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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

James Jaeger Is Interviewed by Anthony Wile For The Daily Bell

James Jaeger on His Documentaries, the Danger of Hollywood Blockbusters and the Reality of Snowden

Pay special attention to the part about his new movie 'Molon Labe' coming on Labor Day.

Daily Bell: What's going on? How have you been?

James Jaeger: I have been quite busy since last March working with Edwin Vieira and Oath Keepers on a new movie entitled "MOLON LABE - How the Second Amendment Guarantees America's Freedom." We have an incredible "cast" of experts in the can: Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Alex Jones, G. Edward Griffin, Chuck Baldwin, Stewart Rhodes, Larry Pratt, David R. Gillie, Jack Rooney and Edwin Vieira, who wrote the book, The Sword and Sovereignty, which inspired the movie. The first rough-cut is done and the movie will be released hopefully on Labor Day or Constitution Day. You can watch a trailer with clips of the experts at

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