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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

It's the Language and the Court, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 20

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been a big fan of Romley Stewart since I first became aware of him and the Australian group effort to unmask what has been aptly called The Justinian Deception (  I had over the years researched the use of the ALL CAPS naming conventions and traced it back to Ancient Rome and even wrote a treatise about it, but Rom focused on it from a slightly different viewpoint and came up with new insights and information that completed the picture and also gave us the leverage to overturn the jurisdiction of the municipal and territorial courts----- that is BIG.  HUGE.  That is the difference between knowing you are being bamboozled and being enabled to do something about it, and Romley Stewart, an Aussie, gave us that. 

This points out the interlocking nature of the problem and the process throughout the English-speaking world.  We have all suffered from the same processes and deceits. So when we find something out in America, you can count on the fact that the same basic schtick is being employed in Great Britain under the "UK" and in Canada under "CANADA" and in Australia under the regime of "AUSTRALIA", too. 

The Holy See, the British Monarchy, the Dutch Templars and Renegade Jesuits, and the Lords of the Admiralty under the direction of the Lord Mayor of London, have all contributed to the development and corruption and depravity of this international corporate crime syndicate---either by direct participation or by omission.  If we track back through the history, we find that they are using a process of "legal enclosure" to usurp upon the land jurisdiction owed to the people and that they have acted by establishing "enclaves" of sea jurisdiction on the land in contravention of what they are supposed to be doing.  Thus, England (land) is not Great Britain (admiralty) and not the UK (maritime) and we have the same problem here.  The united States of America (land) is not the United States (Dutch/French admiralty) and not the UNITED STATES (Dutch/French maritime), nor is it The United States of America (British Admiralty) nor THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (British Maritime).  

Go anywhere you like in the world and you will find these same coded jurisdictions being employed to rob and fleece the people of the land jurisdiction out of their rights and property by fraud and similar names deceits and most particularly, the use of personage and barratry and false grammatical structures-----both the use of descriptive language in contracts rendering them void and meaningless, so as to promote "interpretation" by the courts, and the use of foreign sign language-- GLOSSA, to appear to represent people when in fact being a foreign "sign" of an ACCOUNT system operated by all these colluding and predatory and criminal corporations that are supposed to be providing us with good faith services.

All the tricks that they are playing on us have been practiced by them before.  The so-called "income tax" on corporations began as "Peter's Pence"--- a special tax employed by the Church to pay for the Crusades.  The process of "hypothecation" and using us to "insure" and underwrite the debts of governments began under Queen Anne.  The process of "enfranchisement" and the de-humanization of the British people reducing them to mere "franchises" and "franchisees" of the UNITED KINGDOM as we see it today began at the behest of Benjamin D'israeli and Queen Victoria.  They used the credit that came from enslaving the British people by deceit to fund the Raj in India---- using the enslavement of one people to enslave another. 

This filthy business must be recognized for what it is and brought to a stop and the jurists among us must be brought to a prompt and unequivocal understanding of the fact that they are themselves participating in capital level crimes and offenses against humanity.  As jurists they well-know the consequences of flouting the law in any jurisdiction and they must be brought forcibly aware of the crimes they are themselves committing. 

The most common crimes being committed by members of the Bar are personage and barratry.  These occur every time a living man and his estate is misrepresented by the name of an ACCOUNT brought before the court. This practice pretends that a living man is the same as a corporate entity ---- a crime known as personage, and it brings charges against the corporation and expects the living man to respond so as to trap him into paying the debts of a corporate franchise---- a crime known as barratry. 

They also regularly commit crimes against the living people in matters of probate and foreclosure.  Every so-called mortgage I have examined is void for linguistic fraud and meaningless statements. The "mortgage contracts" are illegal on the face --- they are all unilateral contracts between the man and what is purported to be his own ESTATE, executed under conditions of non-disclosure.  In fact, none of the verbiage presented in the reams of fine print holds water, and what the criminals are depending on instead is a secretive legal enclosure process of getting the victim to sign a trademarked piece of paper. 

In other words, the mortgage contracts are all void and fraudulent by nature--- obviously so, but the content of the contract is not what these thieves have relied upon. Instead, they have trademarked and copyrighted their "standard" mortgage contract forms and when the victim signs one of these without reserving their rights, the vermin seize upon their signature as "enclosed" property----and claim that it has become part of their trademarked and copyrighted document, owned by them, and they begin using the victim's signature as a rubber stamp for all manner of "derivative" contracts.  This has the exact same affect as counterfeiting money. 

All this and more must be brought to a swift and certain end, and those responsible for this malpractice of justice----- the maritime and admiralty courts and jurists--must be brought to an equally swift and unequivocal understanding of their culpability and role in this criminal system.  There can be no doubt that in the routine practice of these courts, these men and women have participated in genocide on paper.  Their crimes include inland piracy, conspiracy against the most sacred treaties and agreements among men and nations from the Magna Carta onward, unlawful conversion, chronic practice of personage and barratry, kidnapping, capitulation, grand theft, enslavement, war for profit, fraud of all kinds, and a host of other crimes too numerous to mention. 

The judges really have become the crooks and the enforcers of criminality----and this has been forced upon them by falsified records and unrebutted commercial contracts that must be "presumed" to be private contracts between governmental services corporations and their purported "franchises" and willing "clients".  This entire situation has in turn been deliberately contrived and set up by private, for-profit governmental services corporations operating in private capacities while appearing to be operating in public capacities. 

In other words, these private, profit-motivated organizations have been passing off their "public policy" as public law.  They have been ensnaring the people of each country into undisclosed "private contracts" and trust arrangements purporting to make the people the underwriters of the corporation's debts.  This amounts to de facto enslavement and removes the victims from their natural status as landsmen and puts them into the position of being contractors in international commerce---all without being made aware of this change in political and material status.  It is the ultimate false hypothecation of debt scheme and it works in tandem with self-interested "legislation" by the Boards of Directors of these corporations disguised as members of Congress and Parliament. 

In theory at least, these private corporate officers can act as elected public officials simply by changing hats, but in point of fact, at least in America, they have removed themselves from the jurisdiction of the land by their acceptance of such corporate offices and are barred from service as fiduciary deputies of our actual states of the Union.  They have been obliged to operate "states of states"---- corporate franchises of the parent "federal corporation"---instead.  Also, it is worth noting that in America, members of the Bar Association are prohibited from holding any public office in our actual government by both prohibitions in the original Articles and the Titles of Nobility Amendment.  The number of Bar Members presently serving in Congress is ample proof that they cannot and do not represent our legitimate government, but merely a corporate imposter "standing for" or "representing" the actual republican form of government we are owed.

Please see the obnoxious and ubiquitous "Pledge of Allegiance" which generations of American schoolchildren have been indoctrinated with:  I (grant of personal jurisdiction) pledge (an ancient feudal act granting obedience and subjecting oneself to a Monarch) allegiance (another obligation of feudalism) to the flag (an icon and symbolic trademark of a commercial company at sea) of the United States of America (a corporation masquerading as the deceptively similar name of our association of nation-states styled as the "united States of America") and to the Republic (our actual government) for which it stands (since when does our actual government require a foreign corporation to substitute for it?), one nation (we are actually fifty nations) under GOD (if it were Christian, it should say "under Heaven", instead of GOD which is an acronym for "Gold, Order, and Dominion"), with liberty (liberty is the same root word as "libertine" and its what British sailors get when they reach port---not the freedom that Americans are owed) and justice for all.

We can rightly infer that "justice for all" means "enslavement for all".

In the same way, generations of Americans have been taught (wrongly) that they live in a "democracy" and fed the impression that "democracy is good" and that we should be committed to "spreading democracy" throughout the world.   Democracy is in fact another word for Mob Rule, which fundamentally disrespects the value of individual lives and unalienable rights and the existence of private assets.  It is the antithesis of the republican government we are owed and equally the enemy of any true monarchy.

 In a democracy, if 51 out of a 100 of your neighbors want to eat you for breakfast, they can.  It is, again, a nasty, brutal, pagan, retrograde form of government that cannot be logically defended in modern times and is in fact yet another excuse that the perpetrators offer for their crimes----the false claim that we ever knowingly offered to live in a "democracy" when we are owed a republican form of government. 

The sum total of this pernicious fraud and overall criminality results in what can only be described as a form of commercial feudalism wherein men enslave themselves to the Company Store, are owned by it, and live and die within its confines----all without ever being informed of their presumed "choice" in the matter. 

It remains to be remarked that in America, the so-called United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada all the other analogous "democracies" foisted off on Mankind, none of them have ever attained anything like the majority mandate needed for a democracy to function within the confines of its own definitions.  That is, there are no functional democracies anywhere in the world that I know of.  So it is all a lot of specious talk about "democracy" without a single actual democracy to back any of it up----another fraud.  Democracies don't actually exist in the modern world, so all this talk about them is smoke and mirrors---a claim of a form of government where none exists.

Putting an end to this horse hooey is as simple and as difficult as educating the populace and those who are operating our governmental functions at the local level, then working our way up the food chain, replacing the corporate capos with our own legitimate public institutions as we go.  In America this is being done initially on a volunteer basis, with support for operations being donated by the people served.  As this necessary reform gains momentum we are seeing corollary efforts by the guilty parties to clean up their act and reform the corporations. 

I personally hope that everyone concerned realizes that it is too late for half-measures. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 


  1. I realized that years ago. But after going to court over 25 years ago, i started to realize, we were giving the judges way too much credit for their "overstanding" of the law, especially at the superior court level. The patriot community as a whole, was actually forceing all these judges to learn the "real" law just by dealing with us , because they were never really taught the "truth" either. Like all of us that went to college and earned a BS or higher degree like masters or phd, we had no time to question what we were being taught, because there was no time to. People that have never gone to a major university have no clue how much time we had to put in to earn that degree, and the sacrifices we had to made to earn it. We never had "free time" ever, because when we got home from school, we had to put at least twice that amount of time doing homework and studying for test. Especially, when your major is pre-med. All those 3 hour lab classes that never ended. There was no time to question what we were being taught. We barely had any time to try and understand what they were teaching us. We just got out of high school, which i had always maintained an A- grade point average. I was no where prepared to enter a major university with PHD's teaching every class and a complete paradiam shift from high school so radical, that i went from being an A Student to a D student my first year in college. Its damn hard work and your competeing with geniuses for a grade to become a doctor, vet, or surgen, or anything dealing with the anatomy and physiology of living organisms, especially the human body since that is what we were going to be dealing with. Law was probably the same way. But none of us was ready for the new paradiam shift into the reality of how the world and corp. function when we started working. College and the real world are completely different. Everyone winds up being disillusioned quickly upon entering the work force and its agenda. So it doesnt surprise me that it took years for them to catch on to what we had forced them to learn even more about law and "truth" they ever wanted to know. Everyone wants to believe they are actually doing their best for society, and the right thing. But now there is no excuse for them, because all of them have faced us and through internal memos have figured it all out just like us. Now, they are faced with a real world dilema...i know it is corrupt, but what choice do i have. So they go along with it and their consciouse since most people coming to court are reprobates. Until one of us shows up with the truth, dressed up like an attorney with a briefcase(i always do at least for reasons of professional courtesy and respect) that can articulate law like them, and reversing any guilt right back at them. Now its his turn to face his consciouse. They hardly ever give us remedy, but the price for overiding their consciouse usually leads to most of them becoming alcoholics. But they still tell themselves, what choice do i have....!!! Most people never know they were deceived until its to late. After being married with kids, a morgtage, car payments, etc. they see no choice. Because its not a choice of right and wrong at that point, its simply about survival and providing for my family. Thats the real evilness about a "debt" system....its perpetual. And logically so is slavery....

    1. You hit the nail on the head's not that people don't realize it's corrupt, or don't care, they've given up. It's the old "can't fight city hall" adage. I keep going back to the Revolutionary War, and this same scenario existed then too. But for 3%, it wasn't, and that's all it takes for change to take place.


    2. From those of us in Australia, we wish to thank you for the kind words and kudos. Romley Stewart's videos on YouTube (the GLOSSA channel) can be found at the following link:

  2. Thank you Anna. Well I have been given my last writs.. get the hell out of my house in 10 days by a judge of British and ZIONIST law and a sheriff of British and ZIONIST law. That is a death sentence to me being multi disable. You are and will be a slave to them... bow to your QUEEN and the ZIONISTS.. slaves, the NEW WORLD ORDER IS HERE AND WON'T GO AWAY. As maybe some have been following my UNLAWFUL foreclosure this is the end of my life. I think there is a writ to stay... but that means I think a court visit that I'm unable to do. 9 days left.. nice retirement.

    1. I forgot maybe I should change the flag to 1/2 British and 1/2 Jerusalem.

    2. See if you can contact Bill Thornton at and then get someone you know to file it as a next friend where he can go in and do the work since you area unable. With the counterclaim, you then are the sovereign and the rules of court change in your favor. File whatever you have to in order to buy time, then go forward in YOUR court.


    3. you could also resign the office, no longer be the registered agent/trustee for the legal person and send the bill to the Principal/CEO of the STATE AGENCY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE and see if they will discharge it. Then NOTICE the court that you withdraw from having been in a representative capacity and then specially appear in a non representative capacity as the natural person.

      You could also short term enter as evidence certified copies of the state and US constitutions and enter a constitutional challenge on the constitutionality of the statutes and codes they are attempting to use against your legal person and compel their performance to the contracts that they subscribed and swore to under oath...

    4. Posted by Paul for Anna Von Reitz

      I am sending this on to a young man who even at this very late hour may be able to save you the inconvenience.

      The job of these courts under this current corporate regime is to collect debt in behalf of creditors of both the US, Inc. and USA, Inc. it has nothing to do with Justice.

      That being said there are many ways of skinning a cat once you know what you are dealing with.....

    5. UNITED STATES v. John Parks Trowbridge Jr, exactly Paul

      keep in mind as Anna has been saying if you are in contract with the U.S. and havent done anything about it, if it hasnt been raised then its waived...

    6. margy serre that domain doesn't exist and i believe that judge will only answer to a lawyer $$$ update got until feb 7 need a lawyer now. but $$$

    7. ps that judge is the most corrupt judge anyone has seen. I was unable to go to court that day do to my muilti disabilities. So it proceeded without me and without a jury. Any one have some money to donate for a lawyer?

  3. This is the fleecing that is on all fronts the club is the sheriff that jumps to the judges command.all systems are corrupt FDA,IRS,AMA,BLM, we as the people have clean it up by forming jurial. Society's common law courts
    Trump is fighting for the steering wheel of the ship but the real meaningful change we have to do.

    1. Yes true. The first thing trump did is hire 3 law makers I think of the BAR.

  4. Great info Anna, if people would just use it. I plan on doing so starting today.


  5. Bear northpole, im surprized you stalled them as long as you did. When it comes to foreclosures, they almost always railroad us if we arent represented by an attorney. The problem is finding one that is honest and knowledgeable enough to really want to help you. But if i can make a suggestion, go to the county recorders office and look up the judge your dealing with his property records. It will come up just by entering his name. Its the first thing that shows up. But you have to go right to the county recorders office because they have computers that the public has free access to, just for that reason and will give you his full record immediately. Its to hard to do it online from your home because you can only ask for 3 to 5 years at a time. It takes forever and confusing. The reason you want his record is because you just may find out, like i did, that your good old judge is, or has been in a foreclosure himself....and with the exact same banks and parties that are foreclosing on your home. My judge did. But i didnt find out until the case was over, and was too tired to fight anymore. My judge was behind by $80,000 on a house worth over $400,000. Her house went to auction 2 times without a buyer. If it went to auction one more time without a buyer, it automatically goes to the bank. But not the bank, trying to foreclose on her(or me or you). These banks cover for each other, because all the "Original NOTES" were lost in the "securitazation" of the NOTES on wall street. Another unlawful event out of many in the forecloseure process. So for example, if HSBC claimes to be the bank foreclosing on you, when you check the records at the CRO, youll find out that Bank of America actually bought the property, then winds up transfering it back to HSBC when the case is over, and all done with a middle man, a hugh law firm, called "Pite Dungun" Who is more than likely the one actually doing the suing, but going by a different name. This is how complex and insideous it is. There are in fact, many different companies(Corporations) you are dealing with purposly, so as to confuse you who is really claiming the foreclosure, which in reality doesnt even exsist anymore. There is no one in that court with first hand knowledge or possession of the "Original Note" having "standing" to foreclose on you, because the only one that has the authority or right to foreclose is "The Real Party of Interest"....FRCP17(a). Have you filed that yet against them.

    1. james pansini yes everything was done correctly by my paralegal who has a pretty good defense but no offense. The real proof was given at court.. it was the judge the judge the judge. I was actually thinking of posting all paperwork so people can see. I'm trying anything to stay here while it is in appeal. o an appeal has to be granted after a different judge looks at it. It was. So it tells one that they unlawfully stole my house and now my life. They could give 2 shi#$

    2. Forgot.. they didn't have the note and my note and mortgage was separated 8 years ago.

    3. james pansini real party of interest wasn't there DENIED the judge of the crown says.

  6. You have to demand who the real party is that is foreclosing on you. You can always "nunc pro tunc"(filing it now, as if you meant to file it in the begining) and file your FRCP17(a) along with it. The court will have to give you more time until the bank can prove who it is, which is the amount of time it takes to come up with more fraudulent paperwork and robo signing, and come back to court with it. And you can bet they will. But if your lucky, they may cut you a deal. Now, back to my judge and what finally happened. Just before she lost her home, miractually she finally secured a loan of $125,000 to pay off the delinquent $80,000 she was behind with a little extra to hopefully use wisely. Guess who loaned her the money....yep, Bank of America. The same exact banks i was dealing with. Thats a total conflict of interest. And you know she owed them a favor. Thats why i really lost. Its damn near impossible for anyone to win now. But if you look up your own records, you will find out that when you first bought the house, the bank actually listed you as the true owner(as the grantee, meaning "Creditor") , and listing themselves as the "grantor"(the debtors). But because you signed their contract, containing a "power of attorney clause", they immediately, sometimes the same day or next, they refiled at the county recorders office, switching you from the "grantee"(with all the power), into the "grantor"(the debtor/borrower) all behind our backs, and have filing things ever since, because we never went down and checked...So much for "clean hands and good faith". But that is prima facia evidence that they stole your credit(using your signiture to monitize the loan) and then because we all trust them, went back and claimed themselves as the "Creditor". Nice scheme isnt it....

  7. If you guys think foreclosures are out of control, wait to you see whats coming next, if Donald Trump doesnt have a plan in place, or hopefully already deterred what they are have all heardbit if you listen to am radio...."the bail in". They plan on wiping out all your bank accounts, 401k's, Stocks, bonds and anything else you have in full site of their greedy hands....the final insult!!! GET ALL YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE BANKS NOW...!!! ALL OF IT. THE SAME WITH YOUR 401ks, and any other assets they have access to. PUT IN IN YOUR MATTRUS IF YOU HAVE TOO, UNTIL WE HEAR WHAT TRUMP IS GOING TO DO. He has been dealing with these banks forever and knows as much as any patriot or more. The last time they changed interest rates a while back, he was right in the middle of a real estate deal, that because of their constant manipulation of currency, he lost over $51million. I think that was the last draw for him that finally motivated him to run for president. Thats why they cant stand him. He has vowed to replace them and they know it. Which is why they are blackmailing everyone in hollywood and entertainment industry to do anything to undermine Donald Trumps election and discredit anthying he says or does. I have lost all respect for people i thought were hard working artist. Obviously, they are under a lucifarian spell. All of them. They all answer to a higher authority. I hope it was worth it for them. I dont respect or idolize any of them anymore. I know damn well ELVIS wasnt like this... He really did respect his higher authority of Jesus as his nephew who was close to him reveiled to him privately. He never forgot it and eventually wrote a book about it and became a pastor because of it.

  8. james pansini well 9 years stall but nothing left to do but call life quiets. Unless I get a lawyer $$$ i don't have. Ooo every one saying the banks no in my case the bank took as a loose so they got full payment then they send it to a dept collector to get the same amount again and they did and the fannie mae bought it a sheriffs sale for %100 and and they are going to sell again at almost full price... triple dip making millions off one small house that they corrupted the note and mortgage 8 years ago. by an audit i did. unbelievable. A note to Paul on the what to do with these psychopaths no putting them on an island just kill them off in the name of humanity.

  9. Has anyone ever heard of hiring a lawyer in new jersey that would take my case to new York? This doesn't sound right but said fighting it in new York is almost a %100 win. PLEASE HELP WITH THIS ANSWER ANYBODY. PLEASE DEAR GOD.

    1. Now it's a wrongful foreclosure. They stole my deed my house my land and my life.

    2. on and on and on nothing to stop them.

  10. To all of you! You learn all this stuff and what do you do with it? There is no practical application, 'how to' fully disclosed, in most of this.

    What causes me even more question is why are all of Annas solutions about revolt. Stand in their faces dishonor. This alone guarantees you will fail.

    What we refer to as a democracy and the Republic, can operate side by side. Honorably so when approached in the right manner.


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