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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, November 13, 2020

All employees of Big Tech are hereby designated enemies of America

With election rigging via mail-in ballots, the real purpose of the COVID bioweapon now becomes clear.


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  2. Vietnam war was a part 2 mercernary war. Pary 1 started quietly 20 years beforehand, Left of Vietnam, before combining with Vietnam war.. Proof? See FDR 1937 INCREASING Govt spending for foreign Gold theft & profit for Bankers.

    Anna knew the 35 - 45 year secret mercenary Wars, and did not assess any damages on both sides other than rushing to claim the Bankers massive stolen gold , this will bring Ww3 for sure.

    Karen Hudes represents crooked Bankers & war lords. Anna & her husband claimed to be King & Queen of America, to take their stolen gold, how crazy the madness & confusions gone so far.

    Folks search Download this doc from the internet, See for yourselves: Is this real ?

    Americans dont remember how many million deaths in 1940's Ww2.


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