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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Letter to John Kerry and Ban Ki-Moon from Anna Von Reitz

The attached letter to John Kerry and Ban Ki Moon was mailed this morning 12/14/2015.  It addresses--- in a very forthright manner --- the refusal of the Federal United States to expedite and respect the political status changes and choices which must be made available as remedy to the American people.

It also addresses the recently revealed transfer of American gold to the "County Executives" by the World Bank/IBRD.  As these "County Executives" hold no public offices related to us, the actual Beneficiaries, and are at best con- men pretending to have standing as Secondary Beneficiaries (just like the World Bank and IBRD)-- this is a matter of grave concern to Americans and obvious collusion between the World Bank/IBRD and the "county executives"--- whomever and whatever they are--- they aren't our counties and not our county executives.

December 14, 2015

John Kerry, US Secretary of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General 
United Nations Secretariat
New York, NY 10017

Dear Sirs: 
This is a matter of urgent importance. It concerns either mistaken identity or identity theft, depending upon each man’s estimate of the situation. 
Very briefly: at the end of the American Revolutionary War two distinct groups of people lived in the former Colonies as memorialized in the Treaty of Paris 1783, Article III:  the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” and the “inhabitants”.   The “inhabitants” were and are --from the perspective of the “free sovereign and independent people”—British Loyalists and subjects of the Crown permitted to co-habit our land via Treaty of Peace.  
At the end of the American Civil War, President Andrew Johnson declared peace on the land via three separate proclamations establishing an undisputed Treaty of Peace and commercial contract obligation honoring the fact that the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” were at peace and we have remained so ever since.  No such peace was ever declared for the “inhabitants” and no Peace Treaty in their behalf was ever signed, with the result that they have been at constant war since 1860. 
Ever since that time the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” have been non-combatants and Protected Persons recognized and honored as such successively by the Lieber Code and most recently by the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949. 
In 1868, the United States Congress operating as the government of the District of Columbia established its own constitution as an incorporated municipal government and established a new municipal citizenship for the subjects of the British Crown called “United States citizenship”.  For its own purposes and its own administration only, the words “state” “State” and “United States” were formally redefined to mean “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation” and the word “person” was redefined to mean “corporation”. 
None of this had anything to do with the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”, but in order to keep it straight, people informally described the inhabitants subject to the British Crown as citizens of the Federal United States, as opposed to the Continental United States.  
This in turn gave rise to a fundamental confusion.  If you claimed to be a citizen of the United States, which United States were you talking about?   Were you an inhabitant of the Federal United States?  Or one of the free sovereign and independent people living on the land of the Continental United States? 
In order to make sure that people were not deprived of their correct political status the Congress passed the Expatriation Act of July 1868 which guarantees the right of the living people to determine their political status and which also underscores the government’s lack of authority to determine this choice for us. 
By 1933 the federal governmental services corporation providing nineteen “essential governmental services” to the American states was bankrupted by foreign creditors.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the then- “Governors” operating federal “State of State” franchises of this municipal corporation acted without delegated authority to create millions of foreign situs trusts named after all living Americans--- both the British Subjects and the free sovereign and independent people of the United States-- and via false claims that they “represented” us in this matter, changed the political status of the free sovereign and independent people of the United States to that of “inhabitants” so as to expedite commercial claims against their labor and property assets benefiting the privately owned and operated bankrupt governmental services corporations.
The people were never informed.  No disclosure was made.  It was all “presumed” upon us by politicians acting without delegated authority. 
The free sovereign and independent people of the United States were not even afforded the opportunity to exercise the protections of the Expatriation Act, because they were not informed of Roosevelt’s action to arbitrarily change their political status to that of “inhabitants” and were equally not informed of the federal corporation’s claim that they were “voluntarily” standing as sureties for its debts.
Everyone on Earth will agree that it is impossible to object to a contract if you don’t know the contract exists, and that is essentially the position that the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” have been in as a result of criminal conspiracy on the part of our employees.
As of 1998, we objected to these processes and claims – including any claim altering our birthright political status.  The Internal Revenue Service and many other agencies were given Notice at this time and in years thereafter.
As of 2011, the UNITED STATES, INC. and its STATE OF STATE franchises were shown to be in administrative and commercial default. 
As of 2015, the free sovereign and independent people of the United States have been forced to issue a new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty and new Sovereign Letters Patent in behalf of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”, their states defined by geographic boundaries, their living citizens, and their assets and have joined with the Native American nations to assert their claim to the land jurisdiction of the United States owed to us free and clear.   
Any presumption that the United States and its people just “disappeared” because of criminal legal chicanery practiced against us by identity thieves and credit card snatchers wearing nice suits would be an inexcusable Breach of Trust and act of gross criminal malfeasance. 
Which brings us to the current issues:
Absent performance of the duty required by United States 2 Statute-at-Large 153 there can be no actual change of one of the people’s birthright status by any private contract or commercial obligation.  
By Maxim of Law, the creation of “corporate personas” via the abuse of purloined copyrights of our given names is entirely the responsibility of those who created and named foreign situs trusts and constructive ESTATE trusts and now public transmitting utilities after us without our knowledge. 
The free sovereign and independent people of the United States are in fact the Priority Creditors of the so-called National Debt and the employers and benefactors of those who have promulgated this criminal abuse of our trust.
Our States of America are now and have always been separate from and foreign with respect to the Federal United States, such that this becomes a matter of international law, diplomacy, and treaty. 
As the heirs of the American Republic we are owed The Constitution for the united States of America and all due respect as living people, all interest as Priority Creditors of the various banks and governmental services corporations, and the return of our property assets and material interests free and clear from titles and liens held under color of law by merely presumed secondary beneficiaries. 
We are also entitled to be set free from any and all presumptions of obligation for the debts of the Federal United States, any obligation of federal US citizenship, and any duty to perform under private statutory law.  We are owed the return of the copyright to our given names and all assets that are naturally ours. 
As a result of the criminal fraud, breach of trust, malfeasance, and personage practiced against us by your predecessors in office, we have been press-ganged into the international jurisdiction of the sea, suffered inland piracy, and unlawful conversion, identity theft, copyright infringement, and credit fraud.  Many Americans have suffered false arrest, armed extortion, racketeering, and eviction under the false presumptions and mischaracterizations created by this systemic fraud.
It is past time for these outrages to end. 
Mr. Kerry--- you are responsible for the affairs of State for the organization(s) you represent. Our nation is foreign with respect to the Federal United States.  This is therefore a matter of international diplomacy and failure to recognize international obligations of long-standing.  
As acting US Secretary of State we presume it is your responsibility to create and define the administrative protocol, forms, and instructions that will allow all federal employees and agencies to differentiate between “inhabitants” and the free sovereign and independent people of the United States.  There should be no doubt in your mind nor in theirs what it means when we draw the line and identify ourselves as one of the free sovereign and independent people of the United States. 
There must be a straight forward and official means to explicitly declare our political status and to correct the civil records maintained by the probate courts and there must be an end to all false presumptions and hostilities being offered against us by federal employees, agents, subcontractors, and secondary creditors---including their bill collectors, the American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service.  We are your Priority Creditors, not the banks which are using the various governmental services corporations as fronts to veil their self-interest in these matters.    
Mr. United Nations Secretary General --- the States of America are not members of the United Nations organization, however, we have filed claim against your members and against your organization for the return of our property from the trustees in receipt of our copyrights to our given names and titles to our assets held under color of law by secondary beneficiaries. 
If you do not wish to be identified as a collaborator in crime, you must assist in healing the breach of trust and returning the assets to the rightful heirs and beneficiaries. 
Steve Curry and his wife, Sandra Taylor, are representing millions of Americans who are being held under false arrest, under false presumptions of political status, and under non-existent jurisdiction by private “courts” being allowed to function on our land in violation of both their corporate charters and the treaties allowing the offending corporations to be present on our land. 
These living people who are each one of the free sovereign and independent people of the United States are being held as political prisoners by corporations that have no right to exist---corporations that are acting as self-interested crime syndicates extorting labor and other assets from their Priority Creditors under conditions of false presumption and duress.
Steve Curry and Sandra Taylor made it perfectly clear to the “Montrose County Court” ---- an incorporated franchise owned and operated by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation District Court dba “US District Court” that they are of age, competent, and have for years claimed their birthright status as one of the free sovereign and independent people of the United States. They also made it clear that no mortgage established against their private property can be exercised by secondary creditors as no loan was received by them and the sum total of the alleged transaction merely resulted in the perpetrators obtaining an unregistered security under conditions of non-disclosure and semantic deceit benefiting secondary creditors---- fraud, in other words---which has been expedited by employees of the Federal United States.  These very same employees owe Steve Curry and Sandra Taylor full protection on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waters meaning all venues of international jurisdiction as well as “full faith and credit”. 
Nonetheless and despite both national and international law supporting the Curry’s political status and their right to claim it, despite their nature and position as Priority Creditors of the Federal United States doing business as “the United States of America (Minor)”, Steve and Sandra were attacked and assaulted under false presumptions by members of the American Bar Association acting as Privateers secretively owned and operated in concert with the Internal Revenue Service by Northern Trust, Inc.    Their private property was trespassed upon by armed commercial mercenaries pretending to be public deputies, they were detained under conditions of false arrest, tried in a private corporate administrative tribunal without jurisdiction, and presumed to be subject to foreign statutory law.  They are now being held and abused as political prisoners and subjected to false arrest and asset seizure by their own employees who are being misdirected by the Obama Administration to continue this predation against the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” to whom they are indebted.  
The Curry family like the Bundy family made their political status crystal clear a long time ago and the courts have no right to question their choice: the courts indeed owe them a “discriminating inquiry” into their political status per Baker v. Carr 369 U.S. 186 (1962) once the question of political status has been raised—which it was and is being raised repeatedly in this and every other case wherein statutory law has been misapplied and jurisdiction has been falsely assumed. 
Steve and Sandra like millions of others are civilian non-combatants and protected persons who have been arbitrarily and self-interestedly “presumed upon” by members of the American Bar Association who are operating private, foreign, corporate administrative tribunals under false pretenses and routinely ignoring the political status of the people they are addressing, the jurisdictional barriers they are violating, and the criminal and repugnant claims they are making upon their Priority Creditors and benefactors. 
The American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service are both owned and operated by Northern Trust, Inc. as private, for-profit, foreign debt collection agencies.  They are not units of government, not professional associations, not even non-profit organizations.  They are criminal syndicates operating under color of law and semantic deceit in violation of their corporate charters and the Bar Association Treaty allowing them to be here; whereupon we have established a formal commercial obligation lien against the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association and the Department of Justice, which again, as it turns out, is nothing but a private corporation and subcontractor having no public function or office or delegated authority whatsoever. 
These are the facts, gentlemen, and we are the people---- the free sovereign and independent people of the United States who severed all obligations to the British Crown more than two centuries ago, who are the Priority Creditors of these criminals, who are the lawful entitlement holders of all actual property in the Continental United States, who are the beneficiaries of the national trust--- not the beneficiaries of the “public charitable trust”.  
We are the people to whom John Kerry owes “essential governmental services” under Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of the original equity contract governing our relations with the Federal United States and who are fed up to the gills with the misadministration, malfeasance, incompetence, and reckless dishonesty of the banks, their governmental services corporations, and the private corporate officers who have been impersonating public officials in demonstrable Bad Faith.  
We, “the free sovereign and independent people of the United States”  are demanding the immediate publication of a competent and mutually acceptable administrative process to be used to correct the political status and civil records of our peers who have been mischaracterized as “United States Citizens” and coerced under conditions of semantic deceit and non-disclosure to accept this foreign and prejudicial political status --- we note that this administrative action is required by both national and international law.  
We are also demanding the release of Steve Curry and his wife from the custody of the “Montrose County Court” and the correction and censure of the “US District Court” which has failed to properly operate and instruct its corporate franchise doing business as the “Montrose County Court” --- a failure that has resulted in assault, trespass, duress, false arrest, endangerment and harm to the free sovereign and independent people of the United States who are uniformly owed due diligence and performance of “essential governmental duties” including protection against international crime: false claims made by undeclared foreign agents, misrepresentation, unlawful conversion, personage, barratry, constructive fraud, false presumption of political status, falsification of public records, false arrest by foreign commercial mercenaries, trespass upon private property by same undeclared foreign commercial mercenaries, assault against peaceful non-combatants who are protected persons under international law, infringement of copyrighted names, false claims of indebtedness and status as sureties for commercial debts, imposition of bogus maritime salvage liens, and occupation of vacant public offices by private commercial interests acting without delegated authority or jurisdiction while seeking to gain private advantage from public resources.  
All Federal United States personnel and agencies must be similarly informed and instructed to prevent their misdirection and the misadministration of their duties.  
Specifically, all Federal United States personnel and agencies under contract and owing the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” protection in all international jurisdictions and also full faith and credit as their priority creditors, are required to immediately cease and desist all those repugnant and criminal presumptions resulting from FDR’s fraud as fully described in our published affidavit, “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”.  
The United Nations Secretary General is responsible for the enforcement of the pledge of the Federal United States to uphold the principles of international law and the published agreements and guarantees represented by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and specifically, the Right of Self-Declaration of political status.  
The (Federal) United States Secretary of State, John Forbes Kerry, is responsible for recognizing and honoring the free sovereign and independent people of the (Continental) United States and for the proper functioning of all “inhabitants” and agencies under contract to serve them.  He is also responsible for the enforcement of the Bar Association Treaty and the lawful functioning of all foreign agents inhabiting the land jurisdiction of the United States. 
These corporations --- Northern Trust, Internal Revenue Service, American Bar Association, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, United States Corporations Company, Fidelity Investments, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation dba “US DISTRICT COURT” and its franchises doing business as “STATE OF….” COURTS and “COUNTY COURTS”--- among other legal fiction entities operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea have been allowed to trespass upon the land jurisdiction owed to the free sovereign and independent people of the United States and to engage in predatory activities against these innocent non-combatants including press-ganging, inland piracy, securities fraud, copyright infringement and kidnapping.  
You have both now been fully informed and enjoined from making any other presumptions of fact related to us or any other of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”. You have also been given Notice of serious violations of commercial contract and treaty and also international violations of human rights being practiced against Americans by foreign corporations which are violating their corporate charters and the Treaties allowing their presence on our land. 
We are calling for the immediate liquidation of all Federal corporations found to be operating as criminal syndicates, the arrest of all Federal officials who fail to honor their obligations to the States of America and people living within their boundaries, and the immediate correction of political status owed to all Americans including Steve Curry and Sandra Taylor who are being held under false arrest and false presumptions of foreign political status. 
By occupying the office of “United States Secretary of State” John Forbes Kerry has taken on the duties of that office and is obligated to perform according to treaty and commercial contract owed to the free sovereign and independent people of the United States and their geographically defined states and their States of America organized as unincorporated trading companies.  Failure to do so and to provide remedy for these current outrages will be proof of purposeful criminality, malfeasance, and criminal intent on the part of Mr. Kerry and the Federal United States whether by act or omission. 
Similarly, the Federal United States has signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Right of Self-Declaration and has no basis for objecting to the similar Natural and Unalienable Rights of their Creditors who object to fraudulent misrepresentation and wish to obtain correction of a merely presumed political status that is being foisted off on them against their stated and long-established Will. 
American state citizens must be recognized and accorded their political status, set free, released free and clear of any presumption of unnatural or adopted political status not in compliance with the Public Law, free of obligation related to liens or debts established by any presumed secondary beneficiaries, freely supported in the possession and use of their lawful currency and private and public property interests, including control of the copyright of their names, their estates,  and other material assets. 
The Federal United States and any other foreign interests which have infringed upon our natural copyrights and abused our given names in commerce are 100% and uniquely responsible for all debts and administration of these legal fiction personas by Maxim of Law and may not be allowed to continue making and enforcing any false presumptions of obligation, duty, or responsibility with regard to these entities which have been created without the knowing consent of and full disclosure to the free sovereign and independent people of the United States.  
We are owed the National Debt of the Federal United States as the Priority Creditors thereof and may not be mischaracterized as Debtors of any kind.  We have the only lawful standing with regard to the Continental United States on the land and are not being “represented” by any incorporated entity with regard to our land assets---and that includes any presumptions by the Federal United States and the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, the American Bar Association or any other foreign corporation.   
Our states are geographically defined and our States of America are unincorporated public Body Politics competent to convene a Continental Congress and to direct all affairs of State related to us and our holdings. The fact that we have not taken action in recent memory in no way forestalls or precludes our right and ability to do so.  We are not subject to any presumption of political extinguishment nor incompetence to trade nor any enmity toward any nation or people; we have maintained the peace for 150 years. Our silver dollar and other forms of our lawful national currency are still in service and widely used in trade throughout the world, serving as one of the few rational standards of value in existence. 
We have never authorized the Federal United States nor the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation to misrepresent us, change our political status, copyright our names and abuse them, indebt us for their own debts as “presumed” sureties, or take other actions not specifically stipulated in the original Equity Contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America, and in fact we have remained unaware of all these nefarious activities being carried out in our names until the present time, when we have given full Notice of our claims and intent.   
Any “New Deal” proposed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt was not properly nor fully disclosed, not lawfully implemented, and not accepted by the free sovereign and independent people of the United States; no valid signature can be presumed to exist under duress and semantic deceit and no acceptance of a fiat monetary system imposed for the convenience or needs of a foreign government may be deemed to affect us, our political standing, our jurisdiction, or our material assets. 
Those corporations responsible for the deplorable criminality exposed by the public records and detailed by the claims and testimony of living witnesses to their crimes must be liquidated and their assets delivered to their actual creditors. 
The recent misappropriation of our assets (again) by the so-called “County Executives” who are now in receipt of our gold originally purloined by the World Bank and IBRD acting as secondary creditors in the 1933-34 bankruptcy of “The United States of America, Inc.” is a case in point.  These “Counties” are franchises of foreign corporations that have no lawful relationship or public office related to us, so that the World Bank and IBRD have merely succeeded in handing off gold they have stolen from us under false pretenses to more collaborating international criminals who are also --- at best ---- secondary and merely presumed beneficiaries pretending an interest in our estates. 
This and other forms of international crime and collusion must be brought to a halt immediately. 
The World Bank and IBRD must be sued in behalf of the actual Priority Creditors, heirs, and entitlement holders --- a duty that falls upon Mr. Kerry, Mr. Lew, and President Obama --- all of whom have occupied vacated public offices as employees of private corporate enterprises and must either perform the duties of the public office and protect the interests of the free sovereign and independent people of the United States or admit that they have been imposters and criminals bent upon abuse of the public trusts for private gain. 
These are all matters of criminal and international law which have been grossly mis-administered by private corporate officers pretending to hold elected public offices and by international banks operating governmental services corporations pretending to be actual governments ---and all of which MUST be promptly and unequivocally corrected in favor of the actual Priority Creditors of those same banks --- the living free sovereign and independent people of the United States. 


Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska RFD 99652
(907) 250-5087
See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website here: 


  1. Thank you, Paul Stramer, for publishing the above revealing and tremendously insightful Letter of Notice and Demand from Judge Anna von Reitz.

    May Judge Anna's open letter be made widely available. The American people need to become fully aware that what passes as "government", whether local, state of federal, are in name only, having not one shred of legitimacy to impact in any way the affairs of the American people within their collective sovereignty as cotenants upon the land.

    All dealings with corporate communist Amerika by the sovereignty possessing American people can ONLY be by offers in corporate contract, that are not couched in language where the gullible will be led to believe such corporations constitute legitimate government. Those corporations which unlawfully provide governmental services to the public, no matter how merit-worthy, do not NOW, and never WILL have legitimacy under a de jure capacity, meaning of, for and by the American people.

    Judge Anna von Reitz' exposé of the decade's long infestation of corruption among the formerly de jure union States, constitutes a breath of fresh air, for patriotically minded and able Americans to help get this important disclosure widely distributed, to help wake up the mesmerized hoi polloi, and disabuse them from the false propaganda routinely bandied about by lackeys within the "governments" (in name only).

    Robyna Choleton, 12-16-15

  2. You are exactly correct Robyna. None of us who are alive today have ever been told the truth by these imposters. The most important thing we can do is spread this truth far and wide by any means possible. The fat is in the fire, and the time is at hand. On January 16th the lien will be perfected at law if they don't answer, which makes it 100% collectable.


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