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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Map They Don't Want You To See

 This will get your attention. See this map full size to get the true picture. Remember that 6 of the 7 State legislatures are Controlled by Republicans.

The map that the media refuses to show.
Current state of the 2020 Presidential Election:
Trump 232
Biden 226
80 electoral votes across 7 states in dispute. All disputes must be resolved by these State Legislatures by December 14th regardless of audits, recounts, lawsuits. 6 of those legislatures are majority Rs.

1 comment:

  1. This is just the tip of the evil problems, we need to get to all elections for representatives at least starting with the 2018 which was all stolen and how the public officials get placed into office.

    Then a few other things, like looking at their and families tax returns for 5 years in the past and every 2 years there after.

    A representative must support the people who elected them not the lobbyist and others that give them graft so they can live in million dollar house and have armed guards to protect them.

    There much much more that need to be changed ................



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