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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

International Public Notice: To the "White" Hats

 By Anna Von Reitz

To begin, I have never believed in the White Hats; to my knowledge and in my opinion, you have all always been more like Grey Hats with a lot of greasy spots.  Okay, so not everyone is prepared to make a fashion statement, and dirty deeds often accompany acts of valor, that's understood. 

We really don't give a fine flying one if both the British Crown organization deceptively calling itself "the" United States of America (Incorporated) and the similar Municipal corporation doing business as "the United States" (Incorporated) are both liquidated and no longer exist.  That's fine by us. 

They deserve it.  

We are owed a very significant share of their assets, which actually belong to us, but the rest may be distributed. 

You had better believe us --- the people of this country will have something to say to you about The United States, our proper name as a country, and what happens to it now.  And also about our unincorporated Federation of States, which was the victim of the British and Roman corporate interlopers, but never yielded exclusive general jurisdiction or legislative jurisdiction to them. 

And as for your "Republic" idea, it's not our Republic, so we have no reason to accept any more British substitutes for our government. 

We had a Republic from 1787 to 1861 and it worked well and we loved it and it was a peaceful and competent government, until the Brits got involved in an illegal mercenary conflict on our shores, "sold" it as a "war" about slavery, when in fact it was about British commercial advantage and collusion of British bankers with certain American industrialists whose names we all know. 

We have suffered these impositions and substitutions "for" our government before and we are not about to accept any such substitution again. 

America is not the problem.  Britain and Rome are the problems, and the sooner everyone fully realizes that, the better off the world will be. 

The unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America is now the only government left standing internationally for this country known as The United States.  

We are owed control of all the American assets that have been commandeered and rat-holed by the Perpetrators of these crimes, including our gold and our silver and our land and the equipment, buildings and other capital assets our money and labor have paid for; we are also owed the return of funds paid by mistake -- mortgages and property taxes that were paid as a result of fraud, personage, and misrepresentation,  interest on a non-existent "National Debt", and so on.  

This is our unequivocal challenge to all and any purported White Hats, Black Hats, Red Hats and Pink and Purple Hats.  

This is our country and it belongs to our people no matter how deceived or misused we may have been; fraud vitiates all that went on here, and the possession of lands and other assets by pirates does not change the ownership of the assets.  

Return our assets to us and to our control, and stop making arbitrary decisions "for" us and assuming a custodial role, when you have no contract and no authority to speak for us on these matters at all.  

Also step back and rethink your position on telling us where our capitol is.  Our capitol is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, precisely where it has always been. 

If you want to be regarded as "White Hats" you have to clean up your act and grant that the people of this country deserve what should have been provided to them in 1865--- honesty and free elections among ourselves to elect our people to serve in the land and soil jurisdiction offices we are heir to.   

It was and it remains the obligation of the offending officers to help us provide that -- "in good faith". 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 7th 2024


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