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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Accept All Gifts. Waive All Benefits

 By Anna Von Reitz

People always want simple Silver Bullet answers to everything.  Those are in short supply, but there are a few such cures.  

One of the Silver Bullets that can and should be used to defend yourselves is, "I accept all gifts and waive all benefits." 

That simple phrase puts the nail in the heart of all the adhesion contracts that can be thrown at you, everything from Social Security to birth certificates and Driver Licenses and Marriage Licenses, CARES Act Payments masquerading as bankruptcy settlements, and all the rest of the presumptions, assumptions, and suppositions that go with them.


What's an "adhesion contract" you ask?  It's basically an illegal contract that some nogoodnik is trying to attach to you.  

The classic example is the unwanted magazine subscription.  Free three month trial.  And if you continue to accept delivery the fourth month, you just bought a two year subscription to "Fanny Pack", plus a bonus of six more magazine subscriptions for the low, low price of only $19.95 each..... and just look at the wonderful periodicals you receive with this offer?  Cake Decorating Monthly, Fat Cats (about overweight felines), Motoring Without Wheels (a journal for slightly confused hiking  enthusiasts).....Field and Buffet (a magazine about vegetables you never heard of)....

An adhesion contract sells you crap you don't want or need and obligates you to do things that you don't want to do.  And that is the whole point of it. 

If you stop a moment and think about it, it is easy to recognize a Driver License as an adhesion contract --- 90% of us aren't actually drivers, don't use the public roads for any commercial purpose resulting in private profit, our automobiles aren't really "motor vehicles" as defined by any Motor Vehicle Code, either, and don't really have to be "registered" --- but the vermin coerce you into their jurisdiction under color of law and the proof of your obligation and status as a "resident" in their jurisdiction is what they demand from you the moment they illegally detain you under pretense that there is an "emergency" going on: the Driver License they gifted you with for only $49.95, plus shipping and handling. 

Let's not forget the free Cap Snaffler.   

So, when you receive an earnings dividend from a retirement insurance account in the Social Security program that you paid into and (in)vested in, is it a dividend, a gift, or a benefit? 

It's an iffy trick question, because while you paid for a portion of it, your employer paid for part of it, and the Federales contributed tax shelters to it, so at the end of the day, a Social Security check can be considered all three, but from the legal perspective, the only correct answer is --- it's a gift. 

It has to be a gift, because if it isn't a gift, it's evidence of crime against you and your employers, both.  

So, naturally, if we don't want to get into a big dogfight with our Territorial Employees, we accept all their gifts. That Driver License in your pocket?  It's a gift.  The clearinghouse certificate masquerading as a "Birth Certificate"?  It's a gift. Your Federal Employees gave all this stuff to you. Free gratis. 

How nice of them, right?  

So you claim it was given to you as a gift, and you accept it as a gift.  And because you accept it as a gift --- not a benefit --- it comes to you with no strings attached. The adhesion contract loses its glue. 

Obviously, you are not responsible for what some fictional Territorial or Municipal person might do, once you realize that JOHN RAYMOND SEACORD isn't you.  

But why waive all benefits?  Doesn't everyone want to be the beneficiary?  Judging from the number of people who claim to be beneficiaries of one thing or another, it's the second most popular profession in the world, but....

No, in this case, it literally is more blessed to give than to receive. The position of power in every case is that of Donor, not Beneficiary. 

A "benefit" is a payment or trade or gift made in equitable consideration of dependency contracts that you don't want to be part of.  

You don't want to be misidentified as a Federal Dependent and suffer all the obligations that that political status entails, so you don't want to have or hold onto any "benefits" --- which is why you waive them as benefits and accept them as gifts. 

Aw, isn't it sweet of them to give you all this stuff?  It's almost like Christmas. 


I can hear my Sister, Em, saying, "My Lord, is there any end to this double-speak?" 

We are, unfortunately, surrounded by a sea of it, thanks mainly to the members of the Bar Associations, but take heart. You can de-fang claims of contractual obligation and dependency, both, with just a few simple words: "I accept all gifts and waive all benefits." 


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Poor dumbed down sheepal,getting fleeced and attorneys just make it 10 times worse .
    Giving jurisdiction and acceptance of what ever the administrator judge hands out first piling on fake plunder statutes.


  2. Ezekiel 18:27

    And if wicked people turn from their wickedness, obey the law, and do what is just and right, they will save their lives.

    The end should be on or about Jan. 20, 2021

    Will thins get better or worse ----- how will it play out

    What has the people of the world learned ????

    That corporate governments are not their savior


  3. So if I get pulled over and do not have my “gift” how do I get out of being handcuffed?

    1. Frosty, it's a lot more involved than getting out of a ticket. Think of the process involved, which, actually have been streamlined like you could not guess, as 'by correcting your status now, starts the whole process of removing yourself completely from the system.' SO when you get pulled over, and don't have their gift in your wallet, you will KNOW that you are out of their jurisdiction. You will know what to say, what it is you are saying, the legal strength of it, and the expected responses, and how to address each.
      the one thing I like about the State Assemblies, is that it's not designed as "how to get out of", or "get over on", or " pay my bills with TDA accounts", or " I am king of the "fake city name" city and I claim these houses" B.S. It is factual information. Given with a bit of Wisconsin Cheese. Oh, and the final thing, Yes, I said "Given" everyone else is charging. and charging ridiculous amounts for free forms for free information. CHarging from $50 to $525 an hour, when during that advisory hour, most of it is spent on their rhetoric and rant. Heard it. there are other ways to piecemail this if you want. Hit me up if you have questions. I'll help but still recommend you remedy the whole self, rather just a piece of laminated lie.

    2. There is far more to it. If you have studied this stuff for 20 years or so it will only start to make sense. Correcting your status is only one small part. Most will just entrp themselves all over again with the first piece of paper shoved in their face. I recently moved. I am no staring at having no status in their eyes. I am horrified at what theynask for to get the gift of a Driver License. As I have taught others the younare not a driver unless you are doing commerce which means getting paid for transporting goods or services...a " license " is " pemission to do what would be ordinarily illegal " !!?!?!?!?
      Think I will call my Coordinator or Anna . Time to bury the hatchet and quit this bickering.....that is if Paul doesnt delete my comment...if you do , I will be calling you Paul...

  4. So which mean on my mistake of getting a marriage certificate, I can now write on it accept as a gift then send it back to them and then what next; should I wait on their response, and they can't use it as a weapon against me no more?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Bubbapatric, I can never get where you're coming from with all your incomplete sentences and typographical errors.


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