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Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Position of the Federation

 By Anna Von Reitz

As you have learned from the prior article, the Federation is one of the three branches of the actual American Government.  

The Federation of States is meant to sit in the middle of things, between the Union of States controlling our national soil jurisdiction, and the Confederation of States (of States) running the day to day business functions of Government.  

Always remember that the Federation is not a sovereign entity, but it is instead the Agent and Assign of the fifty sovereign States of the Union in international jurisdiction.

Land and sea are both international jurisdictions, so the Federation is enabled to speak to issues both on land and sea. 

In a pinch, the Federation can also handle commercial affairs.  It did so for a period of five years, 1776 to 1781, before the Confederation came into being. 

It also functions as a Holding Company to receive and hold powers delegated from the States.  This is so the Federation can faithfully defend and promote the interests of its now-fifty States as a group.  

All the powers enumerated and delegated to the Federal Subcontractors via the constitutional agreements came through the Federation, the original Power-Holder.   

From a Federation standpoint, the Constitutions were power-sharing agreements; some of its own delegated powers were parceled out to new service providers, but other powers remained, and for the first 73 years after the Constitutions were adopted, relations between the Federation and the Federal Subcontractors were generally cordial.  

It was only when the Confederation decided to go to war against itself that relations between the Federation and the Confederation turned sour and the terrible consequences of the Civil War began.  

Throughout the Civil War the Federation and its State Members stood apart and refused to get involved in the fighting.  The entire war was conducted exclusively by Confederate States-of-States both North and South as a result.   

You can prove this today from the Service Induction Enrollment forms that are all entered in the names of States of States, like the State of New York, and it is clear from this and other evidence that the so-called American Civil War was a (mercenary) conflict, not a war.  

People ask me, why wasn't the Federation involved in the Civil War?  Did they support slavery? Didn't they want slavery to end?  

The answer is simple.  The Federation wanted to pay the slave owners off, buy all the slaves at public expense, and set them free in the Public Interest.  It was costly, but nothing near the cost of a war, and it had the advantage of sparing everyone concerned.  Not a single life had to be lost.

Under the Federation Plan, the slave owners got their money, the slaves got their freedom, and the Public Purse took a hit for justice.  It was estimated that the cost of such a simple solution would have been paid back in less than a hundred years in the form of new productivity and tax base.  In fact, that amount was paid back in less than twenty years after the war, owing to black inventors and entrepreneurs like Booker T. Washington and others who revolutionized entire industries.  

Our whole country would have been spared all the damage and trauma of the horrific Civil War struggle, if the Federation had been listened to, but the Confederation was greedy and the British Territorial Government wanted a war.  

Now we know why.  

Another thing about the Federation that endears itself to me, but which was not popular with the elitist and class-conscious British Territorial United States Government, is that the Federation was color blind right from the start.  Several Presidents of the Federation prior to the Civil War were free men of color, who had earned their freedom and gone on to success in business, education, medicine, and engineering. 

One has to think about how different our history would be without the bloody scar of the Civil War?   How much more quickly this country could have healed itself from the evils of slavery and overcome racial divisiveness, if the leadership of the Federation had prevailed?  

So why didn't the Federation have the strength and political power to win the argument?  Again, we missed our chance of peace and prosperity and social progress for the sake of pecuniary interests.  The Brits screamed "higher taxes" and the people, not seeing the far greater cost to come, voted down the pay off initiative. 

They were unwilling to make a small sacrifice for the sake of human justice, and so, bought a far larger loss instead. 

The Federation rode out the ensuing conflict as best it could, kept its own people home to the extent possible, focused on good works and relief efforts at home, and otherwise maintained neutrality --- only to be attacked and undermined by its own bought-and-paid-for military. 

The U.S. Military, especially the U.S. Army, had the bit in its teeth, and thought that all that was needed was a Commander-in-Chief and the authority that Lincoln vested in them via the Lieber Code and the so-called Executive Orders that Lincoln invented for himself. 

They didn't want a civilian government of any kind, and they especially didn't want a Federation of States that was run by peace-loving, budget-conscious civilians--- which pretty much sums up the history and tenor of the Federation. 

The Federation, to its eternal credit, was never the kind of organization that would "invest" in wars for profit, or deprive people of food to bolster military budgets.  

So what is the Federation like today?  And what role does it play in the complex and difficult political terrain we are passing through?  

The Federation has stayed true to its peace-loving and egalitarian roots.  That doesn't mean it can't or won't fight.  It endured eight of the bloodiest years ever seen on planet Earth.  

The Battle of Fort McHenry where patriots piled their dead bodies around the flagpole to keep it upright in the face of the British bombardment should give you some measure of our ancestors ability and willingness to fight to the last man, and indeed, the last woman. 

That was the peace-loving Federation. It was also the peace-loving Federation crossing the Delaware.  

Don't imagine that the Federation is cowardly or lacks resolve when necessary, but it is not and never was the kind of organization that would dabble in mercenary wars for profit --- as the British Territorial United States Government has --- and always, at our expense. 

Immediately after the Civil War both the British Territorial Government and the Municipal Government Federal Subcontractors reorganized as commercial corporations in the business of providing government services. Both these organizations tag-teamed against the Federation, murdered, beat, threatened, coerced, and brought false claims against Federation leaders, until the Federation was "dispersed" in the words of the treasonous General William Tecumseh Sherman.  

But the American Federation never quite died.  It fled west into the hinterlands of Montana, Wyoming, California, the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and British Columbia.  Men who had once been wealthy and highly educated took to lives as lumberjacks and fishermen and miners. And in these unlikely environs, they kept the spark of the Federation and the dream of America alive, even though it dwindled down until there were only a few sparks left.  

This is where the Federation of today comes back onto the world stage, takes up its rightful place, and calls another generation of Americans to the challenge of self-governance.  The Federation of States is still competent to serve in international and global jurisdictions, just as it did from 1776 to 1781. In a pinch like the current circumstance, the Federation doesn't need a Confederation or any Federal Subcontractors to do the job that must be done.  It has that proven authority and ability already. 

As more and more Americans wake up and realize what has happened here,  and as they square up against the very real challenges of restoring our lawful government, the Federation is here operating our Ship of State in international and global jurisdiction, rebutting any presumption that our people "have disappeared" or that our sovereign States are "in interregnum". 

Our Federation of States is here doing what it has always done, standing in what it considers to be the only valid role of a government --- to protect people and their assets.  We can all be very grateful to those men and women who endured such loneliness and who led such an outcast and dangerous existence for so many years, to bring the true American Government forward into the present day.  


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  1. The Federation of States does not exist. It has no president, vice-president, treasurer or other required officer. A 'Head of State' and a fiduciary cannot represent a Federation of States w/o officers. The Confederation of States (The Confederate States of America is still the lawful representative under the Articles of Confederation for the 13 states and the Declaration of Independence. We have had officers in place since the end of hostilities. If the other 37 states wish to form a Union we will negotiate under the dejure' united Stateors of America constitution. The Federation holds no power or authority to engage in any treaty or Trust negotiation. John Curren Chapman, Donor, Executor and Beneficiary for the World, Global, Atmospheric, International, National and Unum Sanctam TRUST.

    1. Ok. You are a clueless rube. Study jurisdictional Law before you go out and make a fool of yourself.

  2. Bravo Anna & our 50 feduciary priority creditors that stood up in 2015💕🙏💕

  3. Where can I find a list of Federation Presidents Up until the Civil War? Did they continue to meet in Philadelphia? Were minutes kept of the meetings? Lots of questions here.

  4. Presidents are corporate officers mostly, not applicable to unincorporated Federation. FreeMom7:)
