By Anna Von Reitz
The tests being used to purportedly detect COVID-19 are yielding between 50 and 80 percent "False Positive" results.
This means that between half and three-quarters of all the people testing "positive" as having COVID-19 are not in fact infected by COVID-19. Uh-duh.
So all those numbers? Are bogus.
Many of those testing positive most likely have some normal influenza virus fragments drifting around their system---- don't forget normal influenza is still present and still infecting millions of people worldwide.
So, use your silly heads. Regular, Old Hoss Influenza, our constant companion, known as The Common Cold, is still being passed around as usual, infecting as many people as usual, causing as many problems as usual.
Just because someone coughs, sneezes, or tests "positive" for coronavirus (Common Cold) does NOT mean that they are infected with "the" coronavirus that has been tweaked by these madmen ---those who need to be caught and hanged from very high trees.
And, even if someone really IS infected with the bio-engineered variety of COVID-19, there are two strains of the bio-engineered crud, which the Chinese have identified as "S" strain and "L" strain. S is much less lethal than L and far more common.
All this has been brought to us by the sicko British, again, transported by clueless Americans used as dumb mules, and has nothing to do with China.
This is an Eff Up of our completely untrustworthy "Allies" and our own unfathomably stupid "Intelligence" Community and equally mindless "Defense" Contractors.
With them on our side, who needs enemies?
And in case you really want to know what is going on, who planned it, who is responsible, and who needs the ever-loving crap kicked completely out of them ---- here it is, in living color, the "Event 201 Global Pandemic" rehearsal held in December 2019 to force this "agenda" globally.
Please watch and then prepare to tear off your masks and go after every politician, every military officer, and every FAKE NEWS Mogul on this planet:
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:
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Could this false flag be a cover for something much Bigger that will be explained / exposed over the next 3 weeks on or before 4/10 - 12 ?
What is Adrenochrome; and who would need it and who would take it ?
Gratitude - keep moving forward
There is no proof that any actual death rate is any greater and no proof there from the isolated virus as the primary cause as compared to the normal actual death rates, the only difference is now all the other causes of disease related deaths are being masked by Corona as being the primary cause!!!