Off the grid and on target: One man’s response to political correctness
The collapse of civilization is a fun place to visit in movies like “Apocalypse Z” or books like “Alas, Babylon,” but I wouldn’t want to live there.
Rich Scheben, on the other hand, is ready and waiting.
Scheben, of Eureka, Mont., is convinced (and he is not alone in this) that as Americans in general become more and more dependent on the mechanisms of big government and big business for their well-being, the only path to true security in the coming years is going to be self-sufficiency.
That’s why he wrote a book called “One New York Man’s Journey to Off Grid Living in Montana,” and published it himself. As he wrote in the Introduction:
“I just hope that a few folks, here and there, can benefit from the possibility of a new lifestyle: life in which they can have a little more control of their own destiny.”
Scheben has been living off the grid in Eureka since 2007. How he got there makes up the bulk of the introduction and the first two chapters of the book. Scheben tells of growing up in metropolitan New York City, and of his growing disillusionment with East Coast liberal society, plus his years working in what I think he would not mind me calling “the belly of the beast” — corporate America in the form of Big Pharma.
Read the entire article here at the Daily Interlake website:
Get Rich's book here:
See my book reveiw here:
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