By Anna Von Reitz
Global SCAM underway.
The only remaining known heirs of the Sta. Romano Family signed off all right, title, interest, and General Power of Attorney to the actual remaining heir of the Avila Family, from whom all assets of the so-called "Sta Romano Trust" derive.
This is craziness.
We have tracked that gold since 1855.
We know that Severino Sta. Romano was exactly who he said he was and fully admitted: a for-hire professional Metals Depositor, nothing more or less. His family was paid and paid well for his services and for settlement of their honest estate interests upon his death in 1974.
He worked for the Vatican and in collaboration with the U.S. State Department and U.S. Treasury Department and the Department of the Federal Reserve and so-called Global Federal Reserve Trust and the CIA, too, to shuffle gold assets from the Avila Trust all over the world to all the Central Banks and to "safekeeping" in the Philippine Islands and to certain other facilities for other purposes, but there is no doubt that Severino Sta. Romano was a working man, not an heir.
So, this leaves us with one of two possibilities:
(a) Some crooked, or possibly ignorant "Authority" somewhere listened to a song and dance from Severino's several Odd Cousins and decided that they somehow merited a $100 T interest in private property that does not belong to them;
(b) The CIA and MI6 and all the usual Party Hearties are at it again.
However it may be, you and every other decent soul on the face of the Earth deserves to know that you are being played and that no "Sta Romano Clan" having any just claim to the funds exists.
Severino himself fully admitted that he was just an employee hired to do a job. He also said he didn't trust the men he was employed by to follow through and do what was honest. He wasn't wrong.
The Avila Trust was under the management of the Roman Catholic Church ever since its creation in 1520 A.D. In this entire time, it has used the same language as its original trust indenture describes --- stipulating that the assets and income from the assets is to be used to "break the chains of poverty and ignorance".
Over five hundred years and these Trustees still have not honored the Trust Indenture. They have, instead, invested and invested and invested and distributed and invested some more, for five hundred years, and they have never honored the purpose and intention of the Trust Indenture.
The investment activity was always excused and always put off for "the future". Generations lived and died, and the people of Spain and the world in general have suffered needlessly, because these Trustees were dishonest and selfish and evil.
The Trustees didn't care about breaking the chains of ignorance and poverty; they used ignorance and poverty as a means to foment wars for profit and nurture a culture based on fraud and enslavement of mankind. They had no interest in breaking the chains they forged.
So they strung the Avila Heirs along, always with the good excuses why it couldn't be now and couldn't be next year.
But soon, oh, yeah, soon, the Trust Indenture would be honored.
More than five hundred years later, the last blood Heir is still languishing, still waiting to see the assets of the Family Trust recouped from these dishonest bankers and phony Trustees, and put to work saving and enriching lives and cleaning up this planet.
If you and the "Alliance" are worth the salt in your veins, you owe it to the Avila Family to not only stop this Fraud against the assets of the Trust, but wake up and fly right. There's far more than $100 Trillion in the Master Accounts funded by the Avila Family Trust and the last remaining Heir of that family line deserves to see the Indenture honored and to have a say in how his money is spent.
This is not too much to ask and expect after more than 500 years of waiting.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
February 4th 2025
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