By Anna Von Reitz
Now, I don't have time today to look into this myself, but all you Junior Woodchuck Explorers out there are invited to do me proud and nail down and document the answer.
Who bought Fort Detrick? Or traded debt for it?
Fort Detrick was the home of the U.S. Bioweapons program and also the hub for DARPA research in related fields.
All of a sudden, out of the blue, Fort Detrick was moth-balled.
There were some minor squeaks about the facility being dated and the need to privatize contracts (more payola for cronies) with more modern facilities, blah, blah, blah..... but no actual convincing logical reason for this sudden closure.
But, yes, there is a logic to it.
Obama was selling off everything that wasn't nailed down, and if one of his creditors wanted Fort Detrick in settlement of his corporation's debts ---- well, sure, Hoss, he was ready and willing, either for cash or a suitable debt reduction.
Some creditor that the USA, INC. was in hock to, wanted Fort Detrick.
Now all we have to do, is find out who.
Was it China? Black Rock? Vanguard? State Street? The Crown? Bill Gates? Aunt Millie?
Whoever acquired Fort Detrick most likely acquired all the collected bioweapon stockpiles and research, lock, stock, and barrel.
That would explain why the world is being assaulted all of a sudden with super-infectious influenza, HIV, Bird Flu, and now, Ebola.
Find out who acquired Fort Detrick and we will have the Smoking Gun --- and the criminals behind it.
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