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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Big Brother Task Force to Monitor “Anti-Government Extremists”

This sounds like something right out of the Southern Poverty Law Center, but it's just typical of every communist regime that ever came to power. It's what they do. They use the legal structure to shut down opposition to their totalitarian schemes, and when that fails they use bullets to silence their opposition.

The problem they are running into is that they have never tried to do this in a country where citizens are well armed and those gun rights are enshrined in the very supreme law of the land.  America is different, and they know it well.

They have tried and are continuing to try to get your guns so they can consolidate their power over all of us, and make us their slaves. They have done this world wide before, and they have murdered millions.

This is just the beginning of sorrows in this country. They will NOT stop unless we stop them.

 Read more:

All gun grabbers are OUTLAWS. They hate the law, especially the US supreme law, the Constitution. If they were NOT OUTLAWS they would be proposing an outright repeal of the 2nd amendment according to constitutional process, but no, they know that won't fly, so they are willing to incite violence against we the people, who are the lawful civil authority in our counties with our lawfully elected sheriffs.

That makes them Seditionists. The definition of sedition is "to incite violence against the lawful civil authority". It's a felony crime. They should be arrested and charged with sedition the instant they throw any anti 2nd amendment bill in the hopper. It is NOT possible to change, abrogate, or replace the 2nd amendment with a mere statute. There is a constitutional process to do it lawfully. Get real everyone. These people are criminals, and need to be in jail the very instant they even PROPOSE such so called "laws", which are all null and void from their inception, and don't give me any noise about the so called "corporate government". It was all done with fraud, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation, which makes all their contracts UNILATERAL, making them all null and void also. NONE OF THIS WILL STAND BEFORE GOD. They are all liars, and the blind, leading the blind, and they will all fall in the pit of hell for doing this.

Yes the gun grabbers are the real terrorists and they fully intend to fight a war against the American people with all the ammunition they are buying. They are all monsters, and they are equipping their cannon fodder brown shirts to get slaughtered by we the people when they come for us and our freedom. They just can't leave peace loving free people alone to work and live and raise their families. They won't be satisfied until we are all either slaves or dead and they own the whole world. They have made up their minds that if they can't own it all, they are going to burn it to the ground.


Who are the people who are really trying to bring an end to freedom and  law and order?


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