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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 7

 By Anna Von Reitz

People often assume that the "fiat" currencies are worthless and not backed by actual assets, but they are.
These currencies are backed by the value of labor, services, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property. We call them "blood money" because they derive their value from the attributes of living people, from our energy, our skills, our labor, our inventions, our performances, our talents, etc.
So, everyone needs to stop this idea that the fiat currencies are worthless. The truth is that they are of great value. The further truth is that they were constructed via the use of deceit and fraud to capture their value.
People did not knowingly and willingly line up and agree to donate these assets of theirs for the benefit of any corporation in the business of providing them with governmental services, and therefore did not enter into a "private tax agreement" with the Holy See or the Vatican or any other entity including the REPUBLIC OF ITALY. That is the rub.
At this point, the Perpetrators of this scheme to "latch onto" the value of our intellectual and energetic property assets have racked up a huge deficit, as they took advantage of the credit they established for themselves based on our intellectual and energetic property assets, and never paid anything back.
The way that a Debt/Credit Monetary System is supposed to work is as a Zero Sum System. When you exchange a debt in the form of a promissory note (fiat money) for actual goods or services, you immediately establish an answering credit in the same amount.
Think about what happens when you give your friend, Alphonse, a promise to pay for a plate of food. He receives your promise to pay, and you receive the food. It's a "zero sum" transaction, as both elements, the promise and the food, are assumed to be of equal value or you wouldn't make the trade.
Of course, in real life, this "voluntary" trade of goods and services for paper promises to pay in the future is often coerced via the use of Legal Tender Laws, which were imposed throughout most of the world in the 1930's. We forget that the USA, Inc., was not the only major "national corporation" to go bankrupt at the same time. The G5 were all in the same boat and went bankrupt by treaty which was arranged at the Geneva Conventions of 1930 and signed off on in May of that year. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the American Delegate who signed off on behalf of the USA, Inc.
Legal Tender Laws abuse the powers of government to force people to accept debt notes in lieu of any actual payment for their goods and services. Legal Tender Laws are fundamentally coercive and illegal, which is why those same governments all had to provide remedy for those of us who would not voluntarily accept this unequal exchange. In America, we have to "denominate" our financial transactions to be done in "lawful money" or we are presumed to agree with the Federal Reserve plan and to "pledge" ourselves and our assets in its support.
None of this was ever explained to anyone. No explicit instructions about how this is supposed to work or what you need to do to escape these evils is ever given. Through induced ignorance, millions of people are thus defrauded for the benefit of who? The bankers, the attorneys who set up this system, and most of all, the Robber Barons and corporations including the governmental services corporations, that hatched this scheme.
In such a system, the energy and power of the entire country is funneled to benefit the corporations by giving them tax breaks and transferring their debts onto the backs of the common people. The banks, meanwhile, are allowed to continue to operate, as is the REPUBLIC OF ITALY ---- as noted ---- as bankrupt entities, so that they have no risk or accountability for their part in this criminal madness. Their debts and liability, too, are simply passed off and on to the same "voluntary" taxpayers.
At the point that the taxpayers get seriously annoyed and revolt, there is a problem, but if it's just a few people they may be jailed under the false presumption that they pledged themselves and their assets in support of the fiat currency and are contractually obligated to pay--- or, if they are well-enough connected, they may simply be shown the remedy provided to excuse this practice in the first place, patted on the head, and sent home.
Essentially, they buy off the rich and famous by providing remedy under "Non-Disclosure Agreements" and keep the sheeple enslaved as "voluntary taxpayers". In this way, the rich naturally get richer, and the poor get poorer, simply because the rich and knowledgeable don't pay taxes and don't keep fiat money in their accounts even though they appear to do so. Only the bank knows which clients denominate their transactions in lawful money and which ones don't.
Now that you know the short history of this travesty, which has been implemented worldwide, you are prepared for the rest of the story.
This "system" and I use that word in the slang meaning of "criminal racket" --- has been running more or less smoothly for almost a hundred years. Generations of trusting, innocent people in countries worldwide, have been targeted as the marks and presumed to be volunteer taxpayers, because after all, though they may have grumbled and questioned things, they didn't avail themselves of the remedy and denominate their banking transactions as "lawful money".
To a judge in one of the Ecclesiastical Courts they've foisted off on us, this appears to be a moral fault. You pledged your assets to this system and agreed to pay by acquiescence and failure to properly denominate your bank transactions as lawful money and now you are complaining and refusing to pay? Of course, you are guilty in their view, and you are equally clueless. You have no idea that any of this crap is going on and no way to rebut it, either.
The Pope volunteered all the Municipal citizenry of this country as debt slaves, parishioners obligated to pay war reparations owed to the British King after the American Civil War. Then, in the 1930's. the British King's Subjects in this country were similarly obligated to act as indentured "bonded" servants for the same purposes--- and to pay war reparations resulting from the First World War. And both the Pope and the King conveniently "conferred" their foreign citizenship obligations on the clueless Americans, who were left in the dark and targeted as the scapegoats of the war-mongers.
There is, after all, no way of knowing or telling a person's political affiliations simply by looking at them. An American looks like a Municipal citizen of the United States or a British Territorial U.S. Citizen as much as he looks like an American. So, our Papist and British Territorial employees set up registration mills on our shores, and falsely registered us all first as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and second as Municipal CITIZENS --- that is, as US CORPORATIONS included as Municipal citizenry under the infamous "diversity of citizenship" clause.
Presto, change-o! Millions of Americans ( and Italians, Germans, Canadians, Irish, Japanese.....) were unlawfully converted into foreign Persons/PERSONS under color of law.
These are gross commercial crimes and crimes of mercenary "war" being committed on our shores (and throughout the world) in contravention of both the Geneva and Hague Conventions, but if nobody complains....well, who's the wiser?
Those who implemented this system aren't going to tell anyone what they did, are they? Those who have otherwise benefited from it and who stand under non-disclosure agreements, can't tell..... so it is only those who are alert enough to read the tea leaves who are left to raise the alarm.
The alarm has been raised.
Now the rest of the story.....this system has been operating for almost 100 years. An absolutely massive debt has been built up by "the" US INC. and "the" USA, Inc. and all the other corporations that have benefited from this system. That debt is owed to the American People and all the other people worldwide, who have been coerced and defrauded and treated "as" Municipal and Territorial citizens under False Legal Presumptions in the form of pre-paid credit. In this country, the US Debt is the American National Credit.
Who is going to pay it? It's already pre-paid, by us, by our parents, by our grandparents, by our great-grandparents.
At this point, the payback is just a change in accounting. The debtors have to be recognized as the creditors. And new currency has to be issued.
Instead of trading debt, you trade in credit that has already been pre-paid, just like a pre-paid credit card. And as that credit was accrued via the payment of actual goods and services, nobody can complain and say that it isn't "asset backed".
Think of it this way --- they attempted to indebt generations of people who don't even exist yet, and to lay the debts of the present on our future progeny ---- while forgetting about what they owe to the past generations.
We, standing in the present, are able to put a stop to the self-interested madness and call the cards.

We have done so.


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Who is going to pay it? It's already pre-paid, by us, by our parents, by our grandparents, by our great-grandparents.
    At this point, the payback is just a change in accounting. The debtors have to be recognized as the creditors. And new currency has to be issued.
    Instead of trading debt, you trade in credit that has already been pre-paid, just like a pre-paid credit card. And as that credit was accrued via the payment of actual goods and services, nobody can complain and say that it isn't "asset backed".
    Think of it this way --- they attempted to indebt generations of people who don't even exist yet, and to lay the debts of the present on our future progeny ---- while forgetting about what they owe to the past generations.
    We, standing in the present, are able to put a stop to the self-interested madness and call the cards.
    We have done so.

    Well then, Remove this from all of your sites and related articles! Selah!
    To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
    How do we use your donations?

    1. .
      What about the fakery 1871 wars power act and the law (LOL) of necessity by the BAR and codes - tittle 12 sec. 319 have power over anyone when we do not have a lawfully seated CONgress since 1860?

    2. So much pre-paid credit we are told.
      So much wealth for every man, woman and child we are told.
      Most of my life I have worked at repairing industrial boilers to keep the electricity flowing and repairing oil refineries to keep the gas flowing. That is how I kept a roof over my head and clothed and fed myself, with honest work.

      Pre-paid credit and wealth don't feed us, laws don't feed us, constitutions don't feed us.

      Time to wake up, really wake up! Time to realize the truth, the real truth, the supreme truth, the ultimate truth, the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, that those are the chains that enslave us.

      Over the past 16 months I have read hundreds upon hundreds of Anna's articles and books. Not once have I seen her write the words "an honest day's work for an honest day's pay". But the word wealth she utters almost daily, yet her and her word have never put a slice of bread on my table.

      That is the truth that we need but we're not getting. We need to get rid of, as in eradicate, obliterate, annihilate, anything and everything that doesn't fit into this simple pattern of an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. Nothing else really matters in the present or in the future.

      Our long and bloody history on this planet has really only taught us one thing, if we are willing to learn it. That when we fail to provide an honest day's pay for an honest day's work to everyone equally, something inevitable happens each and every time...FAILURE. There is no other way, there is no other law by which we can secure the future of any civilization. Our history books are chock full of evidence of these failures. Distill all this sad history down to its essence and there is only one common thread running through all of it. That somewhere, sometime, someone decided that his fellow man didn't deserve an honest day's pay for the honest day's work he had provided. That is the source, the genesis of each end every tyrant. That is how the cornerstone of civilization gets eroded away and empires crumble.

      I once wrote Anna an email asking her how the wealth was divided up in these great Trusts and accounts, the wealth that the bank managers have access to through their notorious black screens. I asked her why one person had thousands in his account, while another had millions, and some had billions in these same accounts.

      I asked Anna how much I had in my account, and if she didn't know, to tell me how I could find out for myself, so I could know what belongs to me, so I could go get some of it to feed clothe and house myself in my old age. To these simple and honest questions Anna became a mute...nothing but silence to this day.

      Please don't take this as criticism of Anna, it is not. It is however a statement of fact. It is a fact that Anna cannot feed me. It is a fact that Anna cannot lead me. She is not my leader and can never be. Only I can lead myself.

    3. Re: April 13, 2021--- Adherents of this cult have greatly influenced the Law of Admiralty --- "for behold, Satan is cast down into the sea" --- and British Maritime Law, too.

      I want to know exactly where in the true Hebrew or Aramaic Scriptures (not any of that so called latin or greek stuff which change the original meaning and/or intent) it says: for behold, Satan is cast down into "the sea" ?

    4. Anonymous, my thoughts exactly. I know these Trust accounts exist. Many of them are identified and listed online for anyone who cares to go look them up (but I won't post the link lest I make everyone here a target), but accessing these account "balances" is strongly restricted to banking executives and their closest cronies. I know someone who once had such access and has confirmed to me that most people have multiple millions in their accounts, even those listed as paupers. Yes that system does categorize all of us on a scale of potential $ value, from pauper at the bottom through a series of upward levels (your status is usually indicated by a special code on your birt-cert). The value system it uses is completely insane. Lunatic criminals, psychopaths and sociopaths are often worth billions, while hard working, simple, honest, peaceful and productive people are most frequently classed on the lowest value level as paupers.

      If you had 10 million dollars right now in a high yield savings account, you could live a reasonable and very comfortable life just off of the interest, but instead of you enjoying the interest, someone else is siphoning it all off and living high on the hog instead of you and I.

      If they allow you to access your Trust account principal, they lose the interest generated by that principal, and then they will have to get a job to earn a living like the rest of us, the so called "cattle". Lazy people will do anything, legal or otherwise, to make sure they can continue to be lazy in perpetuity, even if it means taking you out of the picture so your Trust can once again become lost at sea waiting to be salvaged and transferred into another Trust by using the latest "scam of the day".

  2. Why is the problem and history continually regurgitated , the criminals identified and never is punishment ever mentioned. No amnesty, how utter insane. The iffending masterminds and thier henchmen shoild all be executed , plain and simple. We have been immeasurably harmed our entire lives, our parents and grandparents. Our lives have been taken , we have been plundered, our children kidnapped and murdered !
    I will never forgive or forget..Forgiveness is Gods game. If we do not cut the head off the snake and kill its progeny it will only bite us again. Time for common sense to prevail . Want a solution ? There you have it.

    1. .
      Tar and feathers was a solution in the recent past

  3. .
    How did the American public become a party to some alleged contract - document they never agreed to or were never told about and that happened before we/they were born. We are not a party to something unless knowingly agreed upon and not under duress ....etc.

    By the BAR and Vatican magic?

    What is 700 attorneys at the bottom of the ocean ?

    Why not do what Virginia did in the distant past --

    1. .
      Dont go there and say by operation of law --- more fakery

      To live in a socity we need some rules not to be controlled.

      What about this attorny of the BAR a black dress that say I order it.. "case law"

      Does the original organic constitution say somewhere in it, that this made up fakery English codes by a King stuff is constitutional.

  4. .
    "These currencies are backed by the value of labor, services, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property. "

    This has been proven by the quote - yea argue that is not true - reading the words is exactly what has transpired and is in place today.........

    As we have traced the CUSIP numbers on the paper to Fidelity Investment and found they are selling this paper as debt on the open market to the public as the catlerital for the labor as stated above

    Col. Edward Mandell House Quote

    “[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency.

    Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.

    They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.

    This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

    – Edward Mandell House; in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson [President 1913-1921] – source unknown.

    See: Colonel Edward Mandell House helped to pick the charter members of the original Federal Reserve Board; Philip Dru – Administrator;

    G. Edward Griffin: The Creature From Jeckyll Island

    How the heck can you BUY anything with an I.O.U. called fiat currency - Cant can only offset or discharge the purchase ..meaning you dont own it

    1. .
      yea I copied this page for reference when some one decides to hide the truth

  5. This war predates Babylon the son of Noah one good one bad .
    The good one was Shem the bad one had union with a evil pre Edomite or African.
    Resulting in the curse of Cain by Noah why Cain and not ham?
    Scholars not clear.
    But the fruits are the notorious Canaanite whom all the most denounced tribes sprang including the Pharisee ,scribes ,Hittites
    Name changers always as Saint Augustine reported the Phoenicians amongst themselves referred to themselves as channie or Canaanite.
    Becoming the (((Black Nobility))) .
    Dutch masters, Russian Mafia in Hollywood, Aakinazi Turk Mongolia or young Turks .
    International gangsters.
    We’re all Palestinians in The prison of Gaza our police are trained in Israel how to use thair knee on throat.
    We all know in the words of Patrick Henry the greatest oration and opposition to constitution said “unfortunately tyrants only understand one thing Force”.

  6. Pavlos dogs you break thair will then you add your program the civil war horeing 800,000 mercenaries and the Masonic 10,000 ready made
    Trained well heeled crisis actors out of Cincinnati.
    Stage set .
    The crushing of the nation using mercenaries One Russian General told his met to rape all the women (((Lincoln))) permitted him after he fished him out of his courts marshal.
    FORCE.they understand.

  7. We beat them back finally using common law grand juries and underground resistance.
    All the while the falce flags and media controld big money propaganda.
    That caused us to be covert yet effective battles in dead of night like BLM looting unreported yet it’s happening.
    The grand furies are as Paul said last night upmost important.
    The assembly top priority need to be a grand jury .

  8. .
    ""These currencies are backed by the value of labor, services, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property. We call them "blood money" because they derive their value from the attributes of living people, from our energy, our skills, our labor, our inventions, our performances, our talents, etc."""

    the B.C. and man (labor) is not one and the same

    What have we been "paid" since 1913 "Federal Reserve Note"

    What is a Note and I.O.U.

    Can you "pay" for something with an IOU?

    Based on belief ?

    Belief is not reality; is it?

    “[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency.

    Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.

    They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.

    This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

    – Edward Mandell House; in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson [President 1913-1921] – source unknown.


    Colonel Edward Mandell House helped to pick the charter members of theoriginal Federal Reserve Board;
    Philip Dru – Administrator;
    G. Edward Griffin: The Creature From Jeckyll Island

    some day people will get it --- after the 235K illegal immigrants crossing the boarder each month and wind up as their neighbor and have to pay for their living expenses as a US taxpayer........LOL

    I have a copy of this page if its removied


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