No matter your view of jurisdiction, or sovereignty, this bunch of radical leftist communist activists will have a bearing on your future unless something drastic is done to stop them.
They are seditionists, and traitors, and need to be rounded up, but who in this corrupt structure that government has become will have the backbone to do it?
The NeoCons will use it to expand the police state and try to suck Trump into supporting the expansion. The leftists will create chaos in the streets. The perfect formula for the final destruction of America in 2017.
On Infowars from Dan Lyman January 6th, 2017
The most radical extremists in the United States have launched a desperate battle plan against Donald Trump and his supporters in the last days before he takes office.
A group calling itself Refuse Fascism, led by the likes of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and black Marxist Cornel West, are spearheading the final effort to block Trump’s inauguration and have taken out a full page ad in the New York Times declaring, “NO! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America!”
The ad goes on to lay out the plan of action to stop Trump, utilizing all of the predictable buzzwords and rhetoric necessary to justify acting “together outside normal channels,” and comparing the “Trump regime” to that of Hitler and the rise of Nazi Germany.
Found here:
The most radical extremists in the United States have launched a desperate battle plan against Donald Trump and his supporters in the last days before he takes office.
A group calling itself Refuse Fascism, led by the likes of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and black Marxist Cornel West, are spearheading the final effort to block Trump’s inauguration and have taken out a full page ad in the New York Times declaring, “NO! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America!”
The ad goes on to lay out the plan of action to stop Trump, utilizing all of the predictable buzzwords and rhetoric necessary to justify acting “together outside normal channels,” and comparing the “Trump regime” to that of Hitler and the rise of Nazi Germany.
Found here:
Its not going to work. Not this time. Not even with the help of the mainstream media or all of hollywoods top celebrities. Even rabi Johnathan Cohn said so. God works in strange ways. For some reason, god has chosen Trump as the new DAVID to slew the new GOLIATH(the Corporate United States). And no one is going to stop it. The more they try, the worse its going to get for them. As a sign of complete defiance, the US recreated the Arch of Baal right in New York, Symbolizing their true leader...Satan. In his new book, "The book of mysterys", revalations is quickly taking place now. He just came back from Cuba, which was also prophetsied in revalations and when he was there, so many other things were reveiled to him that prophesy is moving at warp speed. One thing is for sure. When this fight is over, New York will not be standing. More than likely, it will be under water completely. For the first time in their lives, these "globalist" are running scared.....