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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Prosecutors In Nevada Beg Trial Judge To Protect The BLM From Scrutiny During Bundy Trial

Found at the Guerilla Media Network Here:

Prosecutors in Las Vegas filed a Motion In Limine  late Tuesday in the case of The United States vs Cliven Bundy et al — in hopes that Nevada District Court Judge Gloria Navarro – will allow the Government to “cover-up” any wrong doing agents in the Bureau Of Land Management – who conducted the Bundy cattle impoundment in April of 2014 – may have committed.

“It’s a shocking blatant attempt by the Government to cover-up the brutal conduct of  BLM agents that caused a near catastrophe in Bunkerville, Nevada during the impoundment of rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle,” says a defense attorney representing one of the defendants in the case.
The motion is a draconian attempt at best to “protect” government agents from being exposed to further scrutiny during the upcoming Nevada trials in which they will be under-oath to tell the truth.
Read the rest at:

Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S. Ct. 1401 (1958) Note: Any judge who does not comply with his oath to the Constitution of the United States wars against that Constitution and engages in acts in violation of the supreme law of the land. The judge is engaged in acts of treason. The U.S. Supreme Court has stated that "no state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it". See also In Re Sawyer, 124 U.S. 200 (188); U.S. v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 216, 101 S. Ct. 471, 66 L. Ed. 2d 392, 406 (1980); Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat) 264, 404, 5 L. Ed 257 (1821).

Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U.S. 232, 94 S. Ct. 1683, 1687 (1974) Note: By law, a judge is a state officer. The judge then acts not as a judge, but as a private individual (in his person). When a judge acts as a trespasser of the law, when a judge does not follow the law, the Judge loses subject-matter jurisdiction and the judges' orders are not voidable, but VOID, and of no legal force or effect. The U.S. Supreme Court stated that "when a state officer acts under a state law in a manner violative of the Federal Constitution, he comes into conflict with the superior authority of that Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is subjected in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct. The State has no power to impart to him any immunity from responsibility to the supreme authority of the United States." 


  1. Why would anyone in their right mind want government servants to be able to hide the facts of what they have done? A friend was just told by a doctor who prescribed some drugs for someone that they were not responsible for the bad results (see dram laws) and better find some other doctor who could help. This "I am not responsible for my actions" is at the root of one heck of a lot of troubles. Corporate Cow Dust like a rotten potatoe that gets left in the bin if left untended will spread.

    1. This is why people better start learning how to open up a real court of record, but first one needs to know what that term even means. It's the only way to get to the heart of the matte. Go to and learn about a court of record.


    2. Bundy's case is so important because they are taking on the AshkeNAZI Zionist system that is attempting to install Agenda 21 aka 2030 all over America. It is a precedence setting case that needs to be made public for all to see. We are fighing a government that is illegal, as we all know. As we uncover and expose how our government became so corrupt they are going to try to take us down, by making examples of people like the Bundy's, in an attempt to stop us from destroying their Global Take over plans. The more people who know about this, the more exposure it gets the better Bundy's chances are. Yes our illegal governments BLM agents need to be exposed and it appears that an effort needs to be made by going to FOX and internet media that will expose the BLM. We have to hit first with the news and force the FAKE NEWS channels to address the issues instead of sweeping it under the rug.

    3. Yes every venue should be employed to shine a bright light on these unelected illegal criminal employees.
      Like the ending in the movie "The Witness" with Harrison Ford= they couldn't kill all the witnesses ~!

    4. Yes every venue should be employed to shine a bright light on these unelected illegal criminal employees.
      Like the ending in the movie "The Witness" with Harrison Ford= they couldn't kill all the witnesses ~!

  2. We pay these bastards for services to the tune of $3 trillion a year and this is what we get for it! We should all cease paying taxes and use those funds instead to provide affordable housing for all, free health care, and free education for everyone who wants it.

  3. Stop feeding the beast if everyone does what el happen?

    1. I agree...but where did you start at stopping to feed the beast? No snark intended, seriously wanting guidance. thank you.

    2. Organic Laws Institute will teach you why you are untaxable if you choose to be. Their teaching Law follows uncannily parallel with the history shared by Anna Von Reitz (Praises to her). is good education as well. To avoid jail, if confronted I would agree to pay any signed invoice they say I owe and write IN PROTEST on the payment. I would then sue the individual for the amount plus damages. I wish freedom for all those who work for it.

  4. Learn how to revoke your election to pay income taxes we all must ..

  5. no consent, their private Corp rules DO NOT APPLY TO US. period, period, period...go pound sand!!

  6. The entire issue is US Citizenship. The Bundy's are US Citizens, period. So are you at this point.

    The many adhesion contracts we all have either unknowingly or unwittingly voluntarily entered into with the federal corporation, have identified us as "accommodation parties" to their benefits and privileges scheme.

    If you drive, hunt, or fish, own a business or do anything the federal/state/city/town/township corporations can license and attach a number to, a trust is created, and you are an obligated/accommodative party/debtor, to that trust.

    It cannot get any simpler explanation than this. There is only one solution and that is to properly assert your correct status using the one sure method of doing so.

    It takes some time to comprehend and implement, but GETS THE JOB DONE! Making random assertions, or sending ill written letters to government agencies does nothing but let them know you are STILL incompetent.

    Your lack of understanding also certainly identifies you as someone who could not possibly be trusted to serve in the Republic because you cannot even recognize the remedy provided by them, for you to be able to effectively rebut their claim to ownership (yes I said ownership) over your life.

    You have been pledged. Unpledge yourself!

    And they will continue to own you until you intelligently take care of the problem. Remedy awaits!

    1. Very well said Keith. Look at and see how to make the system work FOR you in a real court of record.


  7. Keith, you give way to much credit to the intelligence of judges and court officers in general. All ive seen are incompetent lazy and weak minded people who only know law now, because of us. We taught them. They didnt have a clue about how their own system worked until they started dealing with us. Its not hard to pull fraud or make us look stupid when they can get away with "unclean hands, and bad faith". Then top it off with the doctrine of "Silent Judicial Notice" and you have the perfect storm of fraud to barry the "TRUTH" and the man. Why does everyone want to blame honest people for trying to get remedy.. Keith if your really as free of their system like you say you are, yhen walk right into court a place a once of "methanphetamine" right in front of the sherriff and tell me how free you really are.... If you have the solution, prove it. After all, wheres the "injured party"... If you have the answer, then the STATE cant be the injured party. You should be able to walk right out of that court with a smile on your face.....RIGHT?!!! As far as a court of record is concerned, i just dont believe it. Just because you ask for it, and they actually agree to give you one, doesnt mean you are going to get it. Especially now that Trump is trying to expose more and more fraud. You know where it all ends... the courts and ultimately the "JUDGES" themselves. Just because you win your case, doesnt mean the judge has addmitted any wrongdoing. Thats the whole reason for the "Motion Illumini". The last resort from a failed attempt to prosecute lawfully. The IRS does the same thing when cornered with the law by someone. They always ask for a "Motion Illumini". Checkmate!!!


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