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Monday, November 29, 2010

How much silver would be enough to buy groceries in a currency collapse?

The National Inflation Association says this:

During a hyperinflation event, in retrospect, how much purchasing power will 35 to 40 ounces of silver have regarding commodities and assets?

We expect silver to gain about 3 1/2 times in purchasing power in terms of gold and oil. However, we expect many agricultural commodities to rise in price faster than gold and oil. Therefore, in terms of silver, we conservatively expect silver's purchasing power for food to approximately double. Therefore, if it costs $150 per week or 6 ounces of silver to feed your family today, we expect it to cost 3 ounces of silver per week to feed your family in the future.

In terms of Real Estate, the median U.S. home costs 6,550 ounces of silver today. We expect to be able to buy a median U.S. home in the future for below 1,000 ounces of silver and possibly as low as 500 ounces of silver.

To put it into perspective, if you stopped feeding your family today and saved all of that money, it would probably take 21 years of you saving that money to be able to pay for your house at its current price.

In the future, if you stopped feeding your family and saved all that money for just 3..2 years, that money would be enough to buy your house.

The point we are trying to make is, the cost of feeding yourself is about to rise dramatically compared to the cost of putting a roof over your head. No matter what, the best way to survive this upcoming crisis is by accumulating as much silver today as possible.

Silver should be selling for over $80 per ounce right now at it's normal price ratio of 16/1 with Gold over $1300 per ounce.

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