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Friday, December 1, 2023

We Lowered our price on Silver again. Here is why

  Paul Stramer

Our Mint lowered their strike fee because of the volume we do with them.

They also have caught up somewhat with their back orders and now have a delivery time of less than one month. In fact the last order went out their door in only two weeks.

This means it's a very good time to buy silver. Here is the round we sell the most of.

The formula to figure the price for silver is as follows.

Go get the ask price of silver at this link. It's in the first table

Take the ask price and add $3.00 for the strike fee at the mint, and our profit per ounce.

Take that times the number of ounces (500 or over) and then add $26.80 for each 500 ounce box for shipping.

If you are ordering 1000 ounces or more, the strike fee at the mint goes down another 25 cents to make your price only $2.75 over ask price per ounce.

They can ship up to 600 ounces in a box, so if you stay under that it's just $26.80 flat rate per box.

They always insure each shipment.

If you have any questions call me at 406 889 3183 or my cell at 406 253 4257

Remember that the price changes about every 90 seconds when the market is open.  (9 am to 5 pm eastern time)

I can't lock a price until I have your funds, so just make up your mind how much currency you want to convert to silver and send a little extra.

When I get your funds we will run this same formula and that will determine how many ounces you will have coming. 

Paul Stramer  Call to order 406 889 3183

If you can't order 500 ounces, and want small quantities of silver with good pricing and immediate shipping go to this link  and click Get Started in the upper right corner.