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Sunday, February 10, 2019
Constitutional Convention is a Bad Idea until After Lawful Government is Restored
Found here:
This research is extensive and you need to pay attention, especially if you are involved in one of the new Jural Assemblies for one of the states.
Allowing a Con-con now with the corporate congress in control is like allowing the Fox to guard the henhouse.
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I have been yelling from the roof tops for years, telling idiots that want a constitutional convention to please wait. The people would have no way to control it and those in power would change the constitution to the point that "We the people" would be left with nothing to protect us from them. Please do what you can to stop this nonsense. Thank you
ReplyDeletePastor Ron McBride
They could only change the corporate charter " Constitution"..1871... they are not the People.
DeleteIf anyone has been paying attention , un corrected status = citizen = not one of the people, the originators and organic white christisn landowning men who crested all this .. Anna , correvt me if I am wrong..CM Kevin Cote'
The Biggest Lie Ever Told, Headlines with a Voice, 6:10 min's
Would not support a constitutional convention with the "delegates" of these "corporations".
Am with Anna for the Continental Congress.
Peace. ra
Some links to review - God Bless Everyone
All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved
The Mark of the beast is not a literal number on your forehead or your right hand. They could tattoo you from head to toe with 666 or any other number they feel like it, it’s not gonna change how you feel about Jesus one way or the other.
DeleteThe Bible itself clearly defines the mark. It’s in your forhead or in your right hand.
What’s in your forehead? Well, that would be your mind or your brain.
What about your right hand? The right hand has always been shown as a symbol of power.
So the explanation a definition is as simple as this; to have the mark of the beast means in your mind you are deceived and believe that the antichrist is Jesus and having his symbol on your right hand means you are doing his work and carrying his message forward claiming him to be Jesus, when in fact he is the antichrist, also known as the devil and Satan.
The Mark of the beast is a spiritual mark. You either believe his nonsense and help it spread or you don’t. That’s it!
If you don’t know that Satan comes before Jesus you already have the Mark of the beast. Sorry.
If you believe in the “rapture theory,” you already have the mark of the beast.
Satan is kicked out of heaven after the sixth seal is opened, and the sixth trump is blown, and the six vial is poured out.
Jesus returns at the seventh trump.
All of this is plainly laid out in the Scriptures if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Fruit Inspector,
DeleteHere is the real and entire history on this subject from the early Church.
I pass along the information, it is up to the individual to decide what to do with it
All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved
I agree, no convention. I am trying to imagine the likes of Hillary, Saunders, Pelosi and Cortez writing the changes....with Mueller doing the final proofing.... Yikes!
ReplyDeleteThe only reason to have a "constitutional convention" is to eliminate it completely....period...!! You can see how they use semantics against us....and you want to change it...!! It looks like we will be agueing over that document for the next 200 years....!!
DeleteI can tell you one thing that would change the meaning of the constitution overnight...!!
Eliminate the amendment that says..."no one can restict the right to contract"...!!
It should read no one can create "unilateral contracts" or "unconsciousable contracts", which is punishable by "death"....!!
This is the viewpoint of the John Birch Society which has always somewhat surprised me in that they purport to be such a conservative voice. I understand the logic and desire of restoring the original government and certainly if that grassroots movement, as supported by this website, ever gained a momentum similar to that of the COS movement today, then absolutely that would be the way to go and I'm sure most COS supporters would be happy to jump on board. But if the JBS thinks that educating the populace to the point where real change could take place (and notice they do not say anything about restoring the original government), then they are morons. The average voter can't even tell you the 3 branches of the government, much less understand why they 'should" elect conservative, change-minded representatives. Furthermore, almost half of the populace just wants more socialism and not a return to an intended constitutional republic. So good luck with that JBS! Your proposal is far more of a misguided pipe dream than the COS would ever be. Beyond that, the biggest reason that the Federal government has ballooned out of control is because of the massively corrupt kidnapping of our country by the Federal Reserve and the international central banking cartel. Fix that and the greatest disease inflicting our country might begin to heal. Until we do that and take back our country, anything else is simply treating the symptoms.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Rockefeller behind the set up and financing for the JBS so that he could find out everything that was discussed by all the supporters and then add subversive elements into the whole scenario?
DeletePeace. ra
Says who? I would like to know if that is true.
DeletePaul, in the early 1990's in Kalispell, our group of researchers had found this information and brought it out on KGEZ with Barry and Daneen's talk show. Wish that info was still at my fingertips, but this may help:
DeleteThe John Birch Society EXPOSED!
Peace. ra
Ra you need to look at this one.
Also see:
DeleteMyth: The JBS is nothing more than controlled opposition, pretending to be a friend to the cause of liberty. Robert Welch sold his candy company to the leftist, internationalist Rockefellers.
Fact: Robert Welch was out of the candy manufacturing business (retiring in 1956) when his brother (for whom he used to work) sold the James O. Welch Candy company to Nabisco in 1963. JBS has never been funded by any Rockefeller money. Nelson Rockefeller publicly attacked JBS, and JBS has exposed the Rockefeller support for the United Nations and its goal of a new world order more than any other organization.
Paul, Christ said there were already subverter's amongst the ranks of the apostles (Judas). JBS showing Myth's for perusal, is nothing more than the fox's monitoring the hen house--or the DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc. investigating their own agency. There are thousands honest people who have stayed with JBS and that is their perogative and none of my business. Every association, even the Mason's have many supporters who swear that the whole organization is wonderful and helpful. Think about the compartmentalization that is in the military, gov't, church's, etc. What we don't know, we really don't know. Many have been constantly deceived by these liars, who are like their father satan. Even satan allows a certain number of his followers to take the fall so that the organization still keeps going.
DeletePeace. ra
No, you don't know the real history. I lived through this, but I won't discuss it on this forum.
DeleteContact me and we will have that conversation.
Fruit Inspector
ReplyDeleteThe way I am seeing this is that the more jobs this beast system devours the less jobs and a source of income for the people of the earth which in turn leads to people not having a way to earn a living, provide shelter, food or any other basic essential to sustain life
Therefore you are pushed to the point of no other choice but to believe in God or go for help to feed yourself?
This is why they have come up with a Universal Basic Income
I could be way off base here but what good is claiming your name or doing any of this if there is no infrastructure on the back end to help transition from the current system of which everything runs off of?
Just some detail, I have worked in the elctronic data field pretty much my entire career and I know without a doubt about all of these systems and how they work (funny how I speak out about this beast system and I can no longer find work in that field now isn't it)
By the grace of God I have family for now that I can rely on but that too based on economic pressures and the lack of my not being able to find work will ultimately lead to family no longer supporting me and my efforts to spread the word
I've heard Anna state that there is a system that can be brought up and used to bring in the correct working model but to date no other information from her on how that can be done in parallel or if it is being attempted?
You also have all the other infrastructure that is tied to it like buying gas, groceries, the groceries themselves - all of this is controlled by the bankers so has to be working with vendors suppliers and others to deliver the goods for purchase and can that be done without the beast forbidding it?
All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved
Comment as Findingthetruth. All any legislator needs to do to RUN from an Art. V Convention is read Par.2, Declaration of Independence!
ReplyDeleteFrom Gary Marbut, Missoula Montana
and a proposed solution at