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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Secret Maritime Jurisdiction Exposed, parts 1 and 2

Please comment on the content of these videos.

Found here: Part 1

Found here: Part 2:

Judge Dale on The Secret Maritime Jurisdiction


  1. Thanks paul didn't know they were on your site.I watch a video a month or so ago and usef el said he wanted to do a video with anna.Don't know if they talked or not... That would be a great video.

  2. FDR his true ROOTS

  3. Ad placed for employment of disarmament officers in new york

    The UN lan to flood America with 500 million immigrants by 2050

    Same thing in Germany

    And anyone who thinks Putin and Merkel and the entire leadership gang are not in on this is blind

    1. Shelby, frankly it appears you are caught up in their fear porn propaganda. And I do happen to feel that Putin is more for freedom and peace than what you are intimating.

  4. While the videos point out the various methods being used to prosecute the people, there is no emphasis to point out that the fraud of creating corporate fictions out of everyone at birth. People cannot be given any remedy until they understand/comprehend that they are being recognized as a corporation in the eyes of the court. The usurpation of man's identity has to be re-programmed into people before anything is going to be successful. It matters not how many statutes or codes they have if they all are an extension of the fraud. The courts are so crooked that you literally have no defense because they make the rules as they go and no one can defend against that.

    1. Thank you Dan!

      Identity is square one (IMO). Therefore people have the Right to ask agents: "Who do you think I am?" and to demand an answer so that people can respond to whatever the answer that may (or may not) occur to this quintessential question.
      Very much appreciate your third sentence in this regards!
      Second question to ask the agents is: "Who do you think you are?

  5. Dan - Agree as with so many of this video genre, keeps emphasizing the criminality but does not get to the root. I have a problem w Usef El, he goes deep into THEIR rhetoric, laws, process but the truth about the solution isn't presented. Same w this video. It produces to much fear & confusion... No way to help people KNOW THERE IS A SOLUTION.

    1. the above comment was for 1st video THE SECRET MARITIME JURISDICTION EXPOSED-Part 1. The following videos Usef El of his research & reading are very interesting info, very interesting but its of THEIR COURTS, history.
      So for those seeking relief won't find it.
      Folks literally fear a Solution, a Remedy & aren't able to tell the difference as they don't know what to 'believe' & don't take the time to learn what to 'think'.
      Usef El does a good job on revealing what it is, wish he could have confidence in a Remedy & find it in AVR's papers.

    2. At the bottom of the video click on YouTube and when you get there you should find what you want. I did and subscribed to receive more videos. Good luck and have a great life.

  6. I have watched all these videos. I have listened to many High Frequency Radio videos. YousefL is very knowledgeable in their system. I believe he does not give the remedy as he would be giving Legal Advise, putting himself in Danger. The answers are out there. Same is True with Eeon another very knowledgeable man.

    YousefL did the video for instructions for the Passport which for me made the whole process clear and I had my passport in 7 days when I followed the process. I have a COLB which some people are not being able to get from Vital statistics. The BIRTH CERTIFICATED PERSON is definitely a US CITIZEN so another step has to be taken with the Probate Court of your birth county to secure the COLB. Don't give up. They hope you get defeated.

    The more you research, the more you learn who you are, the more the FEAR dissipates. Living in Fear is debilitating and is their main objective. Maybe if my sons and daughter were still small I would be more fearful but I don't want to be a slave any more and if I do not stand up for my rights I don't have any. I'm going to work on this till I am out of their system. Those who leave the battlefield first loose!

    I got the Property Tax shut down last year by following Anna's instructions and doing my own research. I've gotten two ridiculous traffic violations shut down by following instructions and standing up for my rights. I helped a friend get a Writ of Replevin reversed and the case dismissed by researching. The attorney who filed the case was fired. The information is out there. When you are living in Fear your mind is frozen, not open and available to receive information.

    Some days I was given the right place to look during my sleep to use in a correspondence I needed to compose the next day. I wake up every morning asking for the truth to be revealed to me and I ask specifically for information needed right then. I have not once been disappointed. Stop letting these criminals live in your mind. We are the charge they are looking for, stop giving to them.

    These idiots poked the wrong Mama bear on February 17, 2016 and it took a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of support from my brother but my son has a clean record and is able to go on with his life. He made a mistake by talking to a pirate which I know he will never do again but I am thankful for the awakening and the education I've gotten because I have been able to help others and this is what this is all about sticking together. People can not be corporate or incorporated but we can be United for the good of all. We are a state in and of ourselves, with a territory, government and population. We start as the product of 2 United states at conception. We have the power as long as we do not feed into the indoctrination and programming of the communists.

    Stay strong, be vigilant, and free your mind.
    Annie McShane
    On Delaware



    1. please follow the rules of this blog, you are using a rejected handle to be recognized by. Come back as a people so we can all chat better and smoother, your all-caps (dog Latin) yelling only makes us look away from anything you got to say. Words matter, this includes how you capitalize these words.

      Documented Americans, Assemble and Educate, educate your family, friends and neighbors, we need our court vacancies filled asap.
      The justice of the people can only come through a judicial court system not the administrative process we are all dragged through.

  9. There is videos / information that would keep you researching til they are literally dropping your body into the ground. I believe 100% that we all have been tricked, lied too and otherwise defrauded by the powers that be. But the lack of information on how to handle it especially dealing with courts is possibly the most frustrating part of it. Someone came here looking for tax help and they were told to comb through Anna's blog post for help???? Read thousands of articles you will figure it out! What a joke so far the only people offering help while holding their hands out which makes them part of the problem. I watched all 3 videos and I would agree with what he says. At this point I am more likely to wind up in hand cuffs because all this just makes me angry. So what good is all this information if it doesn't fix anything??? Blah blah blah everyday all day but when you are in a pinch its crickets!! Annie has offered me some solid advice and I will keep researching if I find the answers they will be free to anyone regardless if they spent years learning this matrix maze of riddles and strangeness or not. Feeling frustrated sorry but I am just a man! lol.

    1. Floyd, I mean no dis-respect brother,
      "Read thousands of articles you will figure it out! What a joke so far the only people offering help while holding their hands out which makes them part of the problem."
      This is called education, you have read thousands of textbook pages, right? It is a shame we were not taught what we need to know, I feel right along side ya brother, it can be daunting at times but I believe with all of my being that we hold the answer.
      Now, when it comes to people offering help while holding their hands out.... real people gotta eat brother. Getting out of the system really means you need to survive on your own. Real True Americans do not get any opportunities for "free" money (welfare and the such).
      Lastly, if people were taught this stuff already, no one would be in a pinch.
      So sadly, all of our REAL education has just begun, hang in there brother, your not alone.

      Documented Americans, Assemble and Educate, educate your family your friends and your neighbors. "United" (like Annie McShane says) is the only way out from under this mess.
      "We have to be the change we need." ... a fortune cookie.

    2. I responded but it never showed up. I appreciate everyone here and respect everybody has their own truths. Something might work for one but not another. You better know your stuff 100% as I believe you will be tested. I saw a youtube video of a guy in traffic court who challenged the court about rights to travel. The judge debated him on rights vs privileges. The judge even asked him if he had money and he said no there is no legal money since 1933. He did prevail but in the comments someone made the point we register our vehicles which makes us subject to traffic laws. So again I am left scratching my head. See it here

      Also is there a forum somewhere with like minded people to discuss these things?

  10. I started listening to the videos. They need to STOP putting music on them. It is hard to understand. I'm not listening for entertainment.

    1. yep yep yep Its an emotional harvesting technique. Awful! Once ya know what it is... pretty low thing to do. Don't really trust the undercurrents of their vids. Again, lacking in remedy, as tho its a never ending spiral of helplessness, victimhood. Can't dig it. Reckon that's why I stopped listening.

  11. Solutions, Actions and Remedies must be our primary focus for this point forward.

    1. NHNE - well ain't that interesting... And they know its The United States & offer AVR's recording papers.. Well, that's good to see. This community looks very interesting. Hope all goes exceptionally well for all involved! Thanks for heads up.


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