By Anna Von Reitz
Here's an education about how infiltration and undermining of worthy endeavors, including patriot endeavors, works in real life:
Watch this video at the bottom of this post.
One recent example is the gossip campaign against our bank and against our use of QR Codes to complete banking transactions.
Yes, the Federal Corporations use QR Codes and are proposing to use QR Codes in their banking operations, but that is like two people using the same language to talk.
It's called a "utility" and anyone can use a QR Code, just like anyone can use a gun or a chain saw.
It's a matter of who is using the QR Code and to what purpose? Is it an honorable man using it for honorable purposes, or a criminal intent on illegal invasion of privacy and coercion?
You have a choice about who you want to do business with --- the endlessly corrupt "federal corporations" --- or with the actual civilian government of this country?
Their bank or ours?
Don't let gossip and superficial assumptions such as, "THEY use QR Codes so QR Codes are bad!" trip you up.
We built our system to use QR Codes a long time ago and the fact that THEY are just catching up and proposing to use them, too, for THEIR purposes, should tell you something.
It should also tell you something when you consider that our banks are all Basel IV compliant when they are being forced to shut many of their banks down because they can't even reach Basel III compliance.
It should also disturb you that their banks can in fact steal what you have been using as "money" because banknotes (promissory notes) that don't have a maturation date and no set repayment in actual money are not even negotiable instruments and have no actual value in-and-of themselves.
Read this as: Federal Reserve Notes are unspecified promises to pay at some unstated later date in some unstated repayment medium. Maybe they are proposing to "pay" you with your own death by injection. Maybe they are proposing to "pay" you by stealing everything you own and charging you for it.
It should be of grave concern to everyone in the world that these swindlers have been allowed to go as far as they have.
Those of us who are done with evil and done with this entire system of things must stand together and stand tall and be determined to put and end to the whole British-Romano Caste System, to their venal attempt to "redefine" people as Genetically Modified Organisms, and not be taken in by these Masters of Deceit anymore.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
March 6th 2024
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