguing.. But rarely do i ever hear or see the vision... Just free... Which is like being at a seminar.. Why do you want to sell widgets.... Duh.. I want to be rich... Then.. And what im asking.. Is why do you want to be rich? What will life be like? Money or freedom by itself is useless... What you do with it... Is what matters.

    3. These questions have been brought up numerous times only to be followed by silence or as you stated go research. Anna remains blank in this area of inquiry.

    4. And to me, nothing is changing....the IRS is just as powerful as it's always been...Im on regular SS which is minimal, so I get a "good card " too or I couldn't survive...Now that I turned 65 this month, I had to switch over to Medicare and asked for "Qualified Medical Benefits " which would pay my monthly Medicare payments of $134/mo.....they told me at social services that I qualify...Now I get a letter from "Covered California", saying I make too little to qualify, unless I fill out a 1040 form.....!! These people are a disease upon this country.....if the Federal Reserve is insolvent like Anna and so many other day it is, how can an agency under it still have this much authority.....!! Am I missing something here....!! When is everything going to be revealed.....transparency/truth whatever you want to call it, isn't happening....especially under Trump...!!

    5. By getting your SS benefits early...sounds like problems like these r bound to occur. Sorry for your troubles James for what shouldn't be an issue, but apparently is💣

    6. Trump has been in for two years with a zillion road blocks. I worked on a few of his jobs. He is a perfectionist, a prick to those who do shoddy work... You will redo the job, at your expense.. but firm and fair. We have a long way to go, but better than 4 years ago. Remember, the steel factories have to come on line before steel can be made to fulfill orders for the wall and infrastructure... Dems must get out of the way. See what happpens. He at least is talking our language working against globalism. I got more faith in him than anna... I still have yet to recieve an answer as to who she is, who doucette was.. Just recieved answers thatvi expect from my kid ... Half answers...

  2. Thanks for more clarity on the terms and issues. Big Success as Master Criminal Masterminds. Big FAIL as human beings.
    What ticks me off is that an illegal can just waltz across Our border and have all this done for them.
    Even get paid well to destroy this country. DACA pays them to have breed. That Achila woman who acosted a GOP in elevator made $178K in 2016 as agitator for DNC. Known illegal. Why wasn't she arrested? Unbelievable the criminality in this country with the blessing of so many in A-thou-rity. Sick.

  3. If you are attacked by ANYONE , you have the duty and God givdn Right to defend yourself even to the point of taking a life , period. Man up .

    1. i had a guy in costilla county colorado. Walked around with a ruger 9mm. Saying if tge law came past his gate he was going to protect his land.... The sheriff would send swat.. He be dead.. What did he protect? He was another under bruces wing... The vision must be stated. As you all keep shooting yourselves in the foot. We all love to be part of this land jurisdiction vs a slave... Fighting the govt is hard enough... Fighting each other is insane... The govt have you all listed as domestic terrorists... Every key stroke recorded. Anna only says so much...
      A judge is doing 38 years
      So whats the truth, whats tge vision

    2. only think that way because we have traitorist judges sitting on the bench, ruling for only the Corp State, and all the evidence and true facts are with us, and therefore everyone should be winning their cases , not losing them.....every patriot that every went to jail for stating facts and truth winds up in jail , not because of some obscure loopholes like they find, but because they did have the "TRUTH" and the courts never have for over 200 years now....!! It's time to stop thinking about ourselves and start protesting in mass right in front of all IRS Buildings throughout America.....!!! You are not going to solve America's problem your way either, because if your method gains enough success, you can bet the "deep state" will be on your ads too....and when you make all your legal arguments, which may have legitimatcy , you will still wind up in jail for evading taxes through a scheme....!! Then people will say the same about you....!! A con artist...!!

    3. Yawn! Kerubale UCADIA, SoreAss must be paying you a lot of money to keep parroting the same lines and mantra without substance over and over again. I know it's a living for you but don't you have better things to do with your life or your soul rather than selling it? Just so you are aware, no one is paying any attention to your constant shilling and whining. Everyone here recognizes it a nothing more than hot air.

  4. Anna described the jurisdiction issue and done it well. All the other issues is secondary.
    what I would like to know Annas opinion on common law grand jury's.
    On national assembly call Roger Dowell leader from Florida describes how the 25 formed an grand jury and sent investigators to talk to district attorney and police chief asking for oaths and bonds .
    resulting in dropping charges.
    question is can we in panel use our grand juries on smaller civil matters ?
    R.T. is wanting to go common law court without a grand jury .
    I like Rogers approach grand jury first that will be harder for the system to fight it.

    1. Becareful of grand jury. Investigate the colorado 9. Bruce doucette.. 172 IQ DOING 38 YEARS...over not understanding jurisdictions and challenging officials. They became labeled as domestic terrorists. Roger was involved.... BE CAREFUL... I was lucky.. I asked way too many questions.. It was almost the colorado 10... Just saying.

    2. Bubba....then everyone needs to demand a Grand Jury Indictment , instead of just accepting an "information" like all prosecutors push....!! It doesn't matter how small it is, as long as it's over $ our constitution says...!!

  5. Here's another voice in the choir. I think this program (coming from down under, Australia)will fortify why "Changing Jurisdiction" is the way to go.
    Please excuse me for not having my profile together, Charles B.

  6. ''This is like 20-Steps to undo FRAUD''. All because folks like Sessions are not doing their Jobs. I'll bet not one of you has ever called your Representatives, lol.
    So then just keep on ''fixing what you did not break''.

    1. I called a supposed representative of the people here on Delaware because I am being charged sewer services by TESI INC, a subsidiary of MIDDLESEX WATER INC/ TIDEWATER UTILITIES, to heat my home with a low pressure steam boiler. For those without knowlege of this simple system, it has one pipe water supply in and steam is released through a valve at the top of a radiator. No discharge out going pipe into the sewer line. 1st question was: Are YOU registered to vote. Answer "NO"! At that point I should have hung up the phone. They are all corporate officers with allegiance only to Corporations. Trump is a Corporate Officer, enough said. All those waiting for someone else to fix these problems should stop complaining and go back to sleep. This FRAUD started with each of us so we each need to make these corrections.
      I can only do mine. I have filed the baby Deed Anna recommended for my daughter and son but ultimately they have to do their own corrections. There is no statute of limitations on F.R.A.U.D. so research, gain understanding and correct your status. Complaints are for hospitals.

    2. "Complaints are for hospitals."

      Not^if u don't want to do statin drugs😅🎶

  7. Really amazing article, Anna. Just want to share an insight. Moses is a type of the end-time American. His Mom put him in a little vessel and floated him on the Nile, only to be retrieved and given back to her to raise. Read about it in Exodus. Pretty interesting. God showed us what would happen to us at birth. Is anybody listening?

    1. Absolutely great analogy and reference! All of this information is in plain sight somewhere, that's why they can't be held accountable. A birth announcement is made but the "property" is left abandoned. What is the definition of "property"? I'm almost 60 and working to reclaim my estate.

      They reclassify us and release the body to work for them until IT is really DEAD. The whole system is really quite ingenious. They have to create the bond upon registration or it would be breach of Trust. The whole wold revolves around TRUST LAW.

      To destress from research I have been recently watching the series The Waltons (1971) set in Depression times on Netflix. Much information revealed in plain sight. "THE NEW DEAL". People were convinced then F.D.R. another CORPORATE OFFICIAL, was the savior of the people. Those of us who have gained knowledge have an understanding, he was one of the worst criminals of the times.

      Many here complain about the IRS. IRS is only the AGENCY to order forms and instructions. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, a completely different AGENCY comes after you once you make a pledge to be a withholding agent (BRITISH warrant officer) for "YOU" the FEDERAL "PERSON". Resign as withholding agent, now. All is done in error. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, a foreign CORPORATION has no power to directly TAX the people. Start with the definitions within the I.R.C., INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. We Self assess each year, harming ourselves and our families financially. Most living people, non government employees are not liable for Federal Income tax and never have been. They are laughing at us all the way to the bank.. Information is in plain sight. Research and fix the problem. We can all sit around and complain but for example, I can't do Abby's paperwork and she can't do mine. Knowledge is Power. No matter how much paperwork you do if you don't have clarity to stand on the paperwork it's of no use. There are 2 choices. Stand up with knowledge or bend over and go back to sleep.

    2. Yet when you DO revoke your election to pay and argue that you were mischaracterized and railroaded by employers and were never liable for the tax as per the definitions of "income" and "employee" at IRC 7701(d) and 3401(c), you are ignored completely, threatened with form letters spit out of some crusty old IBM sitting in a janitor closet somewhere with a forged signature on them, given no due process whatsoever, garnished at work by a colorable court order SIGNED by a criminal ATTORNEY, not a judge I might add, and fired by your employer when you object. Tell me about it. The only thing that stopped further criminality on their part was challenging jurisdiction with the USDC tax court. Anyone reading this have a similar problem, talk to 1FreeMan, he has the process lined out and it doesn't cost a thing besides postage. The court will send you a dismissal order for every year you challenged, it will end the present persecution but they will not voluntarily give your property back, at least I have not figured out how. If someone on here does know, please share.

    3. Believer, I get a lot of people asking me how to get their levied funds and taxes returned to them. It is not a slam dunk but here's how:
      1. Once you get the tax court order, get at least 2 certified copies. Make your own certified copy of the certified copy and send that with each request (demand).
      2. Download the last 10 years of tax records at
      3. For years further back, file a Form 4506-T for each 4 years of tax transcripts.
      4. File a Form 843 for each tax year and request a refund of the tax and interest which was collected in error and submit a copy of the court order.
      5. File the same Form 843 for each year of taxes levied in error also with a copy of the court order.
      6. File a Form 12277 for each tax lien and check the boxes that state it was filed "prematurely or not in accordance with IRS procedures" and "The taxpayer, or the Taxpayer Advocate acting on behalf of the taxpayer, believes withdrawal is in the best interest of the taxpayer and the government." also with a copy of the court order.
      PS: Sign all tax forms under penalty of perjury according to 28 USC 1746(1). This means without (outside of) the US. Type or handwrite this code on the form.
      You need to be persistent and be prepared to keep responding to their denials until you get what you want. In the meantime you are building your case for US Court of Federal Claims. Each denial of remedy is another notch in your elephant gun for the big prize in USCFC.

    4. Thank you, 1FreeMan! You are a gentleman and a scholar! Cheers!

  8. Hold the popcorn ucdai.your big federal utopia is crumbling dam ppl just won't stay in chains .and we have seen some wins and losses .
    I lean to high numbers ,safety in numbers we are dealing with a massive company /corperation that deals in contracts .
    can't shuffle you into the deck if you refuse to contract and know how they trap you using adhesion contracts . Yes some will stay in chains but some slaves will not tolerate chains.

  9. Response to Anna's post about Kim Gougen

    1. Facebook is a program "preinstalled" on all smart phones which in most cases cannot be uninstalled. Spidy Senses tingling yet? Forced social media! Hmm??? Disable IT, delete all profiles, Don't let them track you.

    2. It runs in the background anyway, Annie. The only way to get rid of it and others is to root the device thereby giving yourself admin access and uninstall the odious things. Turn off GPS. Turn off background data. Turn off WiFi when not in use. Heck, turn the thing off completely and take the battery out if possible when you're not using it for extended periods of time, ESPECIALLY while you sleep, as well as your router. If you must leave a phone on at night, turn the ringer way up and put it in another room. There are no regulations on wireless devices, only "recommendations" from the FCC. Thanks Billy Clinton. Telecommunications Act. No safety testing except the thermal effect of wireless signals on the skin. While Anna's making gestures for the world, why can't she place an injunction on the rollout of 5G, smart meters, geoengineering, weather warfare, et al. Drumpf exemped Mar Largo from it. Israel is waiting ot see what it does to us before they will allow it, it seems. I think there are way more pressing problems than fake money like oh, being able to breathe and grow non-gmo Monsanto frankenfood that has conveniently been patented to grow in aluminized soil this geoengineering has created? What good will money do if food cannot be had at any price?

  10. Hello fellow Private Status seekers..lookers, hanger-on's...trolls, what ever..
    I see a lot of folks on here are SCARED to take the first step and I understand wanting to know what you're stepping into much less which door to step through first BEFORE you make THE move!
    I've made the move after much study and consideration. It does take research but more important than that, it takes the motivation to look! The motivation to look requires ones desire to be free of Tyranny to such a degree as you can stand in your own square feet firmly planted on the soil - your soil in your own space and unless you do something that harms another or another's property, you're good to go! How righteous is that!?
    Keep your nose clean, nobody can mess with you and that includes the Queens Soldiers what ever form, faction or cult they may be.
    Those of us who are digging in and through all the data are also helping to undercut all the red tape and make it as easy to transition over as possible. Some day in the future, you 'show me's' will be able to stick with standard form and simply follow step by step instructions like you do now, only no longer as Debt $lave$...
    For now, it's up to you. Quit your whining and pull up your slaves and get to work. Otherwise just quit your whining and wait! ;)
    That's how it is for now.
    Like they say in Life. If you want it, you gotta go out and get it!
    Oh, and I feel that Judge Anna know's her stuff and you can Trust her! She's a Woman of her word! A true Sovereign indeed!

    1. I'd like to know from your personal experience if law enforcement or the courts will obey your status when it comes to drugs with no injured party ever except the State, who relies totally and almost exclusively on drug convictions....!!! At least a charge of sexual abuse does have an injured party, even if it's only an accusation...

    2. Thanks unknown for your testimony 🖒 I hope Paul Stramer allows your post to stand🎶

    3. Unknown thanxz for the post!

    4. Message to Anna Von Reitz and her Langley 2 paymasters.
      Oh my the Nazi AAIA paid member which she has never addressed or denied, who works for deep state in Langley 2, writes again on her favorite topic Kim Goguen, obsessed much? it is envy? or do you have sexual fantasies about other women, who do actually achieve stuff?
      What was the line you used recently? Kim is cold hearted and incapable of being loving? really? have you lived with her, been in her company?
      1. you and your paymasters have zero idea or knowledge of the Quantum System as evidenced above.
      2. Lucifer is a title not a being, and is not living or residing here, more biblical bs'ery, Lutherian is just as bad Ms. Von Reitz.
      Did your cousin tell you about this, given she believes she talks to Yahweh? smh, yes the one who thinks she should be the current Queen of England.
      3. Lucifer is working with the IRA oh my, the vatican paid terrorist organization known as the IRA, is working to take out the vatican paid secretary known as Anna Von Reitz? does that make any sense, even ignoring the Lucifer bs'ery? Neil Keenan works with the top IRA guy, perhaps you need to alert him as well.
      4. stick to your main theater role of trading barbs with other rogue entity known as Karen Hudes, at least that provides some of us with amusement.
      5. Are you related to latest Pindar contestant fighting for the title of head penis, Jon Von Wright or is it Reitz?
      6. Stop lying to your listeners about what you are really doing, like trying to steal 1/3 of America's inground resources on behalf of your paymasters at Langley 2, Rothschilds and fake Chinese Elders, or asking Kim for funds not once but twice (so she cant be all that bad can she?) the second being for some cabal oriented tribal people. FACT ANNA, you know it we know it.
      Keep writing your letters to alleged important people that go nowhere and achieve nothing, I don't have to document here all what Kim and the Trust has done, the evidence all speaks for itself, given the attacks launched on us, all too predictable.
      Message to listeners here Von = title of nobility, Anna is a Hapsburg and part of many other bloodline families, that have raped and pillaged us for many years, and now the deep state, covens, parents and bloodline families are losing heavily and clinging to the illusion of power, they send out puppets like Anna and Jared Rand to convince us all they are all suddenly humanitarian now.
      If they were, they would have done projects when they controlled the Trust, they never and never will, you see to them we are all just shit under their shoes, someone to trade, trafficking and enslave, don't let their masks of confusion sway you, with their prologues of illusion.

    5. Thanks robert, i finally found an answer to my question 3+ years ago. Who is doucette, and anna. Doucette tried to shut me down.. Anna even reponded with all the run around.and got down right nasty.
      Read some of her responses in particular about tresa haywood to someone questioning tresas copyrighting the badges.. Anna outright threatened that anna would rain down hell upon them... Its on Facebook someplace...forget where.. Research tresa and tge badges that carry the corporate battle flag. Marshal moore of colorado has many posted on his fb page... Contintental marshals flying USA CORPORATE BATTLE FLAG...

      IM NOT the smartest dude, but don't that go against what is being taught?

      Many of us were concerned in costilla county colorado. Reached out to other patriot organizations. The answer was always beware and stay far away from doucette. CIA .Kept being mentioned. I know for a fact that a few residents were worried about black helicopters etc.there is much more to this story.roger was involved... Pick up your guns, we are the militia...

      anna supposedly even carries a vial of blood for signing... The religous stuff is real in her world... Sleeping in a bed with her friend and a demon..( she wrote this) But what you stated above has been stated before. But never full answers, never a full vision... And i was warned never ever to sign in red ink with fingerprint. Once you do.. The govt has unrefutable proof of you being a domestic terrorist. In my opiniin, if this was truthful there would be 100% transparancy. Not marshals that spend much time in jail. Claims to be an information officer.. Yet tge name of her group is a video game... Maybe more to that... But who tattoos a badge ..a marshals badge on thier ass? Ok body,.. Chief marshal... Is it a lifetime appointment or a joke.?

      Doucette even mentioned hanging people as a threat once common law was achieved as we would ve back to the law. And this had something to do with land grabbing as well... Why were oil companies coming into the county at the time? Proven.. Lots proof to ask questions. Never complete answers. Letters go out nothing comes back.
      No mention of accomplishments.. Nothing..
      What does the marshalls do? Been on many roundhouse calls, nevervanything of value just more b.s. but... The non marshals are not allowed to be part of tge main call. i said years ago, people, ask questions and verify the answer if you get one.
      First question... Who are you
      Second. What is the vision
      And then step by step on how to get there and why.
      With 5000% transparency.
      This band of misguided people are no match for well established govt no matter how dysfunctional it is... You are fighting a trillion dollar global entity with coffee change... Without honesty between us.. There is nothing but future incarceration... Or do you disagree?
      Im not writing to cause issue here, but to find out the truth... There is an addicting side to this... I was even willing to go to jail for thevpeople of costilla county at first.. As im older.. Figured a week no biggie... But not decades as doucettes tribe of merry men got..
      After that, and the ongoing troubles of tge marshals... The assembly calls.. Where by lawkungfu is better than your lawkungfu... Must serve as a find out truth and that if it is, everyone is on same page...this isnt a joke.

    6. What I don’t get? IF it’s UNLAWFUL what they did? HOW is ANY of it LAWFUL?
      A fraud is a fraud is a fraud period.
      There is NO standing...nothing to do...we give the fraud power when we go through all of it like it’s valid. Either it is or isn’t.

  11. I treat all presentments as an offer to contract as follows:

    Addressed to attacker:
    Joseph W. Brown, d/b/a JOSEPH W BROWN, office in all caps,
    and successors and assigns.

    I, John David Jones, a man on the land, a non-citizen national and beneficiary of original jurisdiction, do hereby reject and herewith return your offered contract titled "xxxxxxxxxxx" dated xxxxxxxxx which are directed to a fictional entity that you and your co-conspirators have created using a copyrighted name without authorization. You are subject to the fees for these unauthorized uses dated xxxxxxxx as follows: (hopefully you have previously recorded a common law copyright on your names)

    I think you all can carry on from there. Check your states corporate charter (constitution) and Admissions Act for ammunition. If you reply correctly, they wont be able to refute what you said and will probably fall into silence.

  12. For those with out Facebook

    Message to Anna Von Reitz and her Langley 2 paymasters.
    Oh my the Nazi AAIA paid member which she has never addressed or denied, who works for deep state in Langley 2, writes again on her favorite topic Kim Goguen, obsessed much? it is envy? or do you have sexual fantasies about other women, who do actually achieve stuff?
    What was the line you used recently? Kim is cold hearted and incapable of being loving? really? have you lived with her, been in her company?
    1. you and your paymasters have zero idea or knowledge of the Quantum System as evidenced above.
    2. Lucifer is a title not a being, and is not living or residing here, more biblical bs'ery, Lutherian is just as bad Ms. Von Reitz.
    Did your cousin tell you about this, given she believes she talks to Yahweh? smh, yes the one who thinks she should be the current Queen of England.
    3. Lucifer is working with the IRA oh my, the vatican paid terrorist organization known as the IRA, is working to take out the vatican paid secretary known as Anna Von Reitz? does that make any sense, even ignoring the Lucifer bs'ery? Neil Keenan works with the top IRA guy, perhaps you need to alert him as well.
    4. stick to your main theater role of trading barbs with other rogue entity known as Karen Hudes, at least that provides some of us with amusement.
    5. Are you related to latest Pindar contestant fighting for the title of head penis, Jon Von Wright or is it Reitz?
    6. Stop lying to your listeners about what you are really doing, like trying to steal 1/3 of America's inground resources on behalf of your paymasters at Langley 2, Rothschilds and fake Chinese Elders, or asking Kim for funds not once but twice (so she cant be all that bad can she?) the second being for some cabal oriented tribal people. FACT ANNA, you know it we know it.
    Keep writing your letters to alleged important people that go nowhere and achieve nothing, I don't have to document here all what Kim and the Trust has done, the evidence all speaks for itself, given the attacks launched on us, all too predictable.
    Message to listeners here Von = title of nobility, Anna is a Hapsburg and part of many other bloodline families, that have raped and pillaged us for many years, and now the deep state, covens, parents and bloodline families are losing heavily and clinging to the illusion of power, they send out puppets like Anna and Jared Rand to convince us all they are all suddenly humanitarian now.
    If they were, they would have done projects when they controlled the Trust, they never and never will, you see to them we are all just shit under their shoes, someone to trade, trafficking and enslave, don't let their masks of confusion sway you, with their prologues of illusion.

    1. Robert, thanks a ton for posting this. Now it seems I am not the only one who has been expressing some of these questionable things.
      I don't even know Thomas, have never followed him, never heard of him before....but its pretty well understood that he has backup for what he says here. It's time for all Truth to come out, no matter where we find it; let the chips fall where they may.
      Its also time for gullible folks to grow up and stop Idolizing their favorite 'hero'.

  13. Post in answer to Anna's attack on Kim;
    Truth,honor,integrity Thomas William's broadcast.

    1. Lots of charges ^ Robert & some scurrilous attacks that r seemingly r 'beneath' u Sir Robert.

      Have u been an emissary from Kim ALL along looking for allies? Or just figuring out stuff lately that resonates with your now current p.o.v?🎶

    2. ATTACK robert... Remember tge colorado 9... How does a guy with 172 IQ wind up with 38 years in jail, over simple thing as jurisdictions?

      Why dont they answer the peoples question in full?

      It is easy to see the coolaid drinkers, from the people who think

    3. Leland, have you been a Troll all along? Its becoming more and more clear that you are, and that is ALL that you are. Regardless, you are proven to be a totally worthless POS and serve NO good whatsoever. Hell is waiting 4 U. Please spare us your presence.

    4. Abby...that is the most worthless post yet by u. Kelli right😅🎶

    5. God loves ALL Souls dear Abby, so life is good @ ALL times💓


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