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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Improved Act of Expatriation

                                Act of Expatriation, Domicile Declaration and Allegiance

Whereas Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz and Anna M. Riezinger-Von Reitz and ANNA M. RIEZINGER-VON REITZ  and all similarly named vessels in trade or commerce are all naturalized “citizens of the United States” under the Diversity Clause and are the age of majority and whereas such citizenship was never desired nor intended nor willingly nor voluntarily entered into under conditions of full disclosure They/THEY willingly and purposefully renounce all citizenship or other assumed political status or obligation related to the United States defined as “the territories and District of Columbia” (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864) and its government, a corporation doing business variously as the UNITED STATES, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, etc., and permanently domicile upon and repatriate to the soil of Their/THEIR birth known as Wisconsin and freely affirm Their/THEIR allegiance to the same actual and organic state of the Union and do accept and reclaim Their/THEIR true nationality as American State Nationals and American State Vessels in all international and maritime commerce including all operations under Article X of The Constitution for the united State of America and Article X of The Constitution of the United States of America, owned and operated by Riezinger, Anna Maria  at 2390 South Park Road, Big Lake, Alaska Postal Code Extension 99652, c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska, Postal Code Extension 99652
This action I validate and affirm this _____day of _______, 2016: ______________________ by Anna Maria Riezinger, all rights reserved.

Notary Witness
Alaska State
Matanuska-Susitna County
This _____day of ________ 2017 did visit one living woman known as Anna Maria Riezinger and she did establish this Act of Expatriation, Domicile and Allegiance freely and without coercion, in Witness whereof I set my sign and seal: ____________________________Notary; my commission expires on______________.



  1. If I have already sent a letter to the Sec of Treas. saying that I am an American National, Non-Resident Alien, does that make any difference and can I still send this Expatriation?
    Thank you

    1. Great question.

    2. I would say yes. It never hurts to lock in your position. Better more proof on the record than too little.

  2. Anna for new comers or those not as learned as you are not going to understand the variables in the script ,please include an instructional flow chart to each designation that one is supposed to fill in ,why do you have "Their /THEIR as a designation referring to more than one ? when the document is for a single man or woman ?

    1. You are expatriating your natural person and your fictional person.

  3. Howdy Paul and Anna: As I have mentioned to you via telephone Paul, I would like a blow by blow, paint by numbers series of instructions written by both of you talented and blessed folks, showing us how to save ourselves and children from this mess, where we have been defrauded for years.

    I would also like to see how to get out of a mortgage, whereas all payments are current, and with a criminally high interest rate, and total non disclosure; after 10 years of payments...not one dollar has been paid into principal.
    I am a senior, on Social UnSecurity, forced to work full time, to survive and hopefully, with your help find my way out of this legal means. I will be happy to discuss this with a conference call between you, Anna and myself, if possible. Also willing to donate a few bucks, as I am able to the cause for your help.

    Lead On, Tom Portland, Or.

    1. BrotherTom, These 2 postings will tell you exactly, step-by-step what to do to get out of your mortgage and other debts: & Go get 'em!

  4. If this is needed after sending all required documents to the secretary of treasury as well as the IRS commisoners, I'll definitely have it written up and notarized.
    But where am I sending it to?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. In the early 1990s I was the victim of identity theft whereby someone was using my name and social security number to trade in stocks and bonds. I had no knowledge of this until I received 1099s about the 'income.' I contacted the IRS and they actually told me that if I didn't include this 'income' in filing my tax returns, I would go to jail! This was at a time when I believed that I had to file. However, I stalled on filing because these transactions were not mine, so the IRS filed a Substitute for Return (SRF) for me, and then the IRS came after me with a vengeance for payment of taxes plus penalties on their SFR which included the 'identity theft related 1099 income' on the various stock and bond transactions traded using my SSN. I could not convince the IRS that none of the stock and bond transactions were mine, so the IRS continued to come after me with a vengeance for payment, including filing liens against me and my property. (Forget 'taxpayer assistance entities,' writing congressmen, etc., as nothing worked) These liens should have expired ten years later in 2008, but just found that the IRS had refiled them in Oct of 2007, and I cannot not sell my house (not enough equity because these liens would eat it all and then some.) Now, if I just hold on a few months, they should expire (again) this October. I did talk with Judge Anna about doing a process of reconveyance of the property deed. The quandry is whether I should do this or just remain quiet for now, hoping the liens will duly expire in Oct. (I don't know how many times the IRS can refile the liens, though). The point being is that I am so weary with the continued vengeance of the IRS against me that I am determined to do something, anything, to get out of their clutches. Would this Act of Expatriation, Domicile Declaration and Allegiance do that?

    1. did you ever rebut their allegations and enter an affidavit of truth in your behalf? well, lack of response is tacit agreement and silent acquiescence...

      go to and get the third party debt collector letter and go to UCC 3-311 Accord and Satisfaction and start fighting for your rights.

    2. Equity aids the vigilant, not those who slumber on their rights

    3. Of course, I did, but it didn't even phase them. I also filed papers like the UCC forms go protect myself. One thing I found out is that if they want your money for what they have determined you owe, nothing stops them, for they just bulldoze right over you. I fought for my rights for years, and am now to old and weary to continue the fight.

    4. I sought help from all manner of accounts, freedom fighters, people who were familiar with the Uniform Commercial Code, and I even filed a birth certificate bond to clear this "debt", and all was ignored. Nothing worked, so please don't tell me I have to fight for my rights. There are no rights in the final analysis.

    5. I filed a 3rd party debt collector letter a long time ago. Didn't phase them...

    6. See my reply to BrotherTom above for Judge Anna's remedy on how to get out of this mess and to revoke your election to ever pay taxes again.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. i would look very carefully to what i said and i am pretty sure you have not done exactly as i have said with particularity. i have first hand knowledge that it has worked for me and several others. not sure about your freedom fighter friends, dont know what that means...

      good luck either way. remember it is war and they dont care about age, whether your 20 or 60.

  7. As the "deep state" becomes more exposed everyday, like any trapped animal, they become more vicious and cunning everyday until eventually there is no law except what they say. But i would go to your city hall and talk to your assemblyman if he has an office there and talk with him or his secratary about your problem like we did. He wasnt there, but his secratary was and turned out to be genuinely concerned enough to help us herself. As she handed us a form that allows her to handle our case, she got an immediate call back by the FTB which was doing the same to us. But he gave us his direct number to deal with because they were tring to charge us for loans we took out and payed back of over a million dollars. He put us off constantly. One call from the assemblymans office and he called right back, furious , which was an indication of how much power these politions can carry. We never heard from him again and the IRS stopped garnising our SS checks. Fight fire with fire. They dont listen to us. Of course we live in a smaller community in hemet calif. and not a large city like L.A. where we would be nothing but a number and not enough to bother with. But try anyway.

    1. Tried going to everyone I could think of, including congressman, different offices of the IRS, "taxpayer assistance" office which told me that they had to defer to the RO (revenue officer). I asked them why did they exist, then, if they couldn't intervene. It was the RO who threatened and tried to physically intimidate me, waving his arms about me wildly, telling me all the ways he had to come after me. He even accused me of having offshore bank accounts (I wouldn't even know how to get one!) I filed an affidavit about his behavior to the IRS, and so then his office buddy was assigned to my case with the same attitude. These people must be psychopaths, drunk on power. I just want to live the rest of my life free from their clutches but will probably wait until the liens expire again (Oct, 2017) before I do anything else to make them mad. I am trying to find out if they can continue to refile the liens indefinitely.

    2. Sometimes federal agencies are helpful. Federal advocacy group CFPB helped me get traction on an old ID theft/fraud case, collectors wouldn't stop even after the statute of limitations expired. They had me in a catch 22, wouldn't deal with me unless I essentially admitted I was the perp. CFPB got the attention of the vultures where I could not. Now the old fraudulent account is closed in my favor, and I have letters absolving me.

  8. There is more going on than you think. Trump is furiously working behind the scenes without anyone knowing that he has the "deep state" in chaos and will ultimately clean this swamp up. Read this......

  9. Yes, I saw that, and I do believe Trump has all good intentions, but the swamp is deeper and wider than he had ever imagined.

  10. Questions have come to my mind regarding this process, Act of Expatriation, Domicile Declaration and Allegiance. The one major question has to do with what would happen to my Social Security benefits which at the moment, are all I have to live on. These scoundrels would think nothing of stopping those benefits if I breathe the wrong way. Yes, I paid into the system and rightly this is my money, but actually, nothing is ours as it all belongs to the government per its dictates. Would this process be just another instance of being free, but meaning "nothing left to lose?"

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. if you are a U.S. Citizen you are entitled to nothing but their benefits, opportunities and priviledges and maybe some prison time if you do not know your rights and who you are.

  12. keep in mind just sending this off means nothing, if you read the law it states that you must do it in front of someone which is why generally it leads nowhere. sending off frivolous letters to random people NOT following the law, you need a court order within the U.S. or a consulate i believe if you are outside the U.S.

    1. You record it in Lamar County Georgia Superior Court and once done so, it is stamped accordingly and is an official government document - a matter of public record.

    2. Yes, Jason, I have heard this before that the Lamar County Recorder will record anything you send them. Once recorded you request a certified copy out and then you can bring it into your local county for recording. And because it is publicly recorded in another county, they cannot refuse to record it. Their website is and this site will give you the fees: You can of course call them to verify.


    (Understand Contract Law)

    - Eternallyaware is based out of Canada, but has material about the USA that will educate the Americans. UCL (Understand Contract Law) is based out of the USA. Canada & the USA are in much the similar condition: In bondage until one Stands against his captures. For a donation both eternallyaware & UCL has packages that will FREE one from their captures (The Crown, Papal), and it'll guide one to becoming truly Free indeed! State Nationals!

    1. From Anna:

      You have to take a formal act of expatriation from Territorial Citizenship, so you might as well use the occasion to also declare the permanent domicile of all your vessels and your allegiance to your organic state of the Union.

      This kills three birds with one stone. It declares what you are NOT, where your domicile is, and what you ARE in terms of political allegiance--- all in one recording.

    2. Then am thinking a canadian can use it as in that year 1864 we were part of BNA, no?

    3. From Anna:

      Maritime Commerce includes all transactions that occur between two incorporated entities, like GM having a contract with Boeing, Inc.

      The rats gratuitously (and in self-interest) foisted a corporate PERSON off onto you---- and enfranchised your name and property like a Dairy Queen franchises, so that they could then claim that you were obligated to obey all their private corporate rules and policies as a franchisee. They "subjected" you--- by defining you as a corporation and thereby setting up the presumption that you were operating "in commerce" and not in "international trade".

      International trade is what you and I engage in, and also what unincorporated business entities engage in.

      When we operate in international trade, we are Protected Persons owed every jot of the constitutional guarantees. But if we are mis-characterized as corporations and as corporate franchisees, we can be attacked and coerced and set upon at will.

      There is absolutely no advantage to any average person in having or maintaining a federal franchise PERSON---so just give back the Trojan Horse and make them responsible as the "paramount security interest holder" in your name and estate.

    4. From Anna:

      That is, you are the "paramount security interest holder" in your name and estate and they are responsible for the US PERSON--- the Cestui Que Vies and Public Transmitting Utilities they have arbitrarily named after you.

  14. Jenny Wiley, so sorry to hear about all of your troubles but as you have found out, as I have from similar experiences, that this illegal and rogue corporation does what it wants to and there is no one, yes NO ONE, that can do a damned thing about it. So, save your money and don't bother with contributions to Understand Contract Law, or any other group as these gov't agencies don't recognize or adhere to ANY "law/code" or anything else. The "law" is what they say, regardless of written or historical records and facts. I would not rock the boat and wait and see if they file another set of liens. One thing that I did years ago that slowed them down was file a Notice of Violation of Constitutional Right under Color of Law against a few agents and that got them off my back for about 10 years, but 3 years ago, they sent an "unsigned" Notice of Lien to my bank and the bank charged me $100 for stealing my money and handing $1630 to the tax folks. So, your best bet is to file this against whoever "agent" is assigned to your case:
    I hope this helps. I hear that Sept./Oct time frame that there may be a huge earthquake hit Washington State, with millions of deaths and trillions of damage. I hope not, but if it does happen, then it will be severe enough to collapse the Babylonian slavery that we are under in this country and then, maybe then, the sheeple will finally WAKE UP from the stupor that they have been in for centuries and deal with the parasites that have caused all of this misery and suffering for our People!!! So, we wait and see but in the meantime, file that statute I sent in this post against whoever is a party to your liens. Good luck!!!

    1. A Notice of Lien is not a lien but only a Notice. However, did you mean Notice of Levy because that is what they usually present to levy funds out of your bankaccount? If so, again this is not a Levy but merely a notice. Schultz vs. IRS, US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, ruled that a "Notice of Lien or Levy" is NOT a lien or levy. You can sue them in small claims court for civil theft. If they don't show up, you automatically win. Otherwise the precedent is already set and the court must rile in your favor. Now the judge may run scared and rule against you but appeals has to rule in your favor. Checkout this testimony of a man who sued the bank for giving away his money on a mere Notice.
      Man Stops IRS Lien on Bank Account with Jurisdictionary! (3rd on down on the page)

  15. Jenny Wiley, I understand completely. You may not know it but the first time you challenged them to prove or validate their bill, your file has been coded as "TC 120".... A "Tax Protestor". The kiss of death. Just like us. Once that is on there, you can never get it off. If you receive another letter from them look at the top right hand corner(last time i looked), and it should have that code at the top...TP 120...A Tax Protester!!!. And i understand your concern about your SS payments. Everyone is worried about that here. Fortunately, the FTB cant touch it at all, even with leins filed. Unforetunately, the IRS can and will. But only at 15% thank God. I think Unknown is giving you good advice for right now. They are still too powerful. Can you image the pressure they are under to force you to comply. They are litterally getting the police to just randomly pull over on certain main highways in the midwest, and checking to see if people are carrying alot of cash. If they are, they simply just take it under "civil forefiture laws" with no proof of any crime. If you miss the 10 day window to file for its return....its gone forever. Lay low for awhile. Lets see what happens this year....which is alot. Dont forget, planet X (Nibiru) is supposed to hit us in sept also. Dont spend the rest of your life on fighting these people if its going to end in Sept. anyway. If it doesnt than we can talk again.

  16. Jenny Wiley, I understand completely. You may not know it but the first time you challenged them to prove or validate their bill, your file has been coded as "TC 120".... A "Tax Protestor". The kiss of death. Just like us. Once that is on there, you can never get it off. If you receive another letter from them look at the top right hand corner(last time i looked), and it should have that code at the top...TP 120...A Tax Protester!!!. And i understand your concern about your SS payments. Everyone is worried about that here. Fortunately, the FTB cant touch it at all, even with leins filed. Unforetunately, the IRS can and will. But only at 15% thank God. I think Unknown is giving you good advice for right now. They are still too powerful. Can you image the pressure they are under to force you to comply. They are litterally getting the police to just randomly pull over on certain main highways in the midwest, and checking to see if people are carrying alot of cash. If they are, they simply just take it under "civil forefiture laws" with no proof of any crime. If you miss the 10 day window to file for its return....its gone forever. Lay low for awhile. Lets see what happens this year....which is alot. Dont forget, planet X (Nibiru) is supposed to hit us in sept also. Dont spend the rest of your life on fighting these people if its going to end in Sept. anyway. If it doesnt than we can talk again.

  17. If at some point, we have other acts of expatriation filed and something comes up, since we are in charge of ourselves, can we not simply correct any discrepancies at the time? I was in a hearing and accused of just having said something so said I would like to correct it. The judge immediately said Ok well go ahead and correct it then. Im not too savvy on law but if you know the right thing and want to correct it most certainly you can, even I believe rescind a signature if you believe you need to. Just my thoughts on worrying about already having put in papers of some sort or another.

  18. In relation to the article, Please Anna, clarify this part: "Their/THEIR true nationality as American State Nationals and American State Vessels in all international and maritime commerce including all operations under Article X of The Constitution for the united State of America and Article X of The Constitution of the United States of America,

    "Maritime commerce? Would that be like going over to Hawaii to do business?

    Thank you!

    1. Danika have you received a reply to the "all international and maritime commerce" yet. Anna states that we are in trade not commerce, so why would she use commerce in this doc rather than trade...
      thank you, michael

  19. Anna, I am trying to pay attention, but this is all a big brain F**k. I appreciate your help and will re-read your articles.


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