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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Memo to General Kelly

From Anna Von Reitz

The reason for the so-called "Civil War" wasn't slavery and wasn't secession, nor was it, as you recently suggested, "a failure to compromise". 

It happened because the British government abused its delegated authority to set our foreign trade policies.

Britain protected its own markets and those of other European nations by levying very heavy tariffs on American goods and entering into trade agreements (purportedly in our behalf, of course) that were disastrous for the Northern manufacturing states.  As a direct result, American goods-- even in America-- were 30% to 40% more expensive than European goods.

The Southern states naturally wanted to buy the (artificially) cheaper European goods instead of the more expensive products of the Northern states. 

And the Northern states, in turn, were absolutely desperate to keep what domestic market they had, thanks to the abusive British trade policies being imposed on them. 

The market the Southern states provided was absolutely necessary to the Northern states' survival and that is why they went to war.

All the rest was just top dressing and the Brits not wanting to take the blame they deserved to take for it. 

We have it straight from the diaries of Salomon Rothschild--- British breach of trust, self-interest, and meddling caused the whole debacle, along with plenty of help from the Rothschilds, who played Piggy in the Middle. 

PS.  Nothing has changed. The British are still the (indirect) authors of 95% of the disaster, death, and misery in the world. They are always without exception at the bottom of the dog pile. Just look a little deeper, General, and remember-- those who don't remember the past-- the actual, factual past-- are forced to relive it. 

Time to get the Brits out of our business once and for all. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website
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  1. Im pretty sure the "british" arent who you think. They changed their name from saxe-coburg-gotha to their residence name house of windsor as the bushes did the same from scherf, anyone wanna guess where the derivation of those names originate?


    1. There is a close family ties between German and British Wilhelm 1'st.had nonagression.treaty with Russia but the son took over and thought his blood relation with queen Victoria would carry weight dead wrong . The elite were all in debt to Rothschild .
      We're did the funding for Harriman railroads and standard oil Rothschild bank .
      The creditor funds or it don't happen.
      Civil war was about money and power .

    2. Yes, the big question is, just who are these people? IMO it is the City of London that is behind most of the fraud. The power behind it and the Royals goes back to Venice, which used the mercenary, William the Conqueror, to take control of Britain. The Royals must go to Westminster Abby for their coronations. Westminster Abby is on the Isle of Thorns in the Thames River, which is owned by Venice, therefore the Royals must bow to Venice for their authority.

    3. Saxe-Coburg-Gothe` one would assume German/Austrian in origin?

      George the IV changed it prior to WWI because "it sounded to German".....

      Pennsylvania common wealth

    4. Saxe-Coburg-Gothe` one would assume German/Austrian in origin?

      George the IV changed it prior to WWI because "it sounded to German".....

      Pennsylvania common wealth

    5. Of course, it's so obvious a blind man can see it. It was Russia!!!!

  2. penny4yerthoughts -- Those surnames and origins are the black nobility from Eastern Europe, hiding themselves as "royalty". What Anna is referring to as the British, really, is the Bank of England, Lloyds of London, and other holding companies and consortiums for the global larceny called the Crown of England.

    1. Shall the focus remain on the "owners" of the banks, corps and such or does the hiding behind NAMES continue?

    2. You forgot the Vatican. The biggest holding company in the world.

  3. Just to let all of you know, the royalty of Europe were all related. If memory serves me correct, all the kings of Europe we're all cousin's. Now to make it an even deeper study the ruling elite are the Kenites of old. They are the sons of Cain. The progeny of Satan. Do the homework and you'll figure it out.

  4. On talk show this morn talking about 68 instances of fraud in a typical mortgage and banks sell your signature on the market .trying to elevate the conversation to law books not baseball bats . The pen is mightier than the sword . My fellow white nationalists don't understand the court system even attorneys don't know what's going they know statutes and plea deals
    If you plead you just allowed the court jurisdiction . you must ask for who was damaged and to see the claim.
    Everything is to force you to give up your status as a free people on the land and become one of the body snatchers walking dead.

  5. England evolved into the new Rome, decimating anyone that dared to challenge her, for centuries now.. But why are we still paying homage to them when it has clearly been shown that Queen Elisabeth 2, was found to be lawfully "Not Valid Monarch", case number T20107746...Case of JAH v Regina. The jury found John Anthony Hill not guilty and at the same time invalidated the Queen as the lawful Soverign as she was unlawfully coronated, using a fake "Stone of destiny" and breaking her most solumn "OATH" that she will never legislate ever , addmitting that God had already ordained his commandments and that no one can add or subtract from his law...She not only violated her oath to the people with her signiture in the Bible, but betrayed her birthright as a true heir to king David's thrown..!! Yes, at the time she was only 18 in 1953 when her coronation took place, but she has had plenty of time to grow up and realize what she did was wrong and correct it... and last christmas she did indeed elude to it, saying that she had to do it forcefully to protect the royal family and herself. Remember, she was only 18..Can you imagine what we knew at 18 and how easy it would have been to convince us that this was the right thing to do for everyones sake. She was immiture and scared and dealing with high profile elites, like the POPE, and London Royals..!! But these case was for real and it all happened because one man was trying to prove that the 3 men that the court of England were trying to convict were the wrong men that committed the London bombings...!! The implications of this atrosity cannot be underated, because if she was unlawfully coronated, than she has no right to claim soverignty, and thus no right or authority to administer BAR LICENSES..!! That means every single judge and all attorneys are working under a fraudulent "Assumption" that they have authority from a soverign, when clearly she is not..!! Why doesnt someone use this case to finally put an end to our justice system...Trump needs to be informed of this and bring indictments to the BAR once and for all, even if congress has to put QE2 on the stand for all to see.. under Trey Gowdy's Direct examination she will crumble.. and we can finally charge every judge with conspiracy to commit fraud and arrest all of them or force them once and for all to relinquist their BAR cards and agree to take 100% liability for every action they take, even if it was a excuses..!! Same for prosecuting attorneys..if found to have imprissioned the wrong person, then the prosecuter has to take the defendants place in prisson for wrongful imprissonment...50 years or more...!! Lets see the tears roll..!! No more "immunity" from prosecution...period..!! Lets see how many people want to be a prosecutor after that...!!

  6. Yeah - well the French are as bad if not worse...

  7. I read even farther back the crooks were in Egypt and off shoots of the northerners, possibly from Atlantis where they wound up when being chased across space for wrongdoing and hid here on this planet, then change our DNA to make slaves. Egyptian Pharoah Akenaten wife was Nordic and the Pharaoh's power came from his wife. Adolf Hitler has a clay bust of the Nordic Pharaoh's wife. There was a White House and a Red House one in southern Egypt and one in Northern Egypt. Akenaten looted all the temples burned books and finally was driven out of Egypt along with the Shepard Kings also of earlier dynasty trouble makers, where they went is a mystery perhaps. Cities like Paris look like the symbols from the satellite of these beings.
    At any rate whatever name they use, wherever they came from it is time they were reigned in so people can live in peace.

  8. Yes, ROYALTY is all "related" but the Rothschild are NOT ROYALTY!!! Their real name was "Bauer"!!! "Rothschild" means "red shield" and referred to the "star of David" which is not King David's "star" but was the "star" of "David el Roy" around 1160 AD. Too many people, especially on this forum, are biblically and historically deficient!!! Sad!!! And in case no one knows where the surmane "Bauer" comes from, it is from anna's favorite people group known as "God's Chosen People"!!! Since she likes to be ignorant of these people group, I will educate everyone here that they are JEWS!!! And if you don't have a problem with them, you will if you ever educated yourself to what they think of the goyim/gentiles. To paraphrase the chief shephardic rabbi: the gentiles are less than beasts and are here to serve the needs of the jews: their Talmud states: The greatest enemy of a jew is a Christian and we must DESTROY them!!! So...all you wonderful brain dead "Christians" on this forum that refuse to believe who your real enemy is, READ their Talmud if you can think that far and read their own quotes that they state about the gentiles. If you have a brain, you won't be rah rah rahing like anna does for these people after you educate yourself. But ignorance is bliss on this forum!!!

    1. wasnt that ol' al gores prior name too?

    2. So Islamist religious cult was inspired by Mohommand to hate not only Jews but everyone who won't embrace their belief. What a world.

  9. Want to see how many companies utilizing your rented ss# as collateral for this scheme... go to GMEI utilities and enter your social. Our services corporation rents it for 100 a year to do as they please. My one buddy that turned me on to it has 34,000 which equates to 3.4 million of the chattel. Don't forget life insurance they keep on everyone....

    1. Ren, thats all very vague. Can you elaborate please?

    2. I went to that site. You cannot just type in your SS# in the site. First you have to register. Is there a way to check it out without registering?

  10. In the beginning Israel was ''his chosen people' but time changes a lot of things. Jeremiah 3:8 tells us ''and I saw when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of Divorce;
    We all know that divorce means a severing of former ties. Cut off from them.
    God opened up to the gentiles, He sent His Son to earth to establish The Church Body, also known as the Bride of Christ, and Jesus is the 'husband' of the Bride. We know too that Jesus is not a two-timer or a philanderer, or unfaithful.
    Today, that makes the true earnest faithful Christians ''Gods Chosen people''. Who can be more ''chosen'' than a Bride?

    1. maybe they head faked us on the true "chosen people" of the bible and not what they made us believe???

      maybe it is here on the land we stand on? hmmmmmmm

    2. penny, maybe you can clarify, but your post here makes no sense; badly written, lol. What I just posted is what it is straight from Gods Word. And its pretty straight forward.
      I don't know who you mean by ''they''.
      But when Jesus returns he is not returning to america, but to the mt. of olives. Franky, by that time, which is not far into the future, I highly doubt america will even exist. It is already cracking apart, floating away, and burning up.

    3. Does anybody go pn Twitter on this site. With the amount of information that comes from all of you highly informed individuals, it does no good to keep here at this site alone. You need to venture out and tell the masses what you know, because that's where are President likes to be. Even though you have to keep your comments under 140 characters, you can still get your point across. It's a shame all this info is contained only in Judge Anna's site where here it remains.

    4. Awakend, You are right, we need all the exposure we can get, but it is happening. If you just do a search on any search engine for Anna Von Reitz you will find that many people republish Anna's articles world wide. I bought the domain name over 3 years ago, and it's a process getting a website like this found out there. The people on our subscriber list are sending out the information far and wide, and we are getting comments from around the world so take heart and help all you can by sending the two website addresses to as many people as possible. and


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