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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Jury Nullification objections Rebutted - Yours rights on a jury explained.

This jury nullification right is your most powerful vote in our system. 
In a time when almost all courts are corrupt, and operating under commercial and admiralty law in contravention to the US Constitution this may be the only way to get justice in that system. 
The judges don't want you to know this. The prosecutors and the government don't want you to do this. This may be the only way to inject the eternal laws of our creator into an otherwise totally corrupt and evil system of de-facto judgement that has been hijacked by bar attorneys who KNOW what they are involved in and are using it to line their own pockets and create their empire. 
Naturally they will scream and holler when someone makes this knowledge public because it threatens that power and their whole profession. Juries can completely ignore instructions from a judge, and they can completely nullify evil so called laws which are in opposition to the rights that the Constitutions safeguard. 

That has always been the case in our country, and long before our country was founded it was the case in common law. 
Remember the 7th amendment " In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law." 

I challenge anyone to find anywhere in this land any Court that examines according to the rules of common law! They are ALL ruling for the government according to commerce and admiralty, and the lawyers and prosecutors, and judges all KNOW .. So they are all breaking their oath before God to the US Constitution every day.

8 Jury Nullification Objections Rebutted By Steve Silverman Flex Your Rights May 23, 2014 

 A recent Chicago Tribune editorial targets a new fully informed jury bill introduced by the New Hampshire House of Representatives. The bill would strengthen the current state law passed in 2012 that allows lawyers “to inform the jury of its right to judge the facts and the application of the law in relation to the facts in controversy.” The editorial is noteworthy, because it deploys the most common legal establishment objections to jury nullification. ......

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