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Sunday, April 20, 2014

All Hat and no Cattle

Sunday, April 20, 2014

"They know we're coming." With piss-poor operational security, Feds flood the zone at Las Vegas hotels in massive display of gambling prowess.

"They know, Chuck, they know. They know we're coming." -- ATF undercover agent Robert Rodriguez to raid commander Chuck Sarabyn, 28 February 1993, one hour before the raid on the Branch Davidians.
Looking like nothing so much as the evil-eaten Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars saga, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has promised local media that "this isn't over." And, in truth, reports on the Internet of Fed cops of various agencies' jack-booted thug teams flooding into Las Vegas hotels are certainly correct. They are there by the hundreds, taking over entire floors, playing the slot machines and trying to look inconspicuous, which is working out about as well as you might expect. This is known to just about everybody who's paying attention to the situation in Bunkerville, including the local media who are not reporting it, for now. Just who this demonstration of stark naked so-called "operational security" and impotent puffery is supposed to impress is another matter. Harry Reid, perhaps. Bob Wright has observed that Harry seems to believe he's in a "biggest dick" contest with Cliven Bundy. Like the juvenile high school hall monitor who can't get the other kids to stop running, Harry is throwing a hissy fit. Personally, I'm happy for him. Every time Harry opens his mouth, we get another hundred thousand converts to our cause nationwide. Indeed, if the mumbling, bumbling Harry did not exist, we might have to invent him. Of course, your average high school hall monitor doesn't have the power and might of the militarized federal police establishment at his beck and call. Still, what this is supposed to accomplish, beyond a ratcheting up of the attempted psy-war campaign against the Bundys and the volunteers who guard them, is a mystery to the analysts I talk to.
I know that the Bundys are not going away, and neither are the volunteers. Unless the federal government has decided to kill them all and initiate the next American civil war, this is all just your tax dollars at work in a massive display of gambling prowess.
That potential conflict, as I have explained many times would be suicidal, both personally for Harry Reid and and for his mandarin class. And as long as even one closet Oath Keeper or Three Percenter in the federal ranks remains -- and there are many -- the feds know that there is no military option that cannot be compromised. So Emperor Harry can go on muttering about how "soon the rebellion will be crushed," and the storm troopers can continue to dip their wicks in the soft envelopments of Vegas hookers, but it is all hat and no cattle, as they say out here. They may be fooling themselves, but they do not fool the hardy band of determined patriots dug in along the banks of the Virgin River.

1 comment:

  1. May the Risen Living Lord JESUS Christ protect the lives of all innocents involved in this matter, specifically those who are protecting the Bundy Family and Ranch. Of course, before God, none of us are ultimately personally innocent except for the washing of our sins by the blood of the Lamb of God, the Lord JESUS! However, in terms of innocence regarding the property rights matter, those who are standing with the Bundy Family are in the feds who are wasting our money in Vegas are in the wrong (not so much for them wasting our money on gambling, though that in itself is wrong, but because they obey a potentially dangerous and illegal errand of leviathan government and lawless Reid, with their threatening regional presence and potential action. May the LORD rebuke them and warn each and every last individual among them that God may see to it Himself that IF they dare to come against the Bundy family and/or property, God will see to it himself that they live not another day. May they receive God's warning to their heart of hearts and head of heads and GO HOME IMMEDIATELY and live righteously among their own family and honor God in what they do and mind their own business and begin to live quietly and peaceably before the living God as many of us desire and all should desire! May His living Awesome Name be praised, the Lord JESUS Christ!


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