I am as serious as a heart attack. There is something wrong with this video. What is it?
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.....all authority except God Almighty is faulted.Obey only God ,follow His Divine rule of " Do no harm " Love thy neighbor. And that's it.
ReplyDeleteNo authority but God's.
ReplyDeletewhat is the prize for this drivel? who created this goofy contest in the first place? sounds, appears and presents as stupid schtick style ADF propagandized nonsense with no root system. her voice reminds me a voice over late night cartoon fodder.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't argue against the issues brought up by the video, then it would make sense you would just attack the people who created it. That is the MO of the left.
DeleteNobody said it was a contest.
I see nothing wrong with this video & IMO this video most probably is alluding to the fact that we are supposed to be self governing and not worship at the altar of the general/federal government. Those that have been elected to positions of representation neither represent or have virtues whatsoever to represent. Just look around and watch how this country continues to implode because the politicians have brought us to this point. We also have to take a long hard look into the mirror, as we have handed over to them complete control of every aspect of our lives and they have obliged. I concur with Patriot58...how does that saying go? Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely!! The "Founders" warned to be ever vigilant...
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that you have summed it up pretty well. It is interesting to me how even those of us who want freedom (wouldn't that really be almost all of us viewing this website) are apparently able to find ways to continually bicker among ourselves over so many relatively inconsequential issues, while loosing sight of THE MAJOR OBJECTIVE that is most important to ALL of us... being free to live as we choose, as long as in so doing, we do no harm to others... essentially following the golden rule. Why do we continue to do this at our own peril? It is a puzzle to me that is frustrating beyond my ability to adequately express. It is, however, a puzzle that must be solved in order for us to survive as a human race... so it seems to me.
DeleteMy own opinion is that many Americans want to be to free, in other words, they want to be free of God's laws as well as man's laws.
ReplyDeleteI think the video is a good example of the authors wanting to be to free.
The founders were right. Our system, even at the beginning, would only work for a moral and religious people. People who understood how to be self governing. But they still wrote down the rules, in the form of a contract called "The Constitution for the united States of America" which was only applicable to the governmental services company registered by Franklin in France 20 years before we had our freedom.
Here is a good history:
The cult/disease of external authority is at the heart of our current situation/problems.
ReplyDeletePlease explain what you mean by "cult of external authority"
DeleteThe cult mentality should be self-explanatory.
DeleteExternal authority=god, government, etc.
Craig Johnson