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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

More Basics. Social Security: Impact On?

By Anna Von Reitz

None. They still owe you.
I regularly get questions from retirees who want to know what impact claiming their birthright will have on Social Security payments and services owed to them?
Notice --- I did not say "benefits".
Let's begin with what "Social Security" is.
It's a government employee pension program started under FDR. Chances are, you were never eligible to enroll in Social Security because you were never a federal government employee, never a federal government dependent, and never knowingly or willingly sought political asylum from the British Territorial United States.
No American in their right mind would ever choose Territorial "citizenship" because it is a distinctly unfavorable status with no constitutional guarantees and no "Natural and Unalienable" rights, and tons of obligations.
But you weren't told any of this. Instead, you were told a Big, Fat, Self-Interested Fib --- that you had to enroll in Social Security and pay into it "in order to have a job" and your employers were lied to, too, and told that they "had to" participate in and collect taxes for the program also.
Another one of Satan's little half-lies.
Of course, if you were working for the federal government, you would have to enroll in their employee pension program and if your employer happened to have a contract with the federal government, they would have to allow you to (voluntarily) participate..... but for most of us who never saw a federal paycheck or even a "federally connected" paycheck in our lives, it is all nothing but fraud and false presumptions.
We were deliberately mis-informed by fraudsters and compelled under the "appearance" of a government mandate to enroll in a pension program that had nothing to do with most of us.
In recent years the rats in charge have plundered the Social Security funds and given them away to illegal immigrants and whoever else's votes they wanted to buy, so now they have taken to calling Social Security payments "benefits" -- as in "welfare benefits" -- because for people who never worked their forty quarters and who never "vested" in the system, that's what such payments are.
But there's another, darker reason, too.
Having busted your nickel and spent all your credit and the credit of your children's children, too, the "governmental services corporations" responsible have all declared bankruptcy and left you and yours holding the bag.
And it's easier and more justifiable to stop "voluntary" welfare payments than it is to avoid the obligations of an old age pension actually owed to someone.
Head's up, seniors. Those of you who worked your rumps off for fifty years -- they spent all the money you gave them on war and depravity, never caring or intending to pay you back. And now they are trying to grease their backdoor, Plan B --- change a few words here and there, call your pension payments and services "benefits" --- and skate.
And that is just One More Reason you have to take control of your affairs and wise up right about now.
So, what's the deal, Grandma?
First, you have do the basic paperwork I've assigned (Article 928, and get your counterclaim recorded. And then, as part of that, you will also record your "Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney".
Unknown to you, as part of your "enrollment" in Social Security (most of us were 16 and real sharp about legal stuff) they slipped in a "General Power of Attorney" for themselves.
Once your "Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney" is recorded, you will want to send one copy of the recorded document to the Social Security Administration and give them Notice that you have returned to your birthright political status, that you earned your pension, and that you have cancelled their Power of Attorney. As always, send it Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested.
Now, until everyone gets the "word" this may leave the Social Security Administration workers scratching their heads and their butts. They may think you are nuts. Hey, they really ARE "federal" workers and really DO get a federal paycheck, and yes, Social Security IS mandatory for THEM, so, they assume that you are obligated to enroll in Social Security, too, because THEY are----right?
That's what is so ingenious about this scam, just like Eve and the apple. It's half true --- true for some people and not for others. You won't die......right away.
Anyway, serve them Notice right up front, and then contemplate your next moves. The Living Law Firm is stretched tight as a drum, but working away on all fronts: foreclosures, theft of Social Security, child custody snares, Odious Debt, utility bills, "citizenship", the "UN" --- all of it, and we are going as fast as we can.
You can help a lot by doing your part. Get your paperwork recorded at the local land recording office and get your own fat out of the fire. Next, boot up your local County and State Jural Assemblies. Those are the most important things to do right now --- (1) stake your claims and (2) begin operating your own lawful government again.
I think it is obvious that we cannot depend on hired subcontractors to do the job for us. If that were an option, we wouldn't be in this Mess. So even if the prospect of operating your own local government seems daunting --- do it. Feel your way forward and join together to help chart the way. Americans provided their own government for two hundred years prior to these European Sharpies moving in like Cuckoo birds and substituting their "services" for our lawful government. We can do it again.
The other thing you can do is help support The Living Law Firm. It's the only organization of its kind in the entire country, and it's the only one organized to take on the Big Issues and find solutions that apply across the board, for the good of everyone concerned, and the good of our country.
It means a lot to me when one of "our guys" calls up and needs help, to be able to send help, and as this whole effort spools up, more Americans join the effort and become part of the team. As our efforts expand, so do our expenses. It cost me over $1000 this past week in filing fees and over $200 for Registered Mail -- multiply that by all the rest of the work being done by other members of The Living Law Firm and all the light bills, travel costs, paper and ink, certified copy costs, filing fees..... and then allow for a broken arm, flat tires, and a busted water heater for some of us along the way.... and you will know what our team is up against.
In addition to all my other roles, I am still serving as Paymaster for all of this. As Head Cheese (or "Cheese Head" since I am from Wisconsin) I have to parcel out the resources as they come in and do the best I can.
Right now, I have several team members who need help to buy school supplies and shoes and clothes for their children. That isn't -- strictly speaking -- related to the legal and research work they do for me, but it is part of their duty as mothers and fathers and it hurts when they work so very hard on all of this --- and can't meet basic obligations. Your donations make it possible for me to help them and keep the ball rolling. It also allows us to keep offering the information for free.
There are people out there selling "packages" for thousands of dollars that don't do anything more or better than what you find posted at for free to everyone. Our attitude is --- and has always been --- we are all Americans and we are all in this together, rich and poor alike. We don't want anyone left behind because they couldn't afford it.
So, if you can, if you have some extra this month, think of our "legal troops and history snoops". We've come a long way, but we haven't done it alone, and we couldn't have come this far, this fast, without your donations tiding our volunteers over the rough spots. We take PayPal at: and other donations via Snail Mail: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. None of this answers the basic question of what are we supposed to live on when we file our paperwork. All of us that are retired want to continue to donate but how are we going to when we stop receiving our payments because we filed our paperwork??? Without a roof over our heads and the ability to pay our utility bills we will be on the street and of no help to anyone. TELL ME HOW WE LIVE AND GET FREE AT THE SAME TIME.

  2. Barton, did you actually READ the above? Go back over it.

    1. So I may have missed it but like Barton, I didn't catch what happens between the time I notify SSA that I have " cancelled all powers of attorney's" and " contemplating my next moves"...if I were an SS employee, I would be confused as to what I am telling them exactly...and what do I want them to do? Stop with-holding? Give me all my earnings? Ignore me and continue to accumulate my money with a little note in my file? How could we not be confused here?

  3. It's a contract your just correcting a status box you checked you probably checked U.S. citizen didn't ya?
    You just made yourself a 14 ammendment slave don't fret we were all duped . All very seekly done during game the great created depression starving ever one checked the box.

  4. I believe Anna is saying SS is a pension you are owed. By filing your docs, you are retiring from "federal service" and thus you are requiring them to begin sending your pension checks. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  5. Moderator, can we please get Anna to elaborate and give us a answer, I would like to know if there is a chance my social security benefits that I am currently receiving will be terminated after the filing. There is no definite answer here.

  6. I have been moderating this blog and publishing Anna's articles for 6 years now, and I have not heard of even one who has lost any social security because of changing their status. I am still receiving mine.

    1. how could we continue to draw it? amd medicare was u a federal employe? if we was never supose to draw it to began with its fruad, but we didnt know, would we have to pay it back ? i would like to continur to draw mine

    2. Thank you Paul for your clarification.

  7. sending POA to SSA does absolutely nothing. You have to actually rescind your permission as a volunteer to contribute to this agency. No you can't cash it out. No they will not stop paying you until you rescind it. Then you just lose all you put in. You can however request a numident printout that shows your actual "citizen" status. Doing all the 928 doc's and the Passport does NOT automatically change your status at the SSA. And you can do a privacy Act request to see what is in your file. So we apparently are not doing all this STUFF right ANNA. Wasting our time when time is so short. There are better methods for capturing your ens legis persona out there. The process you have given us is incomplete and people are hanging their hats on your process. This is reprehensible. The sign in america is crap and can't work the way it is set up. WASTE of time effort and resources. But sure gets peoples hopes up. All in vain as you have "no access" and are being blocked by Karen Hudes from obtaining any access to any "funds". Other people with companies can do set offs not SIA. Mine like others have been out there over a year with no results.
    Just another way for you to convince your following you have some kind of Powerholder mover shaker status. Nope Nope and Nope! You should just stick to what you do best. Research history. Expose the traitors. Oh and remove yourself from the Vatican while your at it because YOU can't serve two masters either.

  8. I started receiving my social security payments in 2015. I did the 928s in 2018 and last year I did the 1779. There has been no interruption or cessation of payments. I continue to receive my meager social security payments every month. Do it, folks!


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